Chapter 14
The boys had yet to warm up to Moonbin, he had only showed them that he was incredibly touchy with (Y/N) and didn't even seem to acknowledge the other boys in the room.
Having lunch together had seemed an ordeal, the boys didn't know how to act around him, he had taken up the roles of all the boys and stole all of (Y/N)'s attention from them.
Where Tae and Jimin would usually wheedle her to feed them bites; relishing it more when it was from her plate, Moonbin now did but he didn't even have to wheedle for it. (Y/N) seemed to do it absentmindedly, like she wasn't even aware that she was doing it, offering every second bite of her food to him- nudging her chopsticks at his mouth. They sat there dejected looking like kicked puppies, big eyes looking sorrowfully towards the morsels from (Y/N)'s chopsticks disappearing into Moonbin's mouth.
Where Hobi would usually sit next to her and ask her about her hobbies and how her day went and such, Moonbin would talk of news from back home and of what they'd done together, making the resident-sunshine and others feel horribly left out and conscious of the fact that they hadn't seen (Y/N) in a role other than their manager mainly. He also wanted to ask her if she would watch him practice after dinner- looks like that chance disappeared.
Jungkook liked chatting to (Y/N) about Marvel and having serious discussions about what he insisted was 'their generation' in terms of films, games and comics as well as new snacks he wanted to try with her or the new arcade he wanted to visit. Now, he could hear Moonbin planning a day out with (Y/N) to places he too liked to visit but felt left out. He couldn't go to the cinema and watch the latest action movie, or new musical that had come out, he had training to do and dance lessons and practice. Stabbing at his food downcast, Jungkook missed the concerned looks (Y/N) was darting at him every few moments.
Namjoon had wanted to talk to (Y/N) about the latest book he'd read and discuss ones he'd seen in her room when they had been helping her unpack, now he couldn't. As he was eating, he could hear (Y/N) animatedly chat about the latest book series she was reading, and he couldn't help but be drawn into the conversation and the animation and excitement (Y/N) spoke with. He didn't really talk to the members about books- they claimed it was too boring or sometimes couldn't even read them because they were in English.
Jin wanted to chat with (Y/N) about new recipes he wanted to try with her or ask her to show him how to make those delicious cookies and where she bought that delectable cake from the other week. But he couldn't. He was pretty sure (Y/N) hadn't even eaten properly with the amount of times Moonbin had taken food off her plate, she hadn't even refilled it. He was sitting too far away to top up her plate like he habitually did, or sneak bigger portions of this dish or that one because he was pretty damn sure she never ate enough or cared about herself to notice she ate too little most of the time. Not to mention every time he saw Moonbin grab (Y/N)'s hand to force the chopsticks to his mouth- he felt his blood boil, not only at the blatant theft that was happening but also the casualness with which he kept TOUCHING her.
Yoongi was observing the two with narrowed eyes, quieter than usual at dinner, he didn't know what to make of Noomnib. He knew (Y/N) cared for him, that was obvious, but he tried to push down his annoyance that all of (Y/N)'s attention was being stolen away from them, from him. He loved how (Y/N) always filled their plates, insisting on giving them larger portions because they worked harder than her, but what irked him was that this Noomnib hadn't lifted a single finger since he came, and he got (Y/N)'s caring, doting nature lavished onto him too! He had wanted to ask (Y/N) where she got her sound equipment from, some of the pieces he'd only seen in the latest blogs or magazines as newly released products- some of them were limited edition! Where did she get them? He also wanted to ask her if he could borrow some, his eyes had snagged on the top-quality sound-proof headphones that had been resting around her neck when she opened the door to them.
It was fair to say, the boys were jealous. But they didn't express it. Or that's what they thought. They hadn't realised as they were drowning in their thoughts and feelings of neglect; (Y/N) had been staring at them all concerned, and she had more than easily picked up on what Binnie was doing. But she knew it was his way of testing them, so she let it be. The quicker it was done, the better. Maybe then they'd all get along.
After lunch, Binnie dismissed himself saying he had to get to work leaving with a hug and peck to the cheek before nodding his head at the boys, sauntering off whistling knowing exactly what he'd done. But he had left knowing (Y/N) was in good hands- the men had all endured his blatant hogging of (Y/N) without a complaint and had witnessed all the sad, sorrowful looks on their faces. But they hadn't complained. It meant that the men cared about (Y/N) enough to endure the rudeness, he'd apologise later. But for now, he had some sleuthing to do.
(Y/N) POV:
After Binnie left, I turned to the living room where all the boys were sitting silently looking downcast. I hadn't thought that they would've been that bothered by Binnie's teasing and testing. But I knew that Jiminie and Tae had been upset that Binnie had been taking food off my plate and chopsticks rather than them as I usually did. That Hobi and Kookie had loads of questions to ask but couldn't because whenever they tried to open their mouths, Binnie had stolen, more forced, my attention towards him bringing up past experiences of the things they'd gotten up to during our college and university days. That Jin oppa had been glaring at the way Binnie kept touching me or eating my food- he was a protective Eomma through and through. I saw the way Namjoon oppa wanted to talk too about books- I wanted him to join, I'd seen some of the series he'd read and wanted someone to fangirl too but Binnie let me rant without interrupting which meant poor Joonie hadn't gotten the chance to. Yoongi oppa had definitely never been this quiet during dinner, he was just watching not speaking. And thinking back, I realised I should never have let Binnie do it all. Now I had 7 boys to deal with. 7 upset, pouty boys- and nothing tore at my heart more.
I did have news I needed to share with them but first I needed to sort the mess Binnie had created and left me to deal with. Would dessert do the trick...? No, didn't seem like enough.
Hmmm... an idea came to mind. So, I left the living room with a mission in mind. Blanket forts and a group sleepover should do the trick, right? I knew they all liked sleeping together as a group, there was something comforting about it that despite their growth and success from their debut days they could all still relish in the comfort being together bought.
When I entered my room, I immediately grabbed the spare blankets and pillows I had, pastel fairy lights and some new manga comics before shutting the room light and stumbling towards the living room, the pile of blankets and pillows towering over my height. With a few bumps into the wall, I managed to stumble into the living room and collided with something hard, sending the pile tumbling to the ground and me following.
I landed with a thump, the blow softened by the plush carpeting and all the pillows and blankets I'd been holding and I looked up to see the boys all staring at me, Jinnie oppa was already rushing towards me arms outstretched, and I saw that it had been Joonie oppa I had collided with. He was about to exit when I came charging in. Oops.
Before the boys could move and leave the room, I spoke up.
"I'm sorry about Binnie, umm...he was testing you...?" but somehow the statement tailed off sounding like a question instead.
I cocked my head at them sideways, pouting at them not to walk out.
"I, umm...wanna have a sleepover. And dance with you Hobi oppa until I can't keep up, play Wii sports with you Kookie, ooh! Talk to you about this book series Joonie oppa- I think you'll love it! Feed you snacks Jiminie and Taetae until you're begging me to stop, because you are just so adorable when you're eating I can't handle it...make you try some snacks I've made- nothing makes me happier than seeing you smile and enjoy food Jinnie oppa. And Yoongi oppa, cuddles...?" I suddenly tailed off, all eyes on me and confidence gone.
I fiddled with the sleeves of my sweater, unable to meet their eyes now and the silence that overtook the room.
"Please..." I softly said, voice almost a whisper.
And then the room broke out into noise again, shouts of agreement.
"Of course (Y/N)-ah! I'd love to dance with you!"
"You love Wii Sports too?! Let's play!"
"I wanna feed you too!"
"No, I wanna feed her Jiminie!"
"(Y/N)-ah, you're too adorable, of course I'd love to try something you've made!"
"Ooh yes please! The guys never love talking about books, and oh you can tell me any recommendations you have for me!"
I giggled, unable to deal with the cuteness of these guys- all of them so eager.
I felt an arm tug at my wrist softly, I looked up to see Yoongi oppa smiling down at me softly.
"Let's cuddle, if you cuddle me, the boys can't force me to help set up either." He whispered to me. I nodded already getting up to join him on the sofa where he lay outstretched like a cat.
I stopped though.
"Let's change quickly oppa and then cuddle all you want." And pulled him to his feet and dashed out the room.
I stepped out of my room, having washed up and changed into an oversized jumper and some sleep shorts, Yoongi oppa waiting for me already dressed in a baggy t-shirt and some shorts.
When we returned, the boys had already started setting down duvets and making it into a fort as best as they could, Tae darting around stringing the pastel fairy lights around the room- I knew he'd like them, he has a great decorative flair.
They all settled down, I bought out of the kitchen two trays piled high with snacks. I wanted Jinnie oppa to try the smores I had just made. I don't think they have them in Korea, but they were something to be shared. Handing out the hot chocolate, I began feeding snacks to Jiminie and Tae; their mouths opening eagerly to accept them. When I handed out the smores, I saw the quizzical look on their faces at the unknown sweet treat but Jinnie oppa dived in.
"Mmmm, this is great. What is it?" he said after swallowing down a large mouthful.
Laughing, I reached up to brush off the few crumbs on his face.
"Smores! They're easy to make and I love having them, it's an essential at sleepovers!"
After the snacks had been set aside, Hobi oppa pulled me up to dance, the maknae line eagerly bounding in when Hobi's playlist of girl group songs began blasting out the speakers.
I tried to dance my best, as much as I could whilst laughing continuously at the silly expressions on their faces as they tried and failed at being seductive. Their dance moves were great though- you could tell that they were pros. Suddenly, Hobi and Kookie switched from imitating girl dances to making the moves more masculine and powerful. I couldn't handle it anymore, and I fell into a heap with Jiminie and Tae- the hyung line already laughing and filming the scene whilst watching with adoration in their eyes.
After the two had also collapsed from giggling so hard, I felt a tentative tap on my shoulder and turned to see Joonie oppa smiling at me, dimples on full display. I felt so tempted to poke them.
Whilst the rest lay around on the blankets laughing and chatting, I eagerly pulled on his hand ready for some heavy fangirling. I needed to express myself on the book series, I had to let it out.
He sat there listening to me rant about the complex plot and sudden character reveals, listening intently and drawn into the plot as much as I had been, gasping when I raged about the traitor being someone who seemed to have turned over a new leaf but due to his blood oath was bound to the evil Queen and had to double-cross them. He rubbed my shoulder soothingly as I teared up slightly, talking of how unfair it was- not about the protagonists being tricked but how easy the death scenes were for the antagonists- Yoongi oppa smirked at that, slightly shocked but glad I wanted long torture scenes in my determination for justice- sue me, I had a violent side. I didn't realise whilst I was ranting, that the boys had slowly gathered around me, drawn in by the plot and when I'd finished, I looked up to see them all staring, each of them drawn in as deeply as Joonie oppa was.
"Hyung! Why did you never tell us books could be cool?!" yelled the maknae line, seeming betrayed.
Joon oppa had never seemed so offended, spluttering at the boys.
Yoongi oppa suddenly pulled me towards him, "cuddles" he demanded, I couldn't deny- he was just so SOFT! I eagerly bound towards him but Kookie called out for me to play with him.
But Yoongi oppa didn't seem convinced, he settled for pulling me into his lap instead, looping his head around my shoulder and rested it next to my neck.
If the boys were shocked, they didn't show it much.
Kookie shot to his feet, ready to beat me, competitiveness didn't just run in him though- little did he know, he clicked onto table tennis.
Oh Kookie, Kookie. Poor you.
He was jumping on the balls of his feet, Wii remote smashing the air from this angle, from the left to the right, he was moving as he played- determination etched deep on his face.
I sat there, flicking my wrist slightly to the left or right depending on the angle of the ball. I met Kookie's forceful whacks with the wild swinging of his arms with my own softer movements.
The match seemed to go on for a while, the rally continuing on for a long time before Kookie would slip up or I would. The game was neck and neck, but I had never seen Kookie so determined to win something, heart soft for him anyways, I sent the ball back to Kookie and then let my hold on the controller slacken, let it dangle from my wrist. Kookie smashed the ball back and I let it, ball whacking my Wii character in the face and then the victory sign appearing for Kookie.
He cheered loudly, as though he'd won something greater than a console game and I relished in his victory too, smiling at the sight. His happiness was all I needed, seeing them all happy was enough. I knew the happiness in my life wasn't going to last long anyways, it was going to be a bumpy ride from now onwards. It felt like the calm before the storm.
But who would've known, the calm wasn't going to last long?
Stay healthy and happy ARMY!
PurpleQueenie <3
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