An Act Of Kindness || M.YG
Pairing : Min Yoongi X Reader
Genre : soft yandere?
Summary : When your summer camp groupmates decide to go 'off rhe road', everything goes wrong.
Wordcount: 2.6k lol
[ A/N: Suggested for my Baby Project series, but it was a little too dark so here's a one shot instead. I'm not exactly great at 'yandere' genre yet so like,, I tried lol.Enjoy!]
" I don't know about this guys." You tell your annoying group mates as you're walking of the path and into the depths of the forest.
One of your groupmates, Heeyoung huffs as she looks over her shoulder at you.
" Psh, don't be such a whimp. We're just going off the road to make a shortcut." She tells you.
Jungkook grins at you from a few steps up front.
" Relax, it'll be fine. Besides, we've got the map, nothing will go wrong." He smiles, waving said paper map with his hand.
You still hesitate.
" I really don't know guys, they did forecast that it'll rain today too. Besides, how do we even know where we are from the map? If we walk off the path, we won't be able to track our own location." You point out.
You really aren't in the mood to die just because of these people. You've seen enough horror movies.
" Relax, it'll be fine." Jimin nudged you from beside.
You look at Jimin's face, the male has always quite charmed you in a way, and unlike the other two, he wasn't quite as annoying either.
" Jungkook's right. What could go wrong?" He smiles at you.
Quite frankly, almost everything went wrong.
It's now around 4 hours later, and the four of you are hopelessly lost in the depths of the forest.
It's raining now too, buckets of water falling from the grey skies, not exactly pleasant.
" Wait, can you show me the map one more time?" Heeyoung asks Jungkook as an excuse to huddle close to him.
He looks at her weirdly as she presses herself up against his arm, but doesn't comment on it. Figuring she probably just feels cold.
All of you are dressed in shorts and a t-shirt after all, except for you, as you're also wearing a long sleeved up zip up hoodie. You were lowkey prepared for this, but considering it's been raining for at least 30 minutes now, your small preparation had no effect anymore, and so you too have chattering teeth.
You watch in disappointment when Jungkook unfolds the soaked map, only to have it literally slip through his fingers, the flimsy pieces of paper falling hopelessly on the ground.
Heeyoung watches the thing fall before hitting Jungkook, now suddenly mad.
" You know what? This is all your fault! If you hadn't soaked the map!-"
" My fault?! You wanted to walk off the damn path!" Jungkook argued right back at her.
You pinched your brows. Great, so you were stuck with two idiots now too.
" Okay, uhm, let's just not blame anyone. It can't change how we're situated now, let's just find shelter and check our phones." Jimin suggests.
You nod numbly, teeth chattering as all of you go to seek for coverage.
Jungkook and Heeyoung are suddenly not attached to the hip anymore as you do so, it appeared the girl wasn't interested in him anymore.
" Hey, uhm, I'm sorry for not listening to you. I should've agreed." Jimin says as he now walks beside you.
You smile at him gratefully.
" Thanks, I appreciate that actually."
He nods.
" So, uhm, do you mind if I hold your hand? I know we're not close and all, but you seem cold, and I can't exactly offer you my jacket, not to mention that I'm quite cold too." He suggests, not looking at you as he says so.
You smile at his antics, finding his behavior cute.
" Sure." You reply shortly as you move to grab a hold on Jimin's hand.
His fingers interlock with yours easily. Both of your skins feel cold, even against each other, but it admittedly felt nice to not feel alone in a situation like this.
It isn't until another twenty minutes later that Jungkook has found something.
" Guys! Look at that! That seems like shelter." Jungkook says, pointing to, what seems to be, part of a roof.
Jimin and you exchange glances.
For some reason, it felt like he was asking something, and so you shrug as a response.
He nods before turning back to the other two.
" Okay, let's go there."
" Nope, mine is dead too." Jimin sighs, pocketing his phone before running the same hand through his hair.
He hasn't let go of your hand since thirty minutes ago, except for when you took out your phone, and for some reason, the small action made you feel a little funnier about Jimin.
The four of you are stood in front of, what seems to be, an abandoned, mansion. Most blinds are closed, but the blinds that are open show dark rooms, and are mostly on the second floor.
" We could, try to knock?" Heeyoung suggests.
You blink, looking up at the bit of the building you can see. For some reason, it gives you a cold vibe.
" I don't thinks anyone even lives here-"
You've barely finished your sentence when Heeyoung is already knocking.
You sigh, not all too surprised by her in all honesty.
However, surprise and fear greet you as the door suddenly jiggles.
Jungkook's eyes widen, and Jimin tugs you closer to him as the sound sounds.
All of you are even more surprised when the door opens, being greeted by a rather old looking male, who blinks at all of you.
" Excuse me, but can I help you?" The man asks politely.
He seems to be around his fourties at least, and all of you let out a breath.
" Hello! Sorry for suddenly knocking. It's just that it's raining-"
As she speaks, it also starts to thunder.
What a great moment.
" - And thundering, so we wondered if we could stay here for a while until the weather dies down a bit." She asks them, a friendly smile on her face.
The male clears his throat.
" Well then, please come in and wait here in the hallway. I will ask master Min for permission." He tells her before opening the door wider.
She smiles, turning to all of you, and motioning with her head to follow her in.
You all do so. The hallway is large, stereo typical for a mansion, with multiple doors, and a clean marble floor, along with a grand staircase to the second floor.
You subconsciously tighten your grip on Jimin's hand.
He turns to you with a worried expression.
" You okay? We can go if you think it's a bad idea." He tells you.
You're barely turning to look at him before he clarifies.
" I trust your judgement."
" Oh. I see. Well, I really don't know. It feels here kind of off? But I feel like it's going to storm soon, so maybe we should just ask for a phone connection and wait here." You suggest.
He hums.
" Sounds like a plan to me."
A few moments later the man returns, a kind smile on his face.
" The master will be with us shortly, he'd like to know who'd be seeking shelter in his house before he will grant it." The man smiles.
As you study his stance, you realize that this man is most probably a staff.
" Oh, where are my manners? My name is Charles, I'm the butler of this mansion." He smiles.
Jungkook nods, about to introduce himself, when the sound of clacking shoes sounds.
All of you turn to the grand staircase, where a single male is walking down from. Your eyes widen in surprise. The male who's walking down said stairs is stunning. He's got a pale skin, black hair, and is wearing a dark blue suit with a white button up underneath.
Who relaxes in that kind of outfit? Not that you'll complain or anything, he was admittedly good looking. He walks down unbothered, seemingly not bothered by your looks.
" Say whatever you want, but he is very handsome." Heeyoung whispers to you.
You nod silently in response, and Jimin clears his throat.
You turn to blink at him.
" Something wrong?" you ask him.
" No not-"
" My name is Min Yoongi. I live here. Who are you?"
It appeared the male, now known as Min Yoongi, had already come to a stop in front of you.
" Right, sorry! My name is Heeyoung, these are Jungkook, Jimin and Y/N." Heeyoung smiles at him.
He doesn't smile back, simply letting his eyes go over all of your forms for a moment. You shivered as his eyes went over your form.
" Fine, you may stay for now. Has any of you had dinner yet?" He asks, voice deep, and eyes holding a bored expression.
" Dinner? We've only had breakfast!-"
" Uhm, thank you! But, that's not necessary. If we could maybe make a call though, that'd be great." You hurriedly stop Jungkook.
Yoongi raises a brow at you in surprise, as both Heeyoung and Jungkook come at you.
" Okay, y'know what?! This is enough. He's literally being nice to us by offering us a meal, and you're just going to turn him down? What is wrong with you?!" Heeyoung yells at you.
" C'mon Y/N. Just one meal? We're all hungry." Jungkook tries, a little more softly.
Yoongi watches you and your friends sharply, not exactly amused by the rudeness of your group mate.
You squeeze Jimin's hand softly as you step back, not entirely sure on what to do.
" Alright, uhm, let's not get mad at her. And staying for one meal should be alright. Right?" He tries too.
You sigh, but nod anyway.
The meal was filled with chatter of your groupmates and charles, Yoongi was mostly silent, and so were you. Heeyoung tried her best to get Yoongi's attention, often complementing him for the meal and his hospitality, he didn't really do much in return, simply nodding until he at some point friendly told her to sod off.
Soon after you tried ringing the camp, but to your disappointment, the lines were dead, and the storm had only worsened.
" It's dead. Any idea if we can fix it?" You asked Yoongi as you put the phone away.
He shook his head, bangs moving.
" I'm afraid not. I can offer all of you a bed for tonight only." He suggests, messing his hair up.
You bite your lip in thought, looking out of the window beside you.
The storm certainly wasn't going to get better anytime soon.
You sighed, before nodding. Going out there now was a death wish.
" That'd be nice. Thank you, and I'm sorry for us suddenly turning up on your doorstep." You tell him.
He shakes his head.
" Don't worry about it."
About an hour later you're seated on your bed. You, Jimin, Heeyoung and Jungkook all had your own rooms. The other three in the bedrooms across the hallway from you while you're situated beside Min Yoongi's very own bedroom.
After about twenty minutes, there's a knock sounding at your door.
" Come in." You call out.
The door opens, and you're surprised to find Yoongi standing there.
" Oh, hi. Is everything alright?" You ask him.
He hums.
" Yeah, just wanted to talk to you, if you don't mind. " He tells you with a small smile.
You nod, sitting down at the bed as he sits down opposite you at the desk.
Conversation went surprisingly smooth, after a few minutes into talking, it went as if you two knew each other for years.
" Y'know, you seem to be a pretty perfect person." He tells you as your laughter died down.
You snorted.
" Pft, nah. My grades really prove otherwise." You tell him.
You're flattered a man of his 'rank' thinks like that about you, but you really don't agree.
He grins.
" Grades are just a social structure." He shrugs.
You smile at him.
" Thanks, but really though. No one is perfect. Especially not me." You tell him honestly.
You don't hate yourself, but that doesn't mean you view yourself as perfect either.
He shakes his head.
" I think your head's messing with you due to the time. I'll see you tomorrow. You guys can still stay for breakfast right?" He asks.
You think about it for a moment.
You're already here anyway. How bad could staying over for breakfast be?
The first thing you notice when you wake up is that it's already light out.
The second thing you notice is that it's eerily quiet.
You bolt out of bed, changing in the bathroom and folding the borrowed clothes on the sink. There's a packaged toothbrush by the sink too, and so you brush your teeth before going downstairs.
"Y/N?" You suddenly hear Yoongi's voice from somewhere beside you.
You turn around in surprise, barely tripping over your feet in your hurry.
Yoongi reacts quickly, catching you by your shoulders and holding you upright.
you both blink at each other before he gently lets go of you.
" Sorry, uhm- What are you doing here?" He asks you.
You furrow your brows at him.
" What do you mean? Where's the rest?" You ask him confused.
" They left already, I thought you went with them." He blinks.
Did they really leave you?
Meanwhile Jimin is looking around him in confusion.
Where was he?
He looks around, checking his surroundings.
He, Jungkook and Heeyoung seemed to be sleeping in a clearing in the forest. It takes him a moment before he remembers what happened. It takes him another moment before he realizes you're missing.
Jungkook wakes up soon after.
" Hey, where's Y/N?" Jimin asks him.
Jungkook blinked, before rolling on his side.
"Idunno, probably still asleep." He mumbles sleepily.
Jimin rolls his eyes before throwing sand at the younger, who's quick to get up.
"What the hell?-"
"What are you lads doing here?" Another voice suddenly joins the conversation.
Both males look up, only to see a man, seemingly a little over his 25's standing there.
" Uhm, hi. We're kind of lost." Jungkook explains, waking up Heeyoung before getting up and dusting off his pants.
The man blinks before nodding.
" I can see that yeah." He responds dumbly.
" We also lost a group mate. Seen a mansion around?" Jimin asks him.
At the words of a mansion, the male pales.
" You don't mean to say you're lost travelers?- I- I thought that curse was gone." The man spoke warily.
Heeyoung, who now got up, switched wary glances with Jungkook.
" Curse?" She asked.
" Yeah, there's a curse of a mansion. Apparently the Min family lived there somewhere back in the 1800's or something, but a burglar got in and killed most of the family, apart from their twenty-something year old son. A few years ago we found bodies here, on the very place you're standing right now, they were barely alive but managed to warn us. They were the last people who came from that mansion, until you that is." He explains with wide eyes.
No one knew how to react to that.
Did this mean you're dead?
" You see whenever it storms, people turn up dead. Except for the people before you. You're the only ones to have made it out alive and well. You're the first survivors- But your friend..." He trails off.
Jimin's hand balls into a fist, as Jungkook's doe eyes widen and Heeyoung held her hand over her mouth in shock.
Did they really kill you by not listening to you?
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