Suga part 2- alternate ending (sf)
I'm really stuck for ideas right now so I'm just going to write this down. So basically when I was writing the last suga one shot I actually had another ending in mind, but I ended up changing it to be a bit more optimistic, so I'm going to write my original idea. Cool cool I'll just go now.
When you get home, Yoongi immediately goes over to the couch and flops onto it, and sighing. You get the thermometer and kneel down in front of him. "Can I take your temperature?" You ask, holding up the thermometer. He just nods. "Just put it under your tongue." You say, so he opens his mouth and you put the thermometer under his tongue. You sit for a moment, staring at his tired eyes. Your heart breaks at the thought of what it must be like for him right now.
The thermometer beeps, so you take it out of his mouth and read what it says. "39.2 degrees(Celsius)." You say, worried.
"Is that bad?" Yoongi says, mumbling. You don't say anything, and just look it up on your phone.
"Yep it's very bad..." you say still scrolling through the google search results, getting more and more nervous as you go. "From what I'm seeing, I think you should go to the hospital." You say, still reading through countless articles, trying to find a glimmer of hope.
"Oh really?! Your kidding me." He says louder than before.
"I wish I was." You say putting your phone down and looking at him again, your eyes full of worry. "Do you want to go? I won't force you to go if you don't want to, but I recommend you do."
"*sigh* yeah i'll go, in a bit though." he says.
"ok, we'll go in about 10 minutes ok?" you say looking at your watch and back up at him. He nods and relaxes back down into the couch, while you sort out a few things before you go.
10 minutes later you go back to yoongi and gently wake him. He definitely isn't well.
"Are you ready to go now?" you ask, but he doesn't respond for a while.
"I can't move." he says, so quitely, you almost can't hear it, and his voice is shaking. You can tell that he's scared.
"what?" you ask.
"I feel like I can't move...Even speaking is hard."He sounds breathless, and weak. You start panicking. This really isn't good. If he can't even move then how are you gonna get him to a hospital? In a mad moment, you decide to call 911.
"Hi, umm, i know you probably have more important things to deal with right now, but my boyfriend is really ill right now, but he said that he feels like he can't move." You look over at yoongi, still lying lifelessly on the couch.
"Ok. Luckily we aren't to busy right now so we can get an ambulance to you, but if there is an emergency they may have to diverge. What is your current location?" You tell them the hotel you're staying at and which room. You look over at yoongi again, who still hasn't moved an inch. You answer many other questions like how old is he, his name e.c.t. Eventually, you hear a knock at the door- it's the paramedics.
You quickly answer the door and let them in. You lead them over to the couch, where yoongi is still lying lifelessly. They hook him up to a portable ECG, and check other vital signs like blood pressure etc. One of the paramedics tests just how weak he is, by holding his hand, and asking him to squeeze their hand as hard as he can, but they barely get a twitch. They decide that he should definitely go to hospital, so they bring the stretcher up. You help them lift him onto it, and hold his weak hand as they wheel him into the ambulance.
(side note: jesus christ this is depressing why tf am i writing this who knows)
(Another note: I just found out sickfics are a thing today, so now I get why I like writing about this stuff so much, and now I know I'm not quite as weird and psychotic as I thought I was yaaayyyy anyway lets just carry on with the story now whoops)
When you get to the hospital, you get lucky, and it isn't very busy there at the moment, so yoongi gets a room in no time. The give him an IV to keep him hydrated before the doctor comes and gives a proper diagnosis. In the meantime, you sit next to him, holding his hand, and you start to feel his strength coming back.
"you feeling better now baby?" you ask looking at his still tired face.
"a bit" he mumbles. You let go of his hand for a second and get out your phone so you can let the other guys know what's going on.
'Just so you guys know, we're at hospital right now, but don't worry, he's ok'
At that moment, to doctor walks in and introduces himself. You explain to him that Yoongi's temperature is alarmingly high, and that he feels incredibly weak, before listing all of his various other symptoms - coughing, runny nose, stomach pains etc. The doctor is stood in the corner, scribbling things down on his clipboard between periodically looking at him as you're talking.
"seems like a bad case of the flu to me. I think once his temperature falls, then you'll be free to go home, unless any other symptoms arrive in the meantime." He says, scribbling the last few things on his clipboard and nodding at you reassuringly. You thank him just before he leaves the room. Your attention goes straight back to Yoongi, whose eyes are almost shut.
"It's ok. Just get some rest and hopefully you can be discharged soon, ok?" You say, your hand resting on his arm. You quickly look at your phone to see you've got a message back.
'we have a break soon, we'll come and visit'
You tell Yoongi that the boys are coming to visit, and you see a weak smile spread across his face.
Eventually you hear a knock on the door, and a nurse comes in closely followed by 6 guys.
"You have some visitors." she says, motioning them into the room. They all file into the room, taking up most of the space.
"how ya feelin?" namjoon asks yoongi, who still looks half asleep.
"well, better than i was i guess." He replies, a smile starting to form.
"That's a relief. " He says with a sigh. "They'll be putting out an official statement later, but it seems fans already seem suspicious. But don't worry too much."
"Will you be telling them that he's in the hospital, or just that he's not performing." You ask
"Probably just that he's ill and won't be performing, otherwise the fans will all get worried."
The guys stay for a few minutes and talk, and you can see yoongi getting more and more tired. He's starting to get restless, and you can tell he wants to be alone right now, but you don't want to tell them all to leave in fear of offending them. Luckily you can see the members also starting to realise his discomfort.
"We should get back soon." Hoseok says, standing up, ready to leave. The others agree and they all say their goodbyes and file out. You see him visibly relax once everyone's left.
"That's it. Just get some rest now ok? Then hopefully we can get out of here." You say, holding and gently moving your thumb over his hand. You see his eyes start to close as he drifts off to sleep.
After a few hours of sleep, he suddenly jolts awake. Sitting up quickly and grabbing his stomach. You quickly run to him and ask him what's wrong, but he can barely speak between groans of pain. He manages to say "I'm gonna..." and you already know what's happening. You quickly run to the door and call the nurse, telling her that he's gonna throw up. She quickly grabs some emesis bowls and runs in and holds them in front of him. You start rubbing his back as he wretches, unsuccessfully.
The nurse is asking what happened, but there's not really much to say. It all happened so suddenly, and you can feel yourself panicking, but you hold it together, for him. Eventually, one of his wretches are productive, but after that, he can't seem to stop. He can barely breathe in between heaves. It's not a pleasant sight that's for sure. The nurse starts getting worried, so leaves you with him for a minute or so to get the doctor. In the meantime, you stay rubbing his back, and saying words of encouragement.
Unfortunately for both of you, you are not good with vomit. The sight, smell and even the sound of vomit, makes you feel nauseous yourself. You know you're gonna need to step outside at some point, but you can't leave Yoongi alone like this right now. Eventually the doctor gets back with the nurse, so you quickly tell her that you need to leave for a little bit and swiftly tell Yoongi that you'll be back in a second.
You leave the room, and breathe in the sickly clean air. At least it's better than the suffocating smell of vomit. You take a few deep breaths and the nausea starts to fade. Suddenly the door open, and the nurse comes out and asks if you're ok. You explain that you have emetophobia and she understands. After saying that you'll be alright, she goes back into the room, leaving you to take a few more deep breaths before going back in. You start rubbing his back again, and now his gags and wretched are slowly getting less frequent. The doctor orders the nurse to get an anti-nausea drug, and she gets back swiftly before putting it into his IV.
Not long after, Yoongi starts to relax a bit more, and eventually falls asleep again. You sends the boys a message, giving them a bit of an update.
'Something happened. I think he may be staying in hospital for longer than we expected :( '
After a good few hours of sleep, Yoongi's temperature starts to drop, and the doctor thinks he should be discharged soon. When Yoongi finally wakes up, you tell him the news and he's clearly relieved. You can tell he doesn't like being in a hospital. They do one last blood test, before letting you go with some medication to help ease the symptoms.
The whole car journey home he is curled up in your arms, clearly suffering.
"It's ok baby, we'll get back soon." You say, after hearing him sigh shakily. "Hang in there." Once you get back to the hotel, you slowly help him into the elevator and back into your hotel room. He trudges into the bedroom and flops onto the bed. You pull the covers over him, before crouching down in front of him.
"Get some rest, ok?" You say, pushing the hair off his forehead. He hums in response and closes his eyes. You stay crouched in front of him for a moment before leaving him to sleep in peace.
Imma end this now before it goes on for too long 😂😂 sorry it's really depressing lol maybe one day I'll write something optimistic 😉 also yeah I found out sickfics are a thing but it's so hard to find them cause there aren't very many and tbh not all of them are well written (I honestly don't blame anyone I know there are people who English isn't their first language and believe me I know that English is a reeeaaaallllyyy hard language to learn as a second language.) but yee anyway I'll stop now 😂
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