Jungkook ~ Crazy Party Pt. 1
Haven't done one based on one of these in a while. Creds to the owner.
Y/n's Pov:
I groan, sitting up in bed. I stop dead in my tracks when I see three boys around me on the bed. My eyes widen and I quickly look under the covers to make sure I'm still dressed. I relax when I realize we are all still dressed. I take a second to observe my surroundings. Namjoon, the only one I recognize, is passed out on right side. Some pale pink haired boy who looks like he'll kill me if I wake him up is sleeping on my left side. I sigh, noticing someone else curled up at my feet. I carefully get off the bed, leaving to look at the rest of my house. As I reach the living room, I see that it's all trashed. I sigh again. Might as well clean up the mess you allowed.
I finish all the cleaning within an hour and the boys still haven't woken up. It would be cruel of me to wake them up and kick them out with the hangover they'll probably be dealing with. I start making breakfast, trying my best to be a good host. I may not necessarily want unknown boys in my house, but Namjoon's my friend and they must know him and if they don't, Namjoon won't let anything happen.
Jungkook's Pov:
I wake up to the amazing smell of eggs and bacon. I smile to myself, sitting up and rubbing my eyes. I tiredly open my eyes, falling off the bed out of shock when I realize I'm not in our dorm. I scramble to my feet, going over to Yoongi. I tap his arm as lightly as possible. "Yoongi~!" I yell whisper but instantly regret it, a sharp pain hits me in the head and I feel the beginning of a horrible hangover. "Aish, why'd you drink all that alcohol, Kook?" I say to myself, holding my head. "What am I suppose to do?" I try going over to Namjoon, shaking him a bit harder than I did Yoongi. "Namjoon~~ Wake up~~~!!" I whine, hoping for a miracle. "Jungkook, what do you want~?" He groans, turning the other way. "Hyung! We are in someone else's house. We aren't in the dorm!" He lazily sits up, rubbing his eyes before looking around at his surroundings. He shrugs.
"We are just at Y/n's house, no big deal." I start to panic when he lays back down. "But, Who's Y/n?! I want to go home~!" He hits me with his pillow. "She has to be awake by now, go out and check. She's a friend of mine, don't worry, she won't kill you, or bite." I sigh and walk out into the hallway. I hear quiet sizzling around the corner and I see a girl around my age cooking on a stove top. I knock lightly on the door way. "E-Excuse me?" She turns around, taking a second to exam me, then smiling slightly. "You must be the little ball at my feet." I frown, walking into the kitchen cautiously. "Pardon?" She chuckles, shaking her head. "Sorry, I'm Y/n. Breakfast will be ready in a bit."
"Y-You're making breakfast for us?" She looks at me like I'm crazy. "Of course! Speaking of, how's your head? Need aspirin?" I nod slightly. "If it's not a problem." She shakes her head. "No, not all. It's in that cabinet." She gestures to a cabinet right next to her. I open it carefully, scanning the bottles trying to find the oh to familiar medicine. My eyes land on two bottles in the front with labels that read Anxiety and Depression. "Hey, uh, what are thes-"
Her eyes widen and she closes the cabinet quickly. "I just remembered that I left the bottle in my purse, one second." She clicks the stove off, smiling and proceeding to her purse. My mind wanders back to the bottles. Why would she need those? She walks back up to me with a bottle of aspirin. "Here you go. I'll go wake the other boys up." She smiles shyly at me one last time before walking off again.
Y/n's Pov:
I walk over to Namjoon, shaking him lightly. "Jungkook~" He groans. "I told you, you're oka- Hey Y/n, sorry I thought you were Jungkook." I frown, chuckling. "Is Jungkook the one who's out there?" He nods, shaking Yoongi. "Come on, Yoongs! Let's go eat the breakfast Y/n kindly made for us!" That's when a memory sparks from last night. "Yoongi?" Namjoon chuckles. "I introduced you guys last night, you both were too drunk to realize it."
I nodded, forcing a smile. Namjoon notices and pushes Yoongi up. "Hey, can you go out there and eat with Jungkook, I've got to talk to Y/n." He shrugs, walking out of the room without a second thought. "What's wrong, Y/n?" I sigh, sitting down next to him. "Jungkook found my pills when he was trying to find the aspirin. Me being the stupid person I am, I forgot that I left the aspirin in my purse." I plop down on the bed.
"Did he question you?" I nod, frowning. He chuckles, patting my head. "You, my friend, just got yourself into a pickle." My frown deepens. "What do you mean?" He chuckles again. "You peak Jungkook's curiosity," I nod, urging him to go on. "He's not going to give up until he gets the answers he's curious about." I groan. "Great, exactly what I need."
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