jhope-narcolepsy (sf)
based on smeraldo.
'My narcolepsy occurred anytime, anywhere. I always ended up having dreams about mom when I blacked out. The dreams were all alike. I was heading somewhere with mom on a bus.' So even though I never do this, I'm gonna write this one in first person, just cause I feel like it would flow better. Anyway on with the story.
I've known Hoseok for a long time- since we were about 5 or 6. I lived at a foster home at the time, because my dad abused me and my mother was an alcoholic. I moved to the foster home when I was still very young- 2 or 3- with my sister, so it's all I've ever know really.
Then he came along. At first he was a very quiet child. He never spoke to anyone; he would refuse to eat; he wouldn't come out to the park with us or anything. Once I found out why, it all made a bit more sense. He was abandoned by his mother. Completely out of nowhere. When he was found, no one could find his mother. So instead they sent him to a foster home, to live at until they found her, but alas, they never did. His trust was broken by the one person you should trust the most in your life, and so he was heart broken. A sad, depressed 5 year old. Eventually, he started getting louder, once he started seeing a therapist. They helped him 'get back on his feet' so to say. From there we became the closest of friends. We were inseparable.
Despite this, he still showed a lot of side effects, going into his teens. The most prevalent being narcolepsy. He would fall into a deep sleep suddenly, and no one really knew why. But this hurdle only made our relationship stronger. I made sure I was always there to catch him when he fell. As we grew into young adults, our bond became something more than just friends. This may seem weird, considering that we were raised like siblings, but we never really saw it that way.
Now we have moved out into our own apartment, and live, just us two, away from the hectic foster home. He wants to be more independent, but I'm just too afraid to let him out on his own. What if he blacks out while walking and falls and hits his head? Or even worse, what if he blacks out while crossing a road?? The thought just terrifies me. So we're hoping to get a service dog, who could help to warn him of an episode, so he can get to a safe place before it happens. But the dog is still training at the moment, and he's not quite ready to be trusted yet.
But Hoseok is not happy about that.
"Why can't I just be independent? I'm a grown man not a child! Having you constantly following me around; it's patronising!" He shouts, angry. However much I try, I can't calm him down. He ends up storming out the house, and I watch nervously out the window. I want to run to him, but I also want to give him the independence that he's begging for. I watch as he crosses the road, until suddenly he stops, in the middle of the road, and falls to the floor. I immediately run to him. People have gotten out of their cars, thinking he's fainted. I run over to them, and say to a man, who had his phone out ready, "He's got narcolepsy, It's ok you don't have to call the ambulance or anything." I move Hoseok off the road, and onto the pavement, and start trying to wake him up.
"Are you sure he's ok?" The man says holding up his phone.
"yes he's fine i swear. You don't need to call anyone." Another man gets out of his car and starts shouting.
"JESUS CHRIST HE SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME!" I apologise profusely, saying he has narcolepsy. "NARCOLEPSY????? WHY IS HE OUT ON HIS OWN IF HE HAS NARCOLEPSY??? HE COULD'VE DIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The screaming was causing me to stress, and I started feeling guilty. I should have gone after him straight away.
"I-I'm sorry i couldn't convince him. He were arguing and he just stormed out of the house before i could go after him." I say, tears starting to form in my eyes. I start to worry about Hoseok, who hasn't woken up yet. I start gently shaking him to try and get him to wake up, meanwhile the man is pacing back and forth, pulling at his hair.
He wakes up, and the first thing he says is "i had that dream again". Everytime he blacks out he has the same dream. He's on a bus with his mother. He wipes away his tears-that dream always makes him cry in his sleep without realising it- and only then does he notice the pain in his head from when he fell.
"does it hurt badly?" I say, helping him sit up.
"yeah, did i fall?" he says, rubbing his head.
"yeah, right in the middle of the road. You really put yourself in danger storming out like that."
"sorry. I promise I won't leave the house without you gain."
I help him stand up, but he stumbles. "I feel dizzy." he says, holding his head where he hit it.
The pacing man realises the Hoseok is awake and starts screaming at him. "DO YOU KNOW HOW TERRIFIED I WAS WHEN YOU FAINTED RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME???? I COULD'VE RUN YOU OVER, DO YOU REALISE THAT?? WHAT WERE YOU THINKING??? YOU....FUCKING IDIOT!!!" He says, getting closer and closer to Hoseok with each sentence, until his face is just centimetres away. I quickly run in between them to separate them.
"Please stop screaming. Stress makes it worse. He'll black out again if you keep screaming at him like this. And he didn't faint, he fell asleep." I say, trying to stop the scene. But he starts screaming at me instead.
"ASLEEP??!!! WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU JUST FALL ASLEEP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD??? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU TWO???!!!!!!!!!" I start getting angry and I can't help but shout back at him.
"HE CAN'T CONTROL IT. THAT'S WHAT NARCOLEPSY IS! DO YOU KNOW NOTHING?" Hoseok pulls me back and reassures me. "let's just go, ok" I nod and we just walk away. He tries to follow us but we slam the door on him, and he went away. Hoseok flops onto the couch, and starts holding his head again.
"is your head still hurting?" My attention goes back to him. He nods, and i can see the pain in his face, so i grab an icepack from the freezer, and put it on his head where he hit it. He winces and hisses in pain, and I apologise. "are you still feeling dizzy or not?" I ask. He waits a moment, before nodding. "ok we should take you to a hospital. Just to make sure there's no major damage." I say, my hand resting on his shoulder. I know how much he hates going to the hospital. Ever since he was young, he would scream and cry and throw a tantrum when he was told he had to go. Now, he's just reluctant, but he grin and bares it.
Once hes finally seen to by a doctor, I explain that he has narcolepsy, and fell after blacking out. The doctor asks why he was alone in the first place, and the guilt starts coming back again.
"He stormed out of the house before I could stop him. he'd just been saying that he wanted more independence, so i though maybe i should just him go. I watched from my window, and as soon as i saw him collapse, i ran straight too him. But you're right, i should've followed straight after him." I say, looking down and playing with my hands. The guilt feels overwhelming.
"It's ok, we all make mistakes." The doctor says, noticing my guilt. He goes on to do several tests on Hoseok. You know, like, all those weird co-ordination test they make you do to check for brain damage, like walking in a straight line while touching your nose. Since he still feels dizzy, he does't manage to walk in a straight line, and keeps swaying.
"luckily, i think its just a mild concussion. He should be fine within a week or so. But if things get worse in the meantime, do comeback." They put a dressing on the wound on his head and let us go.
Once we get home, he turns to me and says "sorry about earlier. Now i understand why you don't want me to go anywhere alone. It just kinda feels like i'm being treated like a child, y'know?"
"yeah i know. That's why we're getting the service dog. Just stay patient. You'll get to go out alone one day i promise." he smiles at me and we go and make dinner.
Max has finally finished his training. He can now be trusted to go out with Hoseok, and he can go out alone. He stands by the door, max's leash held proudly in his hand. I kiss him, and smile proudly. He can finally go out on his own, without fear of falling from blacking out.
"see ya later" I say, my hands still on his shoulders. I stand in the doorway, watching him walk off, on his own, confident that he will return.
Ok jesus this is alot longer than i though it was lol. Sorry if some parts are awkward im not used to writing in first person (lol). I hope you liked it!! I just read save me and im dying its so deep i can't. Also i can't remember if i've mentioned TXT yet but i am hella excited its full of visuals ugh i just cant also they're all so much closer in age to me its so weird, like two of them are younger than me i can't process that anyway yeah more comin soon 😉
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