Yoonseok ~ Boron Nitride Pt. 1
Guys, listen okay, this was for an assignment in Science. I had to make something out of ionic bonding and all that bullshit, so me being me, I made a short story, okay okay.
ALSO me being me: I made this shit into a Yoonseok fanfic bc I knew I'd want to share it with you guys, so I hope you enjoy ♡♡♡
No One's Pov:
Before the formation of our solar system, nuclear fission happened when two cosmic-rays crashed into each other. This nuclear fission created boron, an element that will be useful for generations to come, and years later, our solar system was formed. Boron still roamed space, looking for a place to go.
All he wanted was to find a place he could be useful, but in the past he didn't succeeded. As he is searching the new solar system, a blue and green planet catches his eye. He tries to get closer, but the second he does he gets thrown into it's atmosphere. He lands softly, almost like he floated down.
He shakes his fall off and stands up, examining his surroundings. He opens his mouth and breaths, trying to figure out what just happened, but the second he breathes, he starts to feel off. He looks up the sun, squinting and starting to feel warm. He falls to the ground, doubling over. He starts to shake, burning up.
He tries getting up again, but stumbles backwards, falling into a nearby pond, instantly cooling down. He stands up, shaking the water off of him. He, cautiously, breathes again, but this time nothing happens. He starts walking, hoping to find somewhere he can dry off his clothes. Eventually, he found himself in a city.
"Where am I?" He thought. "Help! Someone, please help them!" He looks to his left, seeing a lady crying on the ground, looking up to the second story of a burning building. Instantly, he jumps to action. He runs into the building, people yelling at him to stop, which he ignores.
When he gets up to the second floor, he sees three people sitting in a small circle in the hallway of the apartment building. One's crying, one is coughing, and the other is rubbing circles into the other two's back.
"Come with me, I'll get you out of here." The hesitate, but go with him. As the are about to leave, apart of the ceiling opens up, dropping flaming pieces. He quickly pulls them under him. He stands over them, taking the hot pieces on his back, but he remains unharmed. They get outside, being reunited with friends and family. He stays to the side, quietly watching them happily hug their loved ones. Finally, someone calls attention to him. "Sir, what's your name?" He smiles, shrugging and looking up.
A person hiding around the corner gasps to himself. "How did he find his way here?" He thought. "I've been hiding here for a year, but of course, that would've been an eternity for him." His heart picked up the pace and he grew frustrated. He would try to steer Boron away from being the hero here too. With a snap of his finger, he has his normal street clothes on again and is walking towards the scene. "Oh my gosh, is everyone okay? Go call for help, I'll deal with our brave hero." He walks up to Boron and smirks.
"Long time no see, friend." The instant Boron sees his smirk he grimaces. "Nitrogen?! How are you here?" Nitrogen laughs and starts walking, insisting Boron to follow. "First of all, everyone refers to me as Hoseok here. Second of all, I got here a year ago, which is an eternity for you, or at least was an eternity for you. I don't recommend calling me Nitrogen aloud, by the way."
Boron frowns. "And why is that?" Hoseok stops in his tracks, turning to Boron and smiling. "Nitrogen is a supervillain here. Nitrogen is the one who started that fire that you decided to rescue." Boron shakes his head. "I'm still confused, where are we?" Hoseok starts walking again, looking up. "You're on the planet Earth in a solar system called the Milky Way. Your coordinates are 37.5665 degrees north, 126.9780 degrees east, but to make it simpler, you're in Seoul, South Korea."
Boron took a second to process this but quickly jumped into action. "Ni - Hoseok, I mean Hoseok, as much as I don't want to ask you for help, what should I do to fit in here?" Hoseok smiles, finally stopping. "First, you need a name, how about, hm," Hoseok takes a moment to think and then lights up. "How about Yoongi?" Boron grimaces. "It'll have to do, Yoongi it is. What's next?" Hoseok walks into the building they were standing in front of, Yoongi following closely behind. Clothes surround every inch of the large building. "You need a new wardrobe, so you can fit in."
They spent hours in the store, just finding him a new wardrobe. After they finish, they go back to Hoseok's apartment. Yoongi frowns, sitting on one of the stools at the counter. "You're Nitrogen, aren't you?" Hoseok laughs and sits down on the couch, not much far from him. "Who else would be?" He laughs. "Why do you always have to be a villain? Can't you ever just be nice?" Hoseok's face drops and he motions to the shopping bags. "I just bought a whole new wardrobe just so you could fit in with this mess of a planet, did I not? I'm letting you live here, so you don't have to deal with landlords. You don't even know what a landlord is for heavens sakes! You might as well get over whatever expectations or tension you have built up for me because I'm all you got here."
Yoongi sighs. "You know what we have to do, right? It's the only way we can possibly get along." Hoseok laughs, shaking his head. "And how do you know the universe put us together for that?" He gets a shrug in return. "There's only one way to find out, we have to at least attempt to bond. If the universe wants it then it's our only chance of getting along." Hoseok weighs the options and sighs. "You aren't entirely wrong, but if this fails, we can't be together longer than needed. It means we are always going to repel each other and if it works, it means, well, we can't ever be apart."
Yoongi stands, understanding the risk, but not really caring. "It's the only way." Hoseok sighs, knowing that his words are true, that this is truly the only way two "aliens" could be together for longer than possible. Yoongi closes his eyes, concentrating on his hands. Hoseok mimics the other, trying his best not to lose focus. Simultaneously, their eyes shoot open, colorful spheres float just above their hands. The spheres start floating softly away from their hands. They stop at the others, taking a second just to stay still, almost like they were trying to figure the other's purpose. All of the sudden, they fuse together with the others, bonding Yoongi and Hoseok together. The newly colored spheres make their ways back to the palms they belong to, Yoongi and Hoseok falling to the ground from the impact.
From that day forward, they both were not too good, but not too bad. To anyone else who'd watch them, they'd just assume they were to boys always being together, but to them, they knew it was much more. Though no one else could see it, they saw the little spheres dancing around them constantly, always keeping the opposites connected.
That's it~
I hope you all enjoyed!! It took me two days to write it.
Once again this was for a science assignment [explains more at the top authors note :) ]
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