Yoongi ~ I'll help
Requested by: anon
I hope I wrote this well~ ♡♡
Y/n's Pov:
"Ah, Yoongi!" He turns around and sighs walking towards me. "Hello, Y/n. Did you need something?" I smile, shaking my, walking next to him. "No, I just thought we could walk together." He frowns and stops, turning to me. "I, uh, can't walk with you right now, Y/n. I've got to get home before my dad does." He looks scared, worried almost. He doesn't look okay. I frown and nod. "Maybe tomorrow?" He shrugs, walking off.
Yoongi's Pov:
"Dad? Are you here?" The house falls silent and I take a sigh of relief. I turn the corner and find my dad, staring at me, angrily and taking a sip of his Soju. "A-Appa-"
"You were supposed to be here before me." I gulp, trying to figure out how angry he is. "I'm S-Sorry, A-Appa, a friend stopped me, I would've been here on ti-" he gets up, walking towards me. "You should know better, Yoongi." The closer he gets, the more I smell the alcohol. He's drunk, that's not good at all.
He stops infront of me, close enough to do damage. "You should know better, you brat." He grabs my hair, pushing me against the wall. "You aren't even defending yourself, you weak, rotten child." The second he calls me weak, the anger inside of me rises. I shove him into the other wall, putting distance between us. "You little-" he throws his Soju bottle at me, causing it to shatter.
The glass cuts a few parts of me, and I fall to the floor in pain. "Next time, you'll know better." He walks out, slamming the door behind him. Probably going to some bar.
"Aish, what have you gotten yourself into." I stand up, groaning through the pain. I grab one of my dad's unopened Soju bottles, and take it all in one go. I take another one, but I take this one slower, drowning my pain in sour alcohol.
Y/n's Pov:
I sigh, banging my head against my wall, lightly. What am I going to do? Yoongi looked so worried and upset. I should stop at his house, shouldn't I? I've only ever seen the outside of it once when I walked him home. Is it appropriate?
The worry grew the more I thought about it. Aish! I don't care anymore, I'm just going to go.
"Eomma! I'm going out for a little. Go ahead and eat without me!" She peaks her head around and smiles. "Okay, but be safe and take your coat! It's getting chilly outside, falls right around the corner!" I smile and nod, grabbing my coat and walking out into the crisp evening air.
I arrive at his house just as sunsets paint the sky. I knock, cautiously, trying not to scare Yoongi. The door opens to reveal a disheveled and bruised Yoongi, with small cuts up his arms and on his cheek. "Y-Yoongi, are you o-okay?" He frowns. "What are you doing here?" I gently grab his arms, ignoring his question. "Yoongi-ah," he hisses as I press lightly on a cut. "I'm sorry!" I hold his hand in my mine, pulling him inside.
"We've got to get you cleaned up." He sighs, objecting. "You shouldn't have come." I pull him into the bathroom and grab bandaids out of the closet. I also grab a washcloth and put it under warm water.
I make him sit, and he obeys, only sighing and frowning. I wipe his cuts, gently, cleaning them up and making sure I don't press to hard. I put bandaids on them, kissing them one on his wrist. He freezes up, but looks down at me through his bangs.
"The one on my cheek hurts too~" I freeze up, but smile, laughing a little. I stand up straighter and kiss the bandaid on his cheek. Before I can move away, he holds me there, moving his face close to mine. That's when I smell the Soju. "Y-Yoongi, you're drunk, let's get you to be-"
He cuts me off by smashing his lips onto mine, hungrily and without warning.
Things pick up pretty quick, and one thing leads to the next. Let's just say I didn't go home until the next day.
I wake to Yoongi shaking me. I open my eyes and sit up, but then covering myself, remembering what happened last night. "You've got to leave before my dad gets back." My eyes widen and I nod. "C-Can you turn around for a moment?" He smiles and nods, turning away just as his face turns beat red. He wasn't drunk because he remembers what happened. That means this was something he wanted to do with me.
I smile at the thought. My feelings weren't one-sided then. I finish dressing and I clear my throat. He turns and smiles. "I'll be going now."I bow because it just feels right at the moment.
He nods and stands up. Thankfully he already has his boxers on and he slips on some sweats. "I'll walk you down."
We walk down the steps in silence. When we reach the door I turn to him. "Shouldn't we discuss what happe-" He shakes his head, waving his hands around. "I had alcohol in my system and was sad, please just don't bring it up, okay?"
I frown, putting on my jacket. "But-"
He waves his hands around again. "You better get going. You're mom's going to worry." I nod. "See you at school." I close the door behind me sighing. So what happened, was just a casual thing to him? When did he become so heartless?
Yoongi's Pov:
I can't seem to stop thinking about what had happened. I wasn't drunk, just a little tipsy, I was definitely in control. But then why? Why did I do that? Why did I take it that far? Is it something I've always wanted to do and the alcohol gave me the confidence? Have I always thought of her that way?
Aish, what am I thinking? She's my friend, that's it. Except I think I probably ruined that.
I continue being lost in my mind, when I run right into someone. They drop their stuff, and I mentally kick myself. "I-I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention." I reach down and pick up her stuff. When I hand it pack I realize it's Y/n.
"Oh, Yoongi. I've been meaning to see you. Do you have a moment?" I nod, hesitantly. We sit together on a bench near by. It's awkward, tensioned silence until she breaks it.
"Yoongi, we can't just let this slide past like it was nothing. If you treat it like that it hurts." I sigh. I get the overwhelming urge to grab her hand. Instead of just letting it be another urge, I follow through and put her perfectly fitting hand in mine.
"I don't think it was just nothing, o guess I'm just scared what you'll think when you find out who I really am." She chuckles. "Does this mean that you have feelings for me?" I take a second and think about it.
"Yeah, yeah I guess I do."
Also, you should follow WINGSEOKK She's cute, :") ♡
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