Taehyung ~ Indigo Children
Inspired by something I recently learned about, Indigo Children. I have found out I am one and I am a starseed.
Need To Know:
Indigo Children- children who are believed to possess special, unusual, and sometimes supernatural traits or abilities
Starseed- individuals who feel excitement and longing upon learning that they might have originated from another world. They experience the aloneness and seperateness that is the human condition, but also have the sense of foreigners on this planet. They possess psychic abilities or paranormal activities.
Light Worker- someone who wants to see healing in the world on a large scale, considers themselves able to detect subtle healing energy, and has had some kind of a mystical awakening in their lives, be it current or past life
Incarnated Angels- People who have histories of compulsive overeating, or other addictions, especially true for angels who are disconnected from their spirituality. Natural healers and helpers, and often have healing professions such as nursing, massage therapy, social work, or teaching.
Elemental- a mythic being described in occult and alchemical works. There are four elemental categories: gnomes, undines, sylphs, and salamanders
Story Specific Details:
Starseed: Purple eyes
Lightworker: Yellow eyes
Incarnated Angels: Pink eyes
(A/N: Ignore the makeup. It was the best one out of the pictures of LITERAL PINK EYE. I need to bleach my eyes that shits disgusting.)
Elemental: Green eyes
Y/n's Pov:
"(Y/n)!! You're going to be late for your first day!!" I huff, hurriedly putting on my shoes and grabbing my stuff. "Coming Eomma!" I stop at the mirror I the hallway, checking my appearance one last time. I sigh as I see my bright purple eyes. I'm going to stand out so much.
I greet my mom with a quick kiss on the cheek as I grab my backpack and go outside, starting my walk to school.
I make it just in time for the hell to ring. Thank god. It would have been a bad thing for me to be late on my first day at this school. Now I have to find the office.
There's a short boy with soft looking pink hair. "Excuse me, can you help?" He turns to me and smiles sweetly. "Of course. Are you new?" I nod, catching his eyes. Pink, incarnated angel. He must notice my light purple eyes because his eyes widen and so does his smile. "Do you need to go to the office." I nod again smiling and feeling comfortable around him now that I know he's an indigo child.
As we approach the office he stops and turns to me. "Here it is," he smiles a cute little eye smile. "See you around, starseed." My face bursts into a smile. He knows and I can at least find comfort in not being alone. I'll definitely try to find him during free periods.
I walk into the office, quietly, trying not to disturb anyone who may be present. A middle aged woman watches me as I walk up to her desk and looks me up and down.
"Hello Miss, I'm new. Could you direct me to the principal?" She smiles, sweetly, when she knows I mean no harm and points to a room in the back. I bow and thank her, then I'm off again towards the room.
As I approach I see two people sitting down on what I presume are waiting chairs. I sit down on the farthest one so I'm not forced into awkward conversations.
Thankfully, the principle comes out right as a boy was turning to talk to me.
"Hello, you must be (Y/n)." I nod and smile at her, sweetly. "Well, I've got your paperwork and everything right in here. I'll get you it and then you should be on your way. Don't want to be late for your first class." She says with a wink. Thanks for making me nervous.
Finally, it's lunch time. Thank god, I'm hungry! I go to my locker to put some of my books away. When u finish I see the pink eyed boy I met earlier. I go over and tap him on his shoulder. "Excuse me," he turns around and smiles when he sees it's just me. "Hey starseed, how's your first day so far?" I smile at him reciting my label.
"It was good. I was wondering if I could sit with you at lunch?" He nods and turns to his friends. "Starseed, meet Taehyung and Hoseok." I bow to them and blush when Taehyung catches my eye. Beautiful bright green, elemental. Taehyung smiles at me. "What's your name, starseed?" I blush and look at my feet from Taehyung reciting my label.
"(Y/n).." I mutter, shyly. Hoseok chuckles and ruffles my hair. "You're adorable, starseed!" I smile, looking him in the eyes. Yellow, lightworker. That's when I notice their hair match their eyes, their matches their label.
Taehyung has green strips in his bangs, the angel, that's named Jimin and I only know that from my abilities, has soft pink hair, and Hoseok has blonde hair. Woah.
"So starseed, we should go take a seat. We would love to get to know you." I nod and smile and the angel. "Okay, Jimin." His eyes grow wide from my sudden knowledge. I roll my eyes and nudge my head to let them know we should go get seated in the cafeteria. "I'll explain when we eat, angel. Come on, I'm hungry!"
It's so cool how I already feel comfortable around these three boys. Although, I know it's my powers. I'm able to tell someone's personality just by looking at them once. I can tell if they're going to eventually back stab me or not. Unfortunately, others aren't as lucky. It's a benefit of being psychic.
We've finally dug into our food, when Jimin decides to question me. "How did you know my name, starseed?" I rolled my eyes and smiled. "I'm a starseed. I possess psychic abilities. I can't tell your future or anything, but I'm emotionally connected with everyone. I know and sometimes even feel your emotions. I always know when someone's lying. And I can tell your personality and the way you'll act just by a glance."
Jimin was dumbstruck for a second until he ruffled my hair and gave me an eye smile. "You're pretty cool, starseed." I smiled and went back to eating. Maybe this school won't be so bad. "I like how you guys have your hair and eyes matching. I've never met other indigo children who were so proud of who they were."
Taehyung catches my eye which makes me blush and look down at my food. "You aren't proud of yours?" I look back up again to see them all staring at me, waiting for my answer. "Well, uh, not until today, I guess. It was always the reason people would pick on me. I was terrified that it was going to happen today to, but then I met Jimin and I felt comfortable for once with my abilities."
Taehyung gave me a reassuring smile. "You don't have anything to worry about here. If anyone tries to hurt you, we'll be here." I smile at them and thank them for being so nice. I've never felt so happy in my life.
Taehyung studies my expression then smiles at me. "Hey, we are in the same classes aren't we?" I think back to the classes and put names to faces. That's when I see a beautiful green eyed male sitting towards the back of the room. I nod my head. "Yeah, we are, aren't we." This makes me form an uncontrollable smile.
Why does Taehyung have this affect on me?
The Next Day:
"(Y/n), come on!! Let's not make this a daily thing!" I huff, grabbing my stuff and rushing down the stairs. "Sorry, Eomma, I'll try to hurry up tomorrow." She sighs and smiles at me. I can feel how annoyed she really is with me, but she's just trying to be patient with me.
"Eomma, did I tell you that I already have a group of friends, and guess what," I pause for emphasis. "They're indigo children too!" Her face breaks into a genuine smile and she hugs me. "I'm so happy you have finally found a place where you can fit in," she let's go of me and looks at the clock. "But you better get going." She says, practically shoving me out the door.
"Bye, Eomma." I say chuckling at the now closed door. Then I'm off, on another walk to my new school. At least I'm excited today, now that I know Taehyung's in my classes and I have someone to sit by at lunch.
Our first period teacher rushes in and tells us we have this period off since she has a meeting. I didn't know where to go, since I'm still new, but everyone else was going outside, so I decided to as well.
I sit under a nice shaded tree and pull out my book. As I'm finally getting comfortable I can sense someone coming towards me. When I look up there is three gives approaching me.
"Hi! It's (Y/n), right? We've been dying to finally talk to you!" That's when I feel the twisting feeling in my stomach that is warning me to be careful. She's lying. "Uh, thanks, I guess." She fake smiles. "Would you like to hang out with us sometime? We would love to be your friend!" She's still lying.
I shake my head slightly before speaking up. "No, sorry. Thanks for the offer." I see her eyes darken and she scoffs. "Nobody ever rejects me, (Y/n). I'll give you one more chance since I'm feeling generous." I smirk and roll my eyes. "Thanks for the offer, but still no." She scowls and takes a steps forward.
"Get away from her Ji su." I turn around and see Taehyung standing beside me. "Taehyung, stay out of this. This has nothing to do with you." Ji su spat. He stepped closer to girls and warned, "Stay away from her, Ji su." At this she scoffs, but turns away and leaves.
Taehyung sits down next to me and sighs. "You okay, starseed?" I nod, blushing at the nickname. "Yes, thank you Taehyung." He chuckles. "It was no problem. She's an asshole and she would've gotten worse if she found out you were an indigo child." My eyes widen at this and I tense up. Taehyung must notice because he grabs my hand and rubs circles on my palm.
"You don't have worry about them though. I've got your back." At this I immediately relax, melting into his touch. How can you make me feel so flustered yet completely comfortable, Taehyung.
"You aren't that bad."
I blush. "You aren't that bad either, Taehyung."
I thought this was cute. Idk, I've been working on this for forever. I'm glad it's finally over. It's probably my longest chapter of anything I've ever done.
Hope you enjoyed!
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