Chapter 18
After the dinner, we had a conversation as a group, one I'd really wanted to avoid but was unable to. I slipped in after the boys and as they headed off to the living room, I opened my room door and slid in, I was just about to shut the door when a foot appeared in the gap blocking it from being shut.
I looked up, Hobi oppa stood there- his beaming face now void of his usual joy, he looked serious, his mouth twisted in the recognisable shape when he was upset or angry.
"(Y/N) we need to have a talk. All of us do. Come on, let's go the living room." His voice brook no argument and I sighed; I knew this was going to happen I was just trying to delay it as long as possible. He led me to the living room, his arm was a comforting presence on my shoulder and as we entered I felt eyes turn to us and I hurried to sit between Yoongi oppa and Jinnie oppa- I was going to make them my shields in this.
The two of them were a silent comfort, I knew they would try and shield me from the worst of the scolding I was about to get.
"(Y/N)-ah, we need you to tell us why you hid such a big thing and we had to find out from GOT7 that you were injured? Do you know how it felt knowing they knew what you'd been through and that practical strangers had to tell us, your family something we should have known immediately?" Namjoon oppa spoke up, his voice was low, but it sounded so disappointed and hurt and I wanted to shrink in on myself or sink into the ground in shame.
He was right? He had every right to feel betrayed, anyone in his position would be.
I twisted my hands, a nervous habit I'd never gotten over, before I felt a large hand cover mine.
"You don't have to be scared (Y/N)-ah, we're not mad at you. It just kinda hurt to find out from someone else. We're here for you, you know, that right?" Taetae spoke, his deep voice was comforting. I nodded.
"I did want you guys to know, it's just I rather you knew without me having to tell you all..." I mumbled.
"She means she doesn't like recounting the story again and again. So, I'll say it." Yoongi oppa's voice was firm but gentle as his hand briefly squeezed my shoulder in reassurance.
I didn't dare look up as he told them all what had been happening these past months and it was like a deep wound being ripped open again, but they didn't know the full story and I knew they deserved to.
After oppa stopped talking, I looked up to see expressions of anger, worry, concern but no pity. It would've torn at me if they'd looked at me with pity. Kookie dashed forward and burrowed himself into my lap, either side of me already occupied, and hugged me tightly around the waist.
"I'm sorry you went through that (Y/N)-ah, but I'm here for you. You don't have to tell me things if you don't want to, but I'm more than happy to be there in whatever way I can be..." I stroked his hair gently, touched by his openness. I could the rest of the group felt the same looking on at their maknae in tenderness, I felt warm and loved.
I leant forward over Kookie to press a soft kiss to the top of his head.
"Thank you, Kookie-ah, it means more than you'll ever know." I whispered.
I lifted my head to see the other maknaes barrelling towards me but Hobi oppa got to me first.
"Kook-ah move, it's my turn for cuddles and kisses." He pouted, gently shoving his dongsaeng to the side before diving in for a hug. I could only giggle at the sight of Kookie tumbling away, exaggerating his pout and whine.
I gladly enveloped the boys into hugs, swooping the maknaes and the elders too into a hug afterwards. Joonie oppa's dimples came onto full show as he leaned down into the embrace. Jinnie oppa kissed my cheeks too and I hugged Yoongi oppa before he could wriggle away and mutter that he didn't like cuddles. It was a blatant lie. He loved cuddles.
"Come on boys, bed. I know you've got a day off, but it is pretty late." I said as I tried to detach myself from Yoongi oppa who looked perfectly content and half-asleep in our hug.
When I woke the next morning, it wasn't because of the sun filtering through my curtains or because of being refreshed, it was a stabbing pain in my abdomen. I curled up and let out a whimper as a wave of pain hit me. was that time of month. Will all that had been going on, I had forgotten that it would be approaching soon and because of that forgot to stock up.
I tentatively got out of bed, taking small steps to my toiletries sighing at the lack of sanitary pads I saw. I slowly made my way to the bathroom, to change out of my soiled clothes and do something for my aching muscles. I quickly showered under a blast of hot water, steam rising in the bathroom as I stood there enjoying the heat as the water pounded down. I got out, quickly got dressed and put all my soiled clothes and bedsheets in the wash.
It would be better if I went now to get the supplies needed before the boys noticed I was gone. I could hear soft chatter in the living room which meant that they were awake, but this was too embarrassing, I couldn't exactly tell them where I was going and what for. Grabbing my purse, keys and a mask I slipped out the door pulling on my boots as I went. My exit had to be quick.
When I got up, I heard the water running in one of the bathrooms and the door was locked. (Y/N)-ah was awake, I made my way to the living room ambling in to drop onto Joon hyung and wrapping myself around him.
"Morning hyung." I said, my voice still slightly gruff from sleep.
He ruffled my hair, wrapping an arm around me as he continued to browse his phone.
I sat there half-asleep as I watched the other boys slowly start to make their way into the living room. Hobi hyung smiled before smacking a loud kiss on my head and bounding off to the kitchen to help Jin hyung make breakfast.
How he had so much energy in the morning I'll never know.
I heard the water stop running and a few minutes later the sound of a door softly opening. I yawned nestling closer to hyung.
" know there are other places to sit?" Namjoon hyung said, but there was warmth in his voice.
Jiminie and Kookie entered the room too dragging a half-asleep comatose Yoongi hyung between them. He seemed kinda pissed but seeing as they were both alive, I knew he hadn't kicked up that much of a fuss.
"Come on hyung, don't be such a grandpa..." Jiminie teased, Yoongi hyung turned to glare at him but because he was only half-awake he just looked cute and like an angry kitten, not that I'd ever dare to say it to his face.
I could've sworn I heard the faint jingle of keys and the main door shutting but no-one seemed to notice so I shrugged it off.
"Breakfast!" Jin hyung called entering the living room wiping his hands with a small towel.
He scanned the room quickly.
"Where's (Y/N)-ah? Is she not awake yet?" he asked. The guys shook their heads, a chorus of no's ringing out through the room.
"She is. She was in the shower earlier." I piped up.
Jin hyung started leaving the living room making his way to her bedroom. From where I sat, I could see him knock gently on her door and call out her name.
"(Y/N)-ah, are you up?" he knocked and waited before calling out again.
"I'm coming in (Y/N)-ah." He said before opening her door and then a loud curse.
Huh? Jin hyung didn't curse. It was rare enough that it caused even Yoongi hyung to sit up.
"Hyung, what is it?" Jiminie said rushing forward.
We all got to our feet and hurried to where Jin hyung was catching up with Jiminie and turned to see (Y/N)-ah's open bedroom door. Except she wasn't there. Her bedding had been pulled off quickly and when Namjoon hyung scanned the hooks near the door he saw her pair of house keys were missing- the floral key chain no longer brightly hanging there.
"It's okay hyung, she's allowed to go out." Namjoon hyung tried to reassure Jin hyung but from the tightness on his face, I knew logical reasoning wouldn't work right now.
"She'll be fine hyung, she left a while ago so she should be back soon." I called up drawing eyes to me.
"What? I heard her leave when you were making breakfast." I defended myself.
Jin hyung sighed, tension bleeding in his posture and the slump of his body being anything but relaxed.
Hobi hyung herded us all back into the living room but even whilst everyone was seated, the silence was suffocating and the air tense. I shoved Kookie into Jin hyung, his arms automatically going up to steady the maknae who had fallen into his lap. Kookie glared at me over his shoulder but he knew what I was up to. Jin hyung needed to be occupied at the moment, and what better way than filling his lap full of our muscle baby?
The silence stretched out, only being broken by the tapping of Hobi hyung's foot, the pacing of Namjoon hyung and the sound of the cushion being pummelled by Yoongi hyung.
Suddenly, the sound of a key twisting in the lock and the beeping of the code being entered was heard before there was a soft whoosh as the door swung open. Within seconds Yoongi hyung was on his feet and dashing to the door, Jin hyung albeit a bit slower because he had his arms full of Kookie. I could hear a small gasp escape (Y/N) before faint murmurs and the approaching sound of footsteps.
Behind Yoongi hyung was (Y/N) looking abashed, cheeks coloured slightly, holding a bag from the local convenience store, and behind her shepherding her along was Jin hyung looking as though him not standing behind her would cause her to vanish again.
She dithered at the entrance of the living room, hands twisting around the handles of the bag. Jin hyung ushered her forward but she stood there unable to meet our eyes.
"(Y/N)-ah why did you leave without informing anyone?" Kook-ah piped up.
"I'm not used to having to tell people before I leave, it's been a while since I lived with a group." She whispered looking downwards, but we all heard her.
"Listen her missy, next time you leave, it doesn't matter what time it is, it doesn't matter if no-one else knows, you tell me." Insisted Jin hyung, protective nature kicking in.
He didn't want to scold (Y/N)-ah, hell no-one did, it made you feel guilty, worse than if you had kicked a puppy, she had such a sweet aura and caring personality that seeing her in trouble twisted something inside me.
"Ahh hyung leave it now. She was probably craving snacks, sometimes you just don't wanna eat homemade food and binge you know?" I teased, successfully detracting attention from (Y/N).
I made my way towards her pulling her into a backhug.
"Anyways (Y/N)-ah loves sharing snacks with me..." I said as I tried to sneak a peek into what was in her bag.
Voices began to protest as the guys insisted that they were her snack buddies, Kook being the loudest but what they didn't notice was that (Y/N)'s face had become alarmed and she twisted herself out of my hug and rushed to her room. It was only when the room door shut, a bit more force than usual, did the guys come to a stop all of a sudden, the click somehow overwhelming their impromptu argument.
I felt worry stir in me, (Y/N)-ah NEVER said no to hugs, and she loved to share. Was it something I said?
(Y/N) POV:
The moment Tae tried to sneak a peek I knew I had to rush and put the pads away before the boys started tussling to get to the bag. I felt a slither of guilt as I pulled away from Tae's hug but taking advantage of the argument that had broken out I rushed to my room and shut the door, a bit heavier than intended, before rushing to put the packets of pads away.
As I was leaving the room, the pain in my abdomen started flaring up again and I winced as I started making my way to the kitchen. The kitchen was full as the members ate breakfast, a seat and plate piled with food waiting for me between Jin oppa and Hobi oppa. I walked around the dinner table to get to the fridge, pulling out the milk before moving over to make hot chocolate. I needed the chocolate to satisfy my cravings for now and the heat to give me some comfort. At the moment, I couldn't stand the idea of eating anything, I waited for my hot chocolate to finish heating before leaving the kitchen, hands wrapped around the mug.
"(Y/N)-ah, aren't you having breakfast?" Jiminie asked, I turned to look at him seeing a frown on his face.
I shook my head.
"No thank you oppa. I'm just on the sofa if you need me." I said before walking off to sink into the sofa, sweater paws wrapping around my mug as I waited for it to slightly cool.
"Oppa?" I said incredulous, she NEVER called me that unless she needed comfort- she'd mentioned that before.
I turned to see similar looks of concern and worry on the other members' faces.
"Do you think she's alright? She was walking slowly as though the movement pained her." Observed Kookie, he heard mutters of agreement- clearly everyone had been highly observant of (Y/N) since the moment she'd entered the dorm.
"I think she might need someone near her at the moment." And hurried to put my plate away, not waiting to see the others get to their feet and follow me as I made my way to the living room.
(Y/N) was sitting on the sofa, knees tucked to the side as she gripped the mug in her hand slowly sipping from it. Her eyes weren't their usual alert and bright but they looked slightly dim- as though clouded by pain.
I hurried towards her kneeling in front of her and reached out to cup one of her hands.
"Are you alright (Y/N)-ah?" I said softly.
She nodded. She was lying. She wasn't telling something.
"Whatever it is, you can tell me." Silence.
"(Y/N)-ah what's wrong?" I wheedled pulling out my best aegyo face.
"I'M FINE OKAY?" her voice suddenly rose; she wasn't shouting but I'd also never been on the receiving end of that tone either. Suddenly I knew I never wanted to be again.
The shock or something on my face must've shown because (Y/N) promptly burst into tears.
The boys had all hurried in, quickening their pace as they heard (Y/N), hearts silently breaking at the sight of (Y/N) in tears.
I jolted out of my reprieve, rushing forward to take the mug away from her setting it down on the table before cupping her cheeks, brushing away the tears with my fingers but they kept coursing down, a sudden burst of the dam.
I shushed her, cooing and whispering to her it was okay, but her body was still wracked with sobs as she muttered under her breath.
"I'm so sorry Jiminie oppa." She got out between sobs as her hands scrambled to grip at my sleeves tightly.
"I'm really really sorry oppa, I swear I didn't mean to be horrible and snap at you. Especially when you were just looking out for me. I'm a terrible person." She mumbled as she looked down at her hands unable to meet my eyes.
"Hey hey (Y/N)-ah, none of that. It's okay." I soothed her.
I got up from my kneeling position and her hands tightened on my sleeves.
"It's okay, I'm not going anywhere..." I reassured her as I got up to sit on the sofa and pull her into my lap.
The other boys unfroze and rushed forward, Jin hyung at the front as he hurried towards her.
She had her face pressed into my chest and I could feel my shirt getting wet as her tears poured out. Jin hyung rubbed soothing circles onto her back, trying to draw her face away from me but she tightened her hold around my neck and burrowed further.
"Baby look at me. Come on, tell Eomma what's wrong." He pleaded with her.
Soon her body stopped trembling in my hold and her tears started to slow.
She turned her head to face Jin hyung, her face was flushed from crying- her cheeks and the tip of her nose a rosy shade. Her eyes were wide, eyelashes glistening with remnants of her tears as she gazed wide-eyed and so trustingly at Jin hyung, her bottom lip jutted out in a semi-pout.
Jin hyung, and I'm betting everyone else in the room, melted.
"It's too embarrassing, it's nothing really..." she insisted before curling forward around herself as she suddenly whimpered.
The room went on high alert.
Hobi hyung rushed forward with a glass of water, when did he even leave the room I hadn't noticed, holding out two pills to (Y/N).
"Come on (Y/N)-ah, drink up. You don't need to say a word. Just try and get some rest huh?"
They had a silent exchange of words between their eyes before she nodded and curled back up into my hold.
"Is this okay oppa?" she asked me. I nodded, guiding her head gently back down to rest on my chest. Hobi hyung carefully drew a blanket around her, wrapping her up tightly, drawing soft circles in the juncture between her shoulders.
She dropped off to sleep fairly easily, her breathing deepening and her hold on my shirt going lax before we all turned to look at Hobi hyung.
"Hobi, what did you just give her?" Yoongi hyung asked.
"Painkillers with a light sleeping pill in them." He replied easily.
"Huh? You drugged her?!" Namjoon hyung spoke up, looking concerned as he glanced at the sleeping figure in my arms.
"What? No! Can't you guys tell? She's embarrassed and didn't want to say anything because she's on her period." He stated, like it was obvious all along.
Jin hyung's face whipped back to look at (Y/N), reaching out to stroke her hair.
"Poor baby. No wonder, she's in pain. Ahh, that's why she popped out earlier. Aish...and we all got mad too." He said in a low voice.
"Periods? Hyung, what's that?" Kookie said tugging at Jin hyung's sleeve.
"Aigoo...our maknae is more of a baby than we thought." Cooed Hobi hyung diving onto Jungkookie, throwing his arms around his neck.
"Be quiet Hoseok-ah, she's asleep." Scolded Yoongi hyung.
I saw Jungkook-ah's face turn paler as Hobi hyung explained to him what periods were.
"I wanna cuddle with her. Everyone knows I cuddle best." Pouted Tae glaring at me but I just grinned smugly at him.
"Guys stop arguing. Let (Y/N)-ah rest." Joonie hyung said, using his leader voice.
Yoongi hyung made his way to the opposite sofa, curling up on it as he slipped on his headphones. He looked like he was gonna fall asleep, but I could see from the tiny slit of his eyes, that he was intending on keeping an eye on (Y/N). This hyung would never admit it but he cared.
Kookie tugged Tae and Hobi hyung onto the floor so they could play games with him on the console, Joon hyung settled into the armchair with a book and Jin hyung bustled off to the kitchen muttering about making soup and food for his baby. He came back in half an hour later and settled into another armchair.
I knew no-one would say it, but it hovered in the air unspoken but clear as day. Everyone wanted to be near (Y/N), we all cared for her and they wanted to be there for her. Not to mention she had triggered their protective natures by being in pain AND crying. But for now...they all sat in the living room occupying themselves until she woke.
Top tip to stay from going mad or bored: BINGE ON BTS CONTENT!
Hope you're all healthy and happy!
PurpleQueenie <3
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