Jikook ~ Happy Birthday <3
FOR MochiHyojoon
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MY MOCHI. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, I HOPE TODAY IS AN ABSOLUTELY AMAZING DAY <3333 (Although, you are an old lady today XD Happy 16th your beautiful, amazing person. Ilysm~~~~~)
"Happy birthday to you~ happy birthday to you~ happy birthday, my dear Hyung, happy birthday to you~!"
I wake up with Jungkook's angelic voice sernading me with pancakes, fruit, and strawberry milk on a tray. I sit up, smiling ear to ear. He sets the tray down on my lap, stealing a kiss for me, making me blush. Jungkook turns to leave, but I grab his wrist, causing him to turn around. "Stay and eat with me, Kookie~" He smiles and slips into bed next to me.
We take turns feeding eachother and laughing until the foods all gone. I set the tray on the nightstand and turn to him, resting my head on his shoulder. "Can we stay like this all day?" He smiles down at me. "It's your birthday. If that's what you want to do, then it shall be done~!" I giggle, cuddling up to him. "Aniyo~ not right here, Hyung." I frown, pouting curiously. "What do you mea-"
He picks me up bridal style, the blanket still wrapped around the both of us. I giggle, squealing. "Kookie! Put. Me. Down~!" I say between breaths. He smiles, plopping us both down on the couch. He hides his face in the crook of my neck, giggling. "I didn't want to put you down, Hyung. You look so cute and small in my arms." I blush, cuddling into him. He pulls away and grabs the remote. "Kookie~!" He frowns, looking at me. "What?" He says, turning back to the television and turning on my favorite movie.
"Don't pull away from me~! You were warm." I pout, sticking out my bottom lip for extra effect. He smiles, pressing play on the movie, then wrapping his arms around my waist, resting his head on my shoulder. "You didn't even say thank you for putting on your favorite movie, Hyung~!" I giggle, kissing his head. "Thank you, Kookie." He kisses my shoulder, smiling. "That's better."
We stay like this for hours. Just us, laying down in each others arms. Not only did he get my favorite movie together, but also my second, third, and fourth favorite movies. After we're finally finished watching all five of them, he sits up, stretching. He grabs his phone, checking the time. His eyes widen and he stands up, running to his room. "Hyung! Here's your first present. Go put it on and be out here by five, okay?" I take the box from him and nod, rushing to my room.
I set the box carefully on my bed, opening it and being careful not to rip the packaging to much. My eyes widen and I gasp as soon as I open the lid. On the top of the stack is a sticky note that reads, "In case it doesn't fit (god hope it does), gift receits in the bottom.." I pick up the fancy suit, lifting it in the air above the box. It's absolutely stunning.
(His suit)
I lay it out on my bed, careful not to fold it to much. I grab the receit, my curiosity getting the better of me. I scan it, looking for the final amount paid and when I do find it, my eyes grow wider. How could he pay so much money just for a suit for me? I place the sticky note on the receit and put them both back into the box. I set the box aside and carefully grab the suit, going to the bathroom and changing into it the best as I possibly can.
I look at myself in the mirror, again, then satisfyingly walking out. I check my phone for the time and see that it just turned five. I check myself one last time, before walking out of my room. As I'm walking into the living room, I see Jungkook in a suit of his own. My smile grows and I admire him from afar.
(Jungkook's Suit)
Jungkook finally sees me, his eyes glinting and he smiles widely. "You look, wow." He looks me up in down for the millionth time already, I feel myself begin to blush. "So, where are we going that makes us dress up so nicely for anyway?" Jungkook smiles and takes my hand. "You'll see when we get there~!"
"Jungkook, you didn't have to spend so much on a suit for me, you know." He shrugs, grabbing my hand and kissing, without taking his eyes off the road. "I was hoping you weren't going to look at the receipt, Jimin-ah." I sigh, holding his hand a bit tighter. "I'm sorry, Kookie. My curiosity go the best of me." He sighs, laughing. "You're worth the money, Hyung." I blush, letting go of his hand to hide my face. "Aish, you're making me go red~!" He chuckles, turning the car into a parking space. I uncover my face to see where we are. My eyes go wide as my eyes skim across the building in front of us.
"Jimin-ah, do you remember on our second date, when we up on that hill over there," He points at a hill not far from here. "And you pointed at this restaraunt and said that your goal was for us to be successful enough to eat there, but only if we were together and if we were to of break up we both swore we wouldn't ever go there?" I nod, eyes tearing up at the memory. "Well, we're still together and we're here." I lean in and kiss him, tears starting to overflow. He pulls away and cups my cheeks. "Don't cry, Hyung, you'll make your face red." I chuckle, wiping my tears. "Okay, sorry and thank you, Jungkook, it means a lot to me."
We walk in, hand in hand. Jungkook let's go and goes check in our reservation. I take the time to marvle in my surroundings. High ceilings with a beautiful chandelier hanging low. Candles on every table and sparkling expensive champagne held by well groomed waiters and waitresses. Jungkook grabs my hand, smiling. "Our tables ready, Hyung." I smile, nodding and letting him lead the way.
Jungkook pulls my chair out for me and I sit down, smiling from ear to ear. A waiter comes over to us with a bottle of champagne. "Gentlemen, would you like some?" Jungkook shrugs looking over at me. I smile, shockingly. "Uh, yes, please." As he pours it in both of our glasses, I look wide eyed at Jungkook. He chuckles in response. He bows to waiter and orders us the special that they're having today. As soon as the waiter leaves my mouth drops. "This is so much more than I was expecting." Jungkook smiles and then points at my bow tie. "It's crooked. No wonder he asked me if we wanted some. I frown, looking down at my tie. Jungkook swats my hands away. "I'm teasing, it looks cute that way."
Throughout the whole dinner we remanence on old dates and the beginning of our relationship. There's laughter, for a second there's tears, but all in all, this has to be one of the best birthdays I've ever had. The waiter comes back with a few other staff. I frown at Jungkook and he smiles and says he'll be back. I frown again, but turn back to the staff members. They start singing happy birthday in a very sophisticated chorus. They do it in a few different styles after the chorus and it takes them like 5 minutes to finally give it up and go back. As they leave I look back and see that Jungkook still isn't back. The waiter once again finds his way back to our table. He hands me a note. "I was asked to give this to you." He winks and leaves finally.
I open it carefully, it folded delibrately. "Follow the rose petals." I frown, looking at the floor next to me. My eyes widen as I catch a glimpse of rose petals that I didn't notice before. I start following them out the front entrance. I get confused when they take turn away from the car. Finally, they cut off and I look up, eyes tearing up as I see the hill of our second date infront of me. I start walking up the hill, not really thinking about if this is where I'm supposed to be going. As I reach the top, a see fairy lights and blanket laid out neatly. I slowly approach it, hoping this is Jungkook's doing.
Jungkook finally appears out of nowhere, biting his lip nervously. I smile, ear to ear, I run up to him and hug him, making him drop the basket he was holding. He hugs me back, sigh relieved. "I was scared you weren't going to find it." I chuckle, only pulling away enough for me to look at him. "Did you have a plan B if I didn't show up?" He nods, smiling. "I was just going to go looking for you." I laugh, pulling away and grabbing his hand. He leans down, picking up the picnic basket and walking us towards the blanket.
I sit down, waiting for him to follow suit. He leans down, opening the basket and pulling out a few containers. Finally he sits down across from me, opening one of the containers. He pulls out a chocolate strawberry and I immediately light up. "Open up." He feeds it to me, careful not to get it everywhere. He chuckles, looking at my mouth. "What? Is there something on my face?" He nods, chuckling harder. He wipes the side of my mouth with his thumb, licking the chocolate off his finger. I blush, shoving him.
After we finish eating all the strawberries, we lay down together on our backs. "Thank you for today, Jungkook. I think this has been the best birthday ever." He smiles, kissing me briefly. "I'm glad you had fun. And I know you were upset about me spending so much money just your suit, but you are worth every penny." I smile, cuddling into him. "I love you, Kookie."
His smile widens at this. "I love you too, Hyung."
Throughout writing this, I've been sending you snaps of the word count bc it just KEEPS GROWING but I think you'll be pleased to know that, one, you're worth every word and more, and two, the final word count is:
1794 Words,
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