Chapter 5
BTS walked across the stage trying to get an idea of the spacing but the maknae line were messing around as usual, suddenly playing a game of tag dodging in and out of the other members and few staff. The sound of laughter and yells filled their ears and Jin turned to the scene with a fond look in his eyes. The older maknaes had caught Jungkook and had now tag-teamed into tickling him mercilessly. The maknae wiggled to avoid the fingers but couldn't stop the giggles from erupting from his throat. He pressed his sweater paws to his mouth to stifle them and Jin heard awwing from around him as the rest of the group focused their attention on them, Yoongi was looking with a tender softness in his eyes as he saw his group being carefree for the first time in a long while, preparing for the comeback had meant long hours at the studio and dance practice and they were so tired when they came home, that even Jin couldn't muster the energy to cook for them. Their manager had tried their best and had taken to dropping them off home, bringing them dinner and making sure they all ate before heading off home herself. If they worked hard, their manager had worked harder to ensure their comfort, being at BigHit before they arrived and leaving after they all stumbled to bed. Yoongi's eyes silently rove over to their young manager's instead, where she is sitting cross-legged observing the boys, a small smile on her face. He noted that she looked tired, exhausted even, her dark circles present for all to see, her face seemed drawn and she lethargically got to her feet, swaying slightly before walking over to them.
(Y/N) POV:
I rose to my feet, the movement making me light-headed for a moment, I shook my head quickly and walked towards the boys, a smile on my face naturally tugging at my lips at their light-hearted banter with each other. They really were a family, and every moment I saw them together it could be clearly felt. At the thought of family, my lips suddenly drooped, and I dropped my head with all the thoughts running through my head.
RIIIINNG! RIIIINNG! RIIIIIINNNNNG! The sound tearing me awake and jolting upright, my heart thumping loudly in my chest. I swivelled my head around trying to locate the source of the noise, my eyes tried to adjust to the darkness outside, I swiped my phone from under my pillow and squinted at the brightness of the incoming call. My heart dropped suddenly. A call from home... at this time? I mentally calculated the hour difference, it was 8pm back home but they all knew what time it was in Seoul. My heart hammering, my hands were shaking as I swiped the call to answer, bringing it up to my ear.
"Hello...(Y/N)..." my brother's voice rang out, filling my ears with the familiar French, "I don't know if anyone's told you but Lia (your sister-in-law and close friend) has been rushed into hospital. She's undergoing surgery now, there was this horrible accident...and so much blood... and GOD she wasn't moving..." he broke off with a sob.
My throat seemed to seal up, I couldn't breathe...there was a lump there and I struggled to answer my brother, my eyes were blurring up and I didn't realise I was crying until I felt the warm drops fall on my lap.
"We were planning on surprising you with a visit, and she was so e—excited but as we were leaving the airport...I-I couldn't do anything and...Adam.... he..."
At that, my head suddenly started jumping to irrational thoughts, images of Adam lying on the ground, Adam crying, Lia lying lifeless and Adam beside her.
"What happened to Adam? Oppa what happened to him?! Was he injured too...OPPA WHY AREN'T YOU ANSWERING?!" I started screaming.
After a long period of silence, only interrupted from sobs and sniffles from both ends, my brother finally spoke up, he was going to stay with Lia in the hospital and keep Adam with him, who was thankfully unharmed just shaken up, until I could pick him up later on in the day.
I hung up, and curled up in my bed, no longer sleepy, instead I only worried for Lia... praying she'd wake up and that the surgery went well.
"Now, after you all finish warming up and scoping out the stage, we'll be monitoring you as you run through BST and make modifications as we go if we need to." I said, looking down at the clipboard to see the stage layout with measurements. I still had to scope out the stage and test to see if there were any weaknesses in the stage itself, it wouldn't do to have the members getting injured whilst performing.
As I finished talking to the boys, my phone suddenly went off, cutting the boys off from a chance from getting to talk...
"Hello.... Oh Adam! How are you baby?" listening to the five-year old quickly answer, a huge weight dropped off my chest on hearing him sounding upbeat as usual.
"Don't worry baby, mama is gonna be fine, but until then do you want to stay with auntie? We can play and eat, and I'll introduce you to some big boys if you behave..." and on hearing the delightful giggles on the other end, I smiled and waited for my brother to take back the phone.
"I'll drop by in an hour to leave him with you. I'll call when I'm here." And with that I turned off my phone and refocused my attention on the now blank-looking, surprised boys.
"(Y/N)-ah who were you speaking to, and what language was that?" asked Namjoon, but all the boys nodded in agreement.
They all were curious when their manager suddenly started speaking a language that was neither Korean nor English because even Namjoon had ended up looking stumped.
(Y/N) let out a small giggle at that, her sweater paw coming up to cover her mouth, as her eyes crinkled... all at once BTS cooed at the action, it was the small moments like this that reminded them that she was truly still young. She acted maturely for her age and took on her responsibilities without complaint, but it was in the small, hidden moments away from the public, away from their seniors where she let out her adorable childish side. It wasn't often, but it was precious.
She skipped away slightly, turning over her shoulder to yell
"I'm not telling!" she sang as she left the stage.
Shaking their heads at her antics, BTS got into formation and got ready to start but through their heads ran the same thought, who was it that she was talking to and why didn't she want to tell?
An hour later, BTS slumped onto the floor exhausted and panting. Their heavy breathing filled the otherwise silent stage before the stage-operators and cameramen began moving off discussing with each other last-minute details about the focusing of the lens and whatnots.
Their manager silently walked onto the stage with water-bottles and towels, which she carefully deposited in front of each member before moving on. Seijin hyung also walked onto the stage, murmuring something into (Y/N)'s ear before she straightened up after pulling Hobi upright. Her posture tightened and she nodded before running off stage.
The rest of BTS sat up slowly confused at (Y/N)'s sudden departure and were staring anxiously at the point where she had run off from before a small chuckle interrupted them.
"Guys she is allowed to have other responsibilities to carry out other than babying you..." Seijin-hyung said, shaking his head at the obvious attachment they had made with their youngest manager so quickly. He himself felt the need to look after her and take her under his wing and so had promised to let her know when her brother had arrived at the entrance. He smiled sadly at that thought, no person her age should have to go through so much, it was the time to still enjoy life and here she was already working more than she should and now a kid too.
He chuckled to himself though thinking how BTS would react to the kid knowing that they all had a soft spot, especially Tae.
He was unaware though that BTS' eyes had remained fixed on him as he silently rambled to himself, taking in the changes in facial expressions and silently wondering if he knew something they didn't.
So, as they drove back hours later after finishing their performance successfully, there had still been no sight of (Y/N). She had simply vanished. So, they drove back to BigHit, anxious to see what had happened all of them worrying for her. Some more vocally than others but the worry was there, causing the atmosphere in the van to be heavy and stifling.
Just what was it that had caused her to run out so suddenly? Unaware, that the question should have been who was it?
(A/N: SOOOO the next chapter, I felt it would move too slowly if we didn't have a time skip of some sort. Next chapter we'll have BTS meeting Adam for the first time! I imagine they'd be happy but still jealous at their manager's attention now prioritising the little baby! They all just want her time and attention! Even YOONGI. Anyways... don't be a silent reader! Like it, no, am I just waffling? > _<)
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