Jin- car accident
Requested by d242424 hope this is good enough for ya
*Your POV*
"I don't know what happened! I w-was just driving and she appeared out of nowhere!!" Those were the last words I heard, being wheeled off on a stretcher, before the ringing in my ears blocked out anything else, and my vision faded to black.
I was just at home, and realised we had no food left, so I went out to get some. I took Jin's car, I'm sure he wouldn't mind. He would never find out anyway, he's not even in this country right now. I had never driven his car before, but that's ok right? Can't be any different to a normal car...surely? It wasn't until I started driving that I realised that this car worked much differently to what I'm used to. Everything was in a different place. I'll be fine, it's just a quick trip to the shops. I was at an intersection, but the thing is, the car is quite low, and I'm not very tall, making it quite hard to see if anything was coming. I thought nothing was there, so I pulled out, but in hindsight, that was a huge mistake. This whole thing was a huge mistake. I should've just taken my car. Honestly, I don't remember anything after that.
*Jins POV*
I had just finished a show in America, we were on tour. I got a call from (Y/N), so I answered it. I was really excited to talk to her, but the person who answered the phone...it wasn't her. It was a man. He sounded very calm considering what he was telling me...
"Sir, you are (Y/N)'s boyfriend, am I right?"
"Umm yeah. Who are you? Why do you have her phone?" I was starting to panic at this point, but honestly, it was much worse than I imagined. I thought maybe she'd just lost her phone or something, but it definitely wasn't that.
"Your girlfriend, she... she got into a car accident. We're still not fully sure of the severity yet, but it's definitely not good. You need to get over here as soon as possible." Tears were brimming in my eyes at this point, and the members had noticed.
"Umm, I'm kinda in America at the moment... have you called her family?"
"No sir, not yet, but if you think I should then I will."
"Yes you should. Call her mother, or her father at least. I'll try and get the next flight back to Korea."
"Ok. I'll be going now, sir." And with that, the phone beeped, and I was left on the other end, paralysed with fear. Namjoon came up to me, and put his hand on my shoulder.
"Jin, what happened? Why do you need to go back to Korea?" I couldn't even say it. I collapsed onto the floor, on my knees, my hands pulling on my hair, whimpering her name between sobs. I completely forgot about where I was, who was around me. All I could think about was (Y/N). What if she's dead? That was the main question on my mind, and that spiralled me into a panic attack.
"Jin...Jin it's ok... stay with us..." Yoongi, being experienced in dealing with panic attacks, stepped in to help. But I wasn't paying any attention to anything he was saying. My mind was too clouded by the thoughts of 'what if she's dead?' Playing over and over. He ended up shouting at me just so I could hear him.
" JIN. BREATHE." His shouting managed to pull me out of the haze at least a little. At least now I could hear him, counting to 4 and then to 2, so I breathed with his counting, then counted to 6 and 3 instead, and finally 8 and 4. By that time I had finally come out of it. I hadn't even realised how much I was crying, as when I went to wipe away what I thought was a few tears, my cheeks where soaked, covered in tears.
"Can you tell us what happened now Jin?" Yoongi said softly, placing a gentle hand on mine.
"It's (Y/N)... she... she was in a car accident..." I manage to choke out in between sobs. All the other members look at each other with worried faces. They knew no matter what, I was going back to Korea. Either they'd have to cancel the rest of their tour, or leave me to go on my own, and carry on the tour minus one. Neither decision was a good decision. It was a hard choice for them. They all were close and knew (Y/N) well, but their career is also important to them, and they knew that fans payed money to go and see them. Having to break the news to those thousands of fans, saying that the tour can no longer continue... it broke their heart. But in the end they decided it would be best. Leaving me to go on my own in this state, wasn't ideal to say the least.
We filmed a sombre video for the fans, well, they did, stating the situation. If I was in the video, I would break down, so it's best to stay out of it. Namjoon, stood in the middle, speaking in English, telling our fans that the tour can't go on-
"We hate to deliver this news, but unfortunately we cannot continue our tour. An incident happened involving someone who we are very close to, and we have to go back to Korea to visit them, incase... the worst happens. We hope that you understand why we are doing this. It was a difficult decision, but we thought it was the best option. We may continue the tour in the future, so we will not give refunds yet, until we organise when we will resume the tour. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Thank you." All the boys were stood with their hands held in front of them respectfully; some of them held their heads low, and they all looked solemn and serious. We knew fans would be asking where I was, but the answer is quite obvious.
The whole plane flight back we were all quiet. None of us really slept, or did anything. We just sat, thoughts racing in our brain, for the full, agonising 13 hours and 35 minutes. The whole time all I could think about was her. What if she's dead? Maybe she's not. Maybe she's completely fine and we're all worrying for no reason. But maybe not. Maybe she's stuck in the ICU, hooked up to several machines, that she's relying on to survive. My thoughts kept going round and round in circles of 'she's ok' and 'she's not.' The truth is, we just don't know until we get there.
As soon as we land we are immediately whisked away in a car, straight to the emergency room. I run straight into the er, with a panicked look on my face, leaving all the staff to be worried about what's going on. Namjoon quickly pulls me aside, and passes me over to Jimin, who holds me back by my shoulders. In the meantime, Namjoon goes over to the desk to ask if (Y/N) is here and if we can see her. I stop struggling and listen carefully to what they say.
"(Y/N) is in the ICU at the moment, so you can't see her at the moment, however if you wait a little bit we may be able to get permission for you to see her." I breathe a half-hearted sigh of relief. At least I get to see her again. Whether it's for the last time or not. We all sit in the waiting room, our legs shaking with nerves and anticipation. Every time a nurse walks into the waiting room, my heart stops for a second, anticipating her name, but it never is. The wait gets longer and longer, until we've been there for hours, but we aren't leaving yet. I'm not moving until I know I get to her hand at least one last time.
It wasn't until about an hour later that a very nice nurse, whose hair was tied back in a neat bun and had a pleasant smile on her face, came up to us, a clipboard held under her right arm, and asks "are you here to see miss (Y/N)?" I immediately sprang up from my seat, my eyes wide and said "yes, please tell me I can see her"
"yes, right this way, sir." She motions down the corridor, and I follow her down the agonisingly long hallway. Then I see her, lying lifelessly, hooked up to various machines, all helping her to stay alive. I can barely see her face behind all the bandages and bruises. I couldn't hold back the fat tears brewing in my eyes, looking at her. The last time I saw her she was so perfect, and beautiful. Now she's just a bruised shell of herself. I go and sit next to her bed, and hold her frail hand in mine, being extra careful, as sobs start escaping.
After what feels like ages, her doctor arrives bearing news. Not good news, not bad news, just news. "You are (Y/N)'s boyfriend, yes?" I nod, only just able to see him through the tears in my eyes. "Well, you may or may not be glad to hear, that her chances of survival are about 50/50. Its hard to tell at the moment since it is so soon after the accident, but if she keeps improving then she may be able to survive. However her chances of making a full recovery are slim to none."
I was a mix of emotions after hearing those words. I was relieved that she at least had a chance at survival. Yet i knew that there was still a chance... of her not surviving. And even if she did survive, she would never get back to normal. Things will never be the way they were. She could be disabled, stuck in a wheelchair. Or maybe she'll just have a few scars. It's impossible to tell.
Unfortunately, there are restrictions on how long you have to visit someone in an ICU. You can only see them for an hour. But that hour went so quickly... too quickly. The kind nurse came up to us, politely saying that our time was up. I couldn't help but get angry. I wanted to be with her forever. The thought of leaving her cause a pain deep in my chest that I couldn't ignore. I'm lucky i've known the members for so long. They immediately saw my anger and managed to stop it before it escalated.
We were walking down the hallway, just a few yards away, when I heard a long, continuous beep. No longer the short regular beats, but a long, piercing beep. I froze, right there in the middle of the corridor. No...no it cant be... it isn't her it's someone else.......Please tell me it isn't her. I was too scared to even turn around to see if what my mind was telling me was right. I could hear the muffled sounds of doctors screaming commands at each other. I could hear my members asking me if I was ok, asking the nurse what was going on. I couldn't even cry. I was too paralysed by the fear that she was gone... and I didn't even get to say a proper goodbye.....
...How could I have been so stupid....
Well that was dramatic af lol. You can decide how it ends. Does she live? does she die? it's up to you....
cause I'm mean and like suspensful endings 😂😂 Hope it was good!
안녕!!! 👋🏻
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