Taehyung- pregnant
I've been thinking about this kinda stuff a lot recently, idk why. I used to be someone who said "I'm definitely going to adopt I don't wanna be pregnant that sounds like hell on Earth" but recently idk I think it's sounds like the magic of having a child might just override the negatives of being pregnant. But hey who knows I'm not old enough yet anyway I only just turned 17 and I'm single af but yeah I've just been thinking about it a lot anyway on with the story....
From when you first started dating, you and taehyung both agreed that you wanted kids. You both loved kids so much and there was nothing you wanted more than to have kids of your own. You'd tried a few times but now you knew you were fully serious, you felt confident in your relationship that you could care for a child together. So now you tried more, putting in the effort to track your fertility and etc, but still...nothing happened. You started getting worried that maybe there was something wrong with you, and you couldn't have a baby for some reason. You even went to the doctor but he said that you were fine.
One morning you woke up and decided to take a pregnancy test since you last tried a few nights ago, even though at this point you were starting to lose hope. While you were waiting for it to work, you put the kettle on to make some coffee. After a few sips of coffee you go to look at the test, and start to choke once you see the result. Two lines.
You go into panic mode, pacing up and down the house, giggling with excitement every two seconds. "How am I gonna tell taehyung? what are the rest of the boys gonna think? Will it interfere with BTS? Will they hate me?....is it a girl or a boy? What will we call them?" Are just a few of the questions racing through your mind. You start crying, both of happiness and of fear and of every other emotion you could think of, to put it simply, you are a mess. You want to tell tae right now, but you want to tell him in person, rather than over text. You want to see his reaction; you want to be able to hug him tight. But you just can't wait for him to get home at the end of the day. So you text him
Babe can you come home early today? I have something important to tell you.
What is it?
I can't tell you now. I can only tell you once you're home.
Awwww come on tell me nooooowwwww
Ok I'm coming home soon I can't stand the tension anymore.
You quickly get a chair and place it in the living room, next to a camera balancing on the table, so you can look back on the moment in years to come, since your memory isn't great. You hear the door open and you quickly hide the pregnancy test behind your back.
"Come on tell me then!!" He says
"Come sit on this chair" you say, grabbing his hand and pulling him to the chair.
"Close your eyes." You say as he sits down.
"Hold out your hands" you say excitedly.
"I'm scared!!" He said, wriggling in the chair. You place the test in his hands and he feels it for a moment before saying "what...is it?"
"Open your eyes." You say. As he opens his eyes, your heart skips a beat. You see the excitement on his face, and suddenly he starts crying. He stands up and hugs you so tight. You start crying too. You stay that way for what feels like hours, just hugging and kissing and crying of happiness. Eventually he pulls away, placing his hands on your lower stomach, where there will, in the near future, be a bump. He leans down and kisses it several times, before hugging you again.
A few months later, you notice a bump starting to form, and it's getting harder to hide. It's about time you told the rest of the guys, so you do the same thing you did for taehyung: a chair in the living room next to a camera balanced on the table. You invite them over, one by one, to tell them.
First is Jin — he comes over and when you beacon him to the chair he gets suspicious "what's happening...?" He says as he sits down in the chair. "Just close your eyes and hold out your hands." You say. He starts flinching and wriggling, being his usual skittish self. He lets out a squeak as tae places the test in his hands before visibly relaxing and saying "is this what I think it is?" With a smile. "Open your eyes" tae says, excitedly. Jin opens his eyes and looks down, before squealing exactly, saying "wow congratulations!!!" about ten times over, whilst hugging you both.
Next is Suga. He says hi to Jin, who is sitting on the sofa/couch, carelessly sits on the chair, completely oblivious. But when you ask him to close his eyes, he says "wait what?"
"Just do it." You say laughing, so he does. Meanwhile Jin is making silly noises to try and scare him. Once it's in his hands, he says "oh...I know what it is..." with a smirk on his face. He opens his eyes, and laughs before standing up and hugging you and tae, and congratulating you both. You can tell he's holding back his excitement.
Next is Hoseok. He comes is and immediately sees Jin and yoongi, and says "wait what are they doing here?", pointing at them. "You'll find out soon." You say pushing him toward the chair. He sits down and taehyung says "close your eyes and hold out your hand". Hoseok grimaces and says "oh god why you know I'm terrified of these types of things."
"Just do it I promise it's nothing scary." You say, and so he reluctantly holds his hands out and closes his eyes. Tae places the test in his hand which makes him jump. You see his shoulders drop as he looks at the test, and a smile grows across his face. He just screams with excitement causing everyone else in the room to laugh. He then hugs the two of you before congratulating you.
Then came namjoon, (I'm not gonna go into the detail anymore cause otherwise this story will go on forever and it'll all just be the same thing over and over again anyway. Just imagine it yourself ), then jimin, and finally jungkook. They were all so excited to hear the news.
Gender reveal
Your doctor called and said that they knew the gender, so you quickly gave the phone to Hoseok, who was around your house at the time, to find out the gender. He then went off and got some balloons, that were either pink for girl and blue for boy, that were in a box, so you couldn't see them. He also got a cake that was either pink or blue inside, and party poppers that were either blue or pink. Everyone came over, the rest of the boys, as well as their choreographer, Bang PD nim, basically everyone in the big hit team. You and tae hold the knife together and cut the cake, while Namjoon and Jungkook open the box of balloons and Jin, Jimin and Yoongi pop the party poppers. Time suddenly slows as you cut down into the cake. As you pull the knife out you see pink frosting on the blade, and look over to see pink balloons emerging from the box and pink streamers on the floor in front of you. Everyone shouts with excitement, and taehyung hugs you before kissing you with his hands on your bump.
Ok imma end it now cause its gonna be HELLA long otherwise. I might continue it in a future story but its just getting too long now. How was your Christmas(if you celebrate it)? Mine was great I got two albums!! Tear R version and Answer L version AND i got super lucky and got suga photocards in both of them which is great! I also got a ton of other bts stuff but not all of it is official lol, its just like pins and stuff though. See ya in 2019!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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