One Wish
"I wish Bangtan Sonyeondan never existed!"
And with that, Min Yoongi's wish came true.
Yoongi was tired, grumpy, cranky and sick of everything. The long hours of dance practice, the sleepless nights in his studio where no progress was being made, and his loud, overbearing members who treated him like a teddy bear they could carry around whenever they wanted were pushing him way past his limit.
He tried to stay calm, to keep it all in and keep working hard. But one night, the last of his patience runs out and he wishes the group had never been formed.
The shooting star over his head must have heard him, because when he wakes up, he's shocked to discover he's not a K-Pop idol anymore, but once again a poor kid in Daegu, selling his songs for ten cents apiece.
His members don't remember him, or each other, or of anything related to BTS. Like the group had never existed in the first place.
Desperate to get things back to normal, Yoongi races to collect all his friends and tries to remind them of all their memories together and who they really are...before it's too late.
"I wish Bangtan Sonyeondan never existed!"
And with that, Min Yoongi's wish came true.
(I was chaptering the titles like this "168:00:00" to show time ((168 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds)) to show time was counting down, because when the clock hits 00:00:00 the wish becomes permanent but yall don't have to do that uwu)
Loud pounding on his studio door jolted Yoongi out of his sleep, and he jerked in his chair, blinking around in confusion.
This wasn't his bedroom...what-
"Yoongi hyung! Please! We're already running late!" Namjoon's pleading voice drifted through the locked door. "Are you awake in there?"
The doorknob jiggled, but it was locked and the leader sighed. "Hyung, please, we're going to be even more late if you don't get ready right now!"
Yoongi yawned, ruffling his hair with both hands.
Now it was all coming back to him.
He had been working on a new song in his studio last night where he must have fallen asleep.
He checked his computer and saw he had only made 4% progress the entire night.
He groaned, slamming his face into his palms.
This stupid song had taken him over a week now to compose, and he hadn't even made the fucking chorus yet. He didn't know why it was so hard to make this song, all his other songs had come flawlessly to him.
The pounding on his door brought him back to reality.
"Hyung? Are you up?"
Yoongi sighed, leaning back in his chair. He was so tired. He didn't want to go dance practice, or to the interview afterwards. They were in America and while Namjoon did most of the work during English interviews, they were all expected to speak up at least once.
"I'm up." He mumbled, not caring if Namjoon heard him or not.
He saved his progress, before standing up and stretching.
He looked down at himself and sighed again, knowing he would have to change. His shirt was wrinkled and his sweatpants weren't exactly interview material.
He trudged to his door and yanked it open, wincing at the bright light from the hallway.
Namjoon turned, surprised Yoongi was awake. "Hyung! There you are! We got scared when we found out you weren't in your bed this morning!"
Yoongi closed his eyes, shuffling down the hallway. He made a tired noise that could be interpreted as...well, anything.
Namjoon hurried after him. "Do you even have your phone on you? You have to change, we have an interview later today and the stylists won't be there this time so we have to dress ourselves and-"
"I know," Yoongi hissed, and Namjoon fell back, knowing not to push Yoongi when he was like this.
He followed the older man back to the house, where everyone was milling in the living room, dressed and ready to go.
"There he is!" Hoseok laughed loudly when Yoongi stumbled in.
"We thought you got taken by a sasaeng." Seokjin teased. "If only we were still roommates, I would have protected you."
Yoongi ignored them, shuffling to his bedroom to change and grab his phone.
"Five minutes, hyung!" Namjoon called after him. "The van is already waiting outside!"
Yoongi grumbled, walking down the hallway to his room. He pushed open the door and shivered at the coldness inside.
He looked back at his door.
He always kept it shut, and no one dared to sneak into his room without his permission. The fact that it had been opened sometime last night told him someone, most likely the maknae line, had entered without his permission and had probably taken something of his.
"Ugh," he snapped to himself. He grabbed the first shirt and pants his fingers touched from his drawer and yanked them on, not caring if they went together or not. He snatched up his phone from the bedside table, and groaned when he saw the charger had come unplugged sometime during the night and he only had 38% battery for the whole day.
Great. Just fucking great.
He searched around briefly for his headphones, but couldn't find them.
"Hyung," Namjoon appeared at his doorway. "Everyone is waiting in the van. We're twenty minutes late right now."
"God, I'm coming!" Yoongi grit his teeth, annoyed he couldn't find his headphones. After this shitty morning, the last thing he wanted was to sit in a crowded van with his loud members for god knows how long until they got to the dance studio.
Namjoon bit back a retort, but he couldn't help but shift his weight from foot to foot as he impatiently wished for his hyung to hurry up.
Yoongi growled when his search for his headphones turned up nothing. "I swear to God, if Jungkook stole them again." He muttered.
"Stole what?" Namjoon asked, tilting his head.
"My fucking headphones," Yoongi grumbled. He lifted the covers off his bed but the mattress was bare of any headphones.
"I'm sure you just left them in the van again. Which is still waiting for us." Namjoon subtly squeezed in.
Yoongi huffed, throwing his covers back down. "Fine, whatever."
He pocketed his phone and stomped out.
Walking outdoors, he was met with a cold gust of air and he complained, wrapping himself up tighter in his coat. He arrived at the van and slid the door open.
Naturally, the window seats were all taken and he sighed, taking the middle seat in the very back, stuck between Jungkook and Taehyung.
"Took you long enough, hyung." Jimin smirked.
Yoongi ignored him. Normally he loved Jimin, but today, everyone was annoying him.
He scowled when Taehyung and Jungkook squished him, laughing loudly and talking over his head as they leaned into his personal space.
"Why didn't you two sit next to each other?" Yoongi finally snapped, pushing them apart so he could breathe.
"Because we both wanted window seats." Taehyung blinked.
Yoongi rolled his eyes so hard that it hurt.
After an interview that took fucking ages, they were finally back in the van, heading to their American dorm.
Yoongi sighed, resting in the backseat.
He was exhausted. His phone had died so he couldn't listen to music like usual, and that had stressed him out so bad that he messed up what he had planned to say in the English interview, and he cringed when he remembered his butchered sentence that would be played forever and ever on the internet.
While the others talked and laughed, Yoongi hunched down into his puffy jacket and looked out at the evening sky, seeing the first few stars starting to twinkle.
They got back a little after nine, and while everyone wanted to order food and drinks, Yoongi ignored them all, ready to charge his phone, find his headphones, and be alone.
"Hyung!" Jimin called from the living room. "Where are you going?"
"Yeah!" Seokjin said. "Come eat! The staff got us the best-"
"Not hungry." Yoongi snapped, even though he was. But he would rather be alone now and make something later than spend more time with his annoying members.
Jungkook got up and walked over, easily picking the angry rapper up.
"Hey!" Yoongi shouted, embarrassed at the way the youngest could carry him around with one arm, like he wasn't even trying. "Jungkook! Put me down!"
"You're grumpy." Jungkook sat the fuming boy down on the couch beside him and handed him a plate of food. "Eat, you hangry bitch."
While Taehyung and Hoseok snickered to themselves, imitating the Snickers commercial, Yoongi found no humor in this situation.
He stood up, scowling. "Leave me alone, I'm not in the mood for all this. I'm going to work on the album- don't talk to me."
"Wait!" Namjoon jumped up. "I've been meaning to mention- about that thirty seconds part you sent me last week to review?"
"Yeah?" Yoongi crossed his arms. "What about it?"
Namjoon looked away and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Uh...well...hyung...don't you could be a little bit better?"
Yoongi blinked, not expecting that.
"Well, it's just...the beat is the same four chords, the lyrics are flat, the tempo is a little off, and that random bass part? I's just...not your best. It's not up to your usual standard, I thought." The leader said honestly. "ARMY deserves the best, and that part wasn't...the best..."
He held his breath, looking at his angry hyung.
Yoongi was humiliated to have this conversation in front of everyone, and he blushed angrily, hiding behind his hair.
"I'm sorry," Namjoon quickly stepped over. "We should all be honest in our communication is all-"
"Fine." Yoongi hissed, stepping away before the leader could try to comfort him. "I'll redo the whole thing."
"You don't have to throw it all away!" Seokjin called.
"Yeah, I'll help you make it better." Hoseok said encouragingly.
But Yoongi wasn't hearing their support.
"So you don't think I can write songs on my own anymore?" He spat.
"What- no!" Namjoon's eyes were wide. "Of course not! We all have bad days, remember that terrible song I composed that was total shit? I was so glad you pointed it out to me before I released it. We just want to help, and the album is a group effort."
"I said I'll toss it, it's fine." Yoongi snapped, turning and storming away before they could try to calm him down.
Fuming and muttering to himself, he stomped back to his bedroom, wanting to be alone.
He took a shower, still grumbling, and then changed into pajamas in his room.
It was pitch black out now, with the city of Los Angeles twinkling through his window.
He opened it and leaned out, inhaling the cool air to try and calm down.
Everyone had bad days, but this was quickly shaping up to be Yoongi's worst day since BTS was formed.
Sometimes he wished the group had never been formed at all.
Growing more bold, Yoongi glared at the starry night sky.
"Did you hear me?" He shouted at the stars. "I said-"
He took a deep breath, and yelled out:
"I wish Bangtan Sonyeondan never existed!"
Aaaaaand thats how far I got.
Again, yall can use what I've already written or not, up to u! ♡♡
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