Yoonseok ~ I hear your pain
Being a mind reader has its ups and downs. A great thing about it is I always know what to get people and I always know what people want to do. And although those are great things that I don't have to worry about, the downsides are that I hear someone thoughts right before they end everything or I hear the thoughts of people going through stuff. I hear their deepest, scariest, saddest secrets and I have to deal with their thoughts on top of mine. Min Yoongi is one of those people. I'm genuinely concerned and wish I had to courage to at least introduce myself to him. His thoughts are my main focus the majority of the time.
Sitting in class now, him only a few seats away, he is definitely not paying attention to the teacher. His thoughts are going a mile a minute and each thought has me wanting to stand up and hug him. Thankfully, the bell rings interrupting his thought process. Today was the worst it's ever been. Continuously talking about his father and his mother, about his younger brother, it was all too much. I decide today is the day I have to confront him. I have to talk to him.
Before he got the chance to disappear into the hallway, I grab his wrist. I make sure that I don't listen to any of his thoughts while I'm talking to him, I made that mistake only once, but never again. "Hey, uh, I know we never talked to each other before, but I've wanted to talk to you for a while now, I'm not sure why I didn't, well I guess I was scared, but I was wondering if maybe you wanted to sit together at lunch?" Damn it, I rambled. He looks me up and down and shrugs. "I guess, it's not like I have anyone else to sit with."
I smile and nod excitedly. He gives me the side eye and starts walking towards the courtyard. I grab my bag and start walking quickly to catch up to him. "Soo, what do you like to do?" He shrugs again and I can tell he's not going to speak very much, which I should've already known since I've heard his thoughts while he was talking to someone new before. "I like music, I guess." As soon as the words spill out of his mouth, I get flashbacks of his thoughts. I shiver unconsciously and Yoongi notices. "Are you okay?" I shake the thoughts away and nod.
"Yeah sorry, just got a cold chill." He gave me a weird glance again and chuckled. "You're weird. What was your name again?" I tap into his thoughts for a second to see if he's serious. 'I'm not sure if I can trust him or let anyone else in. I want to trust you Hoseok!' I smile a bit to myself, but it must not have been that secretive because Yoongi squints at me. "Hoseok. My names Hoseok."
Yoongi nods and sits on a bench. I didn't even realize we made it outside. I sit next to him, making sure I don't get too close. I know how much he loves personal space. "So, why exactly did you want to sit together at lunch?" I shrug, racking my brain for something I could use as an excuse. "You looked lonely?" I knew that was not the best thing to say, but it was partial truth and the only normal answer. He shrugs, looking unfazed which makes me tap into his thoughts one more time.
'I am pretty lonely..' "Some people like being alone." 'Although I wouldn't mind someone in my life.' I have to force myself to ignore his thoughts again. They're too much. The bell rings, causing Yoongi to shoot up. "I'll see you tomorrow?" Yoongi shrugs but hesitates. "I don't know. It was nice talking to you, Hoseok, but I don't do friends. Sorry." As he is walking away I tap into his thoughts one last time. 'It's for the best. You don't want to hurt him or get yourself hurt, do you?'
Aish. This may be harder than I thought.
It's been two weeks of me hanging out with Yoongi and I think he's finally trusted me. Since it is the weekend I thought that I could invite him over to hang out. The last bell rings, releasing us to the busy hallways after last period. I hurry and grab my stuff and catch Yoongi at his locker. "Yoongi~!" He looks back to me and smiles. "Hey Hoseok, what's up?" I smile, leaning up against the locker beside his. "Want to sleep over tonight? My parents are away on business so we wouldn't be bothered." He shrugs. "Sounds fun, I'll be over in an hour or so?" I nod, nudging his shoulder a little bit. "Okay, see you then." I smile brightly at him before heading home.
When I finally get home, I set up a movie, blankets, and snacks. In about an hour I hear a knock at my door. I excitedly open it to reveal a frowning Yoongi. "Hey Yoongi, everything alright?" I step to the side, allowing him inside. He shrugs. "Uh, yeah, w-where do you want me to set my stuff?" I tell him that he can set his stuff back in my room. As he is putting his stuff away I tap into his thoughts.
'You shouldn't be surprised that he hit you again. You should never be surprised you dumbass.' Just as soon as I tapped into them, I tap out. I caught a glimpse of a flashback he was having. His dad hit him again. He comes back out and I smile at him. "I-I set up a movie, I hope you like sci-fi." Yoongi nods and smiles softly at me. He sits on the opposite side of the couch. His collar on his shirt lowers for a second and I see a purple bruise near his collar bone. "Yoongi," He looks up at me, frowning. "Yeah Hoseok?"
"What's that mark near your collarbone?" His eyes widen and he covers himself with the blanket. "Nothing." I sigh. "Yoongi, you know you can tell me anything, right?" He nods, hesitantly. I sigh again and turn the movie on.
The movie ends and Yoongi sighs. "It would be so cool to be able to mind read." I shrug. "There would be a lot of things bad about being able to mind read too, Yoongi. Some things are better left unheard and unsaid." He chuckles. "I guess you're right." That's when an idea springs into my head. "What would you do if a friend of yours told you that they were able to read minds?" He thinks about the question for a second. "That would be cool, too bad it isn't real." I shrug. "What if I told you it was."
He squints his eyes, studying me. "What are you trying to tell me?" I look down at my hands, not wanting to see his reaction. "I-I. I can read people's minds." I break my rule and tap into his mind. For once it is silent, my words echoing in the depths of his subconscious, but just as soon as the peace starts, it ends and chaos erupts. "You're so full of shit, Hoseok." I look up at him, a lump forming in the back of my throat. "I'm serious, Yoongi." He scoffs. "Here I am thinking you took our friendship seriously and now you want me to believe that you can read someone's minds like you're some dumbass character in some dumbass movie."
The lump turns into tears forming in my eyes and I struggle with words. "I-I can prove it!" He scoffs again. "Save it. Just, leave me alone." He gets up and heads towards the door.
"You're dad abuses you." He stops. "What did you just say to me?"
"You're dad abuses you. It's how you got that bruise on your collarbone and it's why you were upset when you first came. Your mom passed away when your brother was only three and that left him a drunk mess and since you were older and wanted to protect your brother, you took the beating." He glares at me and speaks through gritted teeth. "How do you know that? Are you some kind of stalker?" I shake my head, tears starting to fall, my eyes begging him to believe me. "No, I can read minds, Yoongi, please." I grab his arm, but he pulls away.
"Prove it." I tap into his thoughts. "You wanted so bad for our friendship to work and now you're just disappointed. You think I'm lying, but part of you wants to believe me. 'Maybe he isn't lying? Maybe he can read minds.'" When I look back at Yoongi his eyes are wide. At this point, I'm sobbing uncontrollably. I'm thinking I ruined everything when he speaks up. "Stop crying." He says softly, but sternly. I wipe my tears and dare to look at him. When we catch each other's eyes he sighs. "I believe you, Hoseok, stop cryin-"
I cut him off by hugging him, sobbing into his chest. "Hey, Hoseok, stop crying, seriously, you're going to make my shirt all wet." He says chuckling, rubbing my head slightly. "Sorry," I let go of him and wipe my eyes. He pulls his shirt down a little to inspect the tear spots, but in the process, I catch another glimpse of his bruise. I walk over to him, touching it very lightly. "Hey, what are you-" He hisses in pain. "Sorry! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." He pulls away from me a little, but I grab his wrist. I catch his eyes again, my hand slipping into his. "You shouldn't let him do this to you. You don't deserve it." I kiss his forehead and then his nose. "You're too beautiful to think the thoughts you do. You deserve happiness and life just as much as the next person." I kiss his collarbone as gently as I can and then peck his lips. "Don't forget that."
I've wanted to do a Yoonseok one shot for the longest time!!! Also, shoutout to my friend for inspiring the idea.
I hope you enjoyed~!
I love you~~
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