Taehyung ~ CEO
This is the second request from aisha-aka-ash, Thank you for all the support ♡♡
Y/n's Pov:
"Ms. Y/n, Ms. Y/n! The new resort is doing flawlessly! It was an amazing investment!" You smile, smugly, nodding at your assistant. "Yes, yes, I know it would do well, I only buy things I know that will do well. I'm the CEO of our resorts, I need to make sure it does well." You're the CEO of a multi-million dollar resort company. You have resorts placed all the way around the world, but your main one, the one where this all got started, is located in the beautiful city of Busan. This is the one you stay at, that is until something goes wrong at another or you have your annual checkup.
You worked extremely hard to get where you are today. Not only are you a female that your male companions in the industry didn't take you seriously, but you are significantly younger than everyone else, 20 to be exact. "Ms. Y/n, you have big guests coming soon. They need mass security and they're renting the whole resort out so they can have their privacy." Your eyes grow wide, as you meet your desk, finally being able to sit down. You type away at your
computer, searching information on these new clients.
"You won't find anything on there, for safety measures they want to keep it as secret as possible, little people knowing about it, even the resort workers have little knowledge. They said if you, and only you, had questions, you must call this number." Your assistant hands you a business card and walks out of your office, carefully closing the door behind her.
You study the number, wondering who the heck wants to rent out the whole resort for a few days, and who exactly has the money to pay for such things. You pick up your phone, impatiently waiting for whoever it is to pick up.
"Hello?" The person on the other end finally says. You sit up straighter, curiosity overwhelming your being. "This is Choi Y/n, the CEO for the resort you want to rent out for a few days. I just had a few security questions, so I can assure the safety of my employees." There's a small, warm chuckle at the other side of the phone. "Of course! Ask away, as long as this is the CEO, I'll gladly answer all of your questions." You smile to yourself, knowing these aren't bad people, but still going through the questions to make sure the people under you are as safe as possible.
"If it's okay, I'd like to know who will be staying with us first." You say, trying to be sweet but strict at the same time. "BTS will be staying with you, you're currently talking to one of their managers, we just want to make sure they get a few days of relaxation without a bunch of fans crowding them." A singe of excitement surges through you as you hear who will be staying at your resort. In your personal time, you happen to be an Army, but for this occasion, you'll have to be professional, somehow.
"Oh! What a pleasant surprise, that's all I need to know, then. I've heard these boys are very well behaved and put together. As long as they don't cause problems or break anything, all should be well." You say, chuckling. As an Army, you know they won't cause any problems, but you're very protective of your resorts, especially this one. "Trust me, if they cause problems, they'll go through all of us, but they shouldn't. They're very kind boys."
You smile to yourself after receiving the reassurance needed. "We'll get right on trying to make the resort as safe and secure as we can! We're honored to have them with us." You bid your farewells to their manager and get right to work, sending an email to all your most trusted workers only, to further make sure all goes as smooth as possible, and plus you'll be paying them extra hours for this, you want to make sure your money is being spent wisely.
You've all prepared for their arrival for a week now, and the day has finally come. You're talking to one of your employees when your assistant comes rushing into your office. "They're here!" She says, hurriedly. You usher the employee to their post and rush to the entrance to greet your newest clients.
A few guys walk in. You recognize them as their managers. You bow, politely, anxiously waiting for BTS to walk in. Bodyguards come in next, and then seven tall, beautiful boys walk in, laughing and talking amongst themselves. Your heart picks up in beat and butterflies form in your stomach. "Hello," You say with a bow. "I'm the CEO, Choi Y/n, you must be BTS." They bow and do their Bangtan introduction.
"You're a lot younger than I first anticipated. If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?" Taehyung asks, curiously, while the other boys scold him for asking such questions to a lady. "No, it's okay, I'm used to this question." You say, chuckling. "I'm twenty. I'm definitely young for a CEO, but I worked my way here." They're obviously taken aback by my age. There's awkward shuffling for a moment until you break the silence. "This is Jihyun, she's here to take you to your rooms. There are enough rooms for all of your crew members and for all of you to share a room with one other person. I am afraid Taehyung gets a room all to himself, I can make adjustments if a crew member would rather take that place rather than him."
Taehyung speaks up before anyone else does. "That's fine with me, no need to cause trouble and make adjustments." You nod, smiling. "Then it's all set! If you need me, my office is on the top floor, you'll see it and if not, my assistant here will lead you to it." Your assistant smiles and bows, slightly. Their management starts to shuffle towards the elevator as Jihyun starts taking them to their rooms. You head to the faculty elevator with your assistant, the hard part finally over.
You're sorting through business emails and spam when you hear a knock on your door. You look up to see Taehyung standing near the chairs in front of your desk. "Oh, hello! What can I do for you?" He sits in one of the chairs, starting to mess with the few gadgets you have on your desk. "I was wondering where to find the pool." You chuckle, shocked. "Taehyung, the pool is literally right outside, there are signs everywhere leading to it. What's this about? Is everything okay?"
He sighs, sitting back in the chair a bit. "You intrigued me, I wanted to see you again." You were taken aback by his answer. "Intrigued? I'm a very boring person, not much to be intrigued by." He rolls his chair closer to you, studying your face when he reaches where he wanted to be. A slight blush crawls your cheeks. "You're younger than me, and you're the CEO of a huge resort company, you own businesses all around the world. How could I not be intrigued?" You gulp with how close he's gotten, not knowing what to say.
"You know, I bet there's more to you than meets the eye. I'd love to get to know that side of you and I have a feeling I will, but for now, I'm kind of bored." He's getting closer by the second. "I-I'm sorry you're bored," You manage to choke out. He smiles, adventure swimming in his eyes.
"It's okay, I think I found the cure." He says, ending the sentence putting his lips to yours. Good thing your assistants home for the day. You hesitantly kiss him back before pulling away. "Taehyung, you're lovely and all, but I just met you." He chuckles. "I already promised I'd get to know you, Y/n," He purrs, sweetly. "But just this once, please?" You give in to his cute pout, kissing him, letting yourself live on the edge of life, even if it's just this once.
I hope you enjoyed this one-shot! It was a bit different from any other concept, but it was fun to do. I'm just glad I've been in a writing mood bc I've been able to get updates up for you all beautiful people~
Alsoo if you know of anyone who makes really good covers and is willing to make me some, please let me know! I'm too lazy to make new ones but I'd love to have my books match my theme~
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