horror |dazai x chuuya|
Requested By: kawaniime
Nakahara Chuuya, a Port Mafia soon-to-be executive. He's more than capable of taking down an entire organization by himself (despite being 5"4) He's able to kill anyone with no emotion. He's able to drink two flutes of wine and get totally wasted. He's a total badass, afraid of nothing... Or so we thought.
The orange haired Mafia member's eye twitched at the sound of his name being called. If it was anyone else calling him, he would be okay... alas it was Dazai. His boyfriend/enemy.
"What do you want Dazai?" He asked, glaring.
Dazai smirked.
"I just wanted to spend some time with my partner~!" He stated, with a mischievous look in his eyes.
"Why would you want that? I can't stand you." Chuuya stated.
"Awww~ I can't stand you either!" Dazai remarked, with a grin.
"But there's this new movie that came out! Apparently it's super scary!" He announced.
"Why are you telling me this?" Chuuya asked.
"I want you to come with me!" He answered.
Chuuya's eyes widened in surprise but he quickly composed himself.
Super Scary? Lol nope!
Chuuya would never tell anyone but he was terrified of scary movies, no matter what genre: zombie, vampire, werewolf. But he was especially terrified of paranormal and ghost movies.
"No I'll pass, I'd rather do all your paperwork then have to spend another second looking at you." He replied.
Dazai smirked.
"Are you sure that it's not because you're scared~?" Dazai asked with a sly grin.
Chuuya's face completely flushed, causing him to get angry.
"So you'll watch the movie?"
"Alright~ I'll pick you up at 9:00pm~" Dazai chirped.
Chuuya froze, realizing his mistake.
Damn it...
So now the pair was sitting in Dazai's living room, waiting for the movie to start. Even though Chuuya hates Dazai he's glad that he was with him... no he still hates him for tricking him to come. Now if he reacts scared Dazai will tell everyone that he's scared of horror movies. No one would take him seriously anymore.
Then Dazai dimmed the lights, causing Chuuya to sweat nervously.
Seriously?! In the dark?!?! Is that really necessary?!
Chuuya turned to see Dazai with a triumphant smirk. It was obvious that the boy was uncomfortable with watching the movie. In fact, Dazai already knew that the boy was absolutely terrified. So why was he doing this? To tease him? Well yes and so that Chuuya would hold onto him when he was scared.
Chuuya always acted so brave and tough all the time, Dazai just wanted to see his vulnerable side.
"Last chance to leave~" he said with a wink.
"Eat shit and die."
"So mean~"
The movie began and not even half way through the movie, Chuuya was absolutely terrified. Did he live in an apartment where a little girl was murdered? Did he recently watch a mysterious tape? Did he recently try to summon a ghost?
Anxiety and fear were swirling all around his mind. Yet, he was determined to put up a strong face. He didn't want Dazai to think less of him.
Dazai turned over and saw the fear in the boy's blue eyes, as he kept his eyes glued to the screen in front of him.
How is he lasting this long? Is the movie not scary enough?
As if on cue, the boy jumped in his seat, face as pale as a sheet. Dazai smirked at this, he watched the movie beforehand so that he would know when all the jump scares would be.
Without thinking Chuuya latched onto the taller boy's arm, still staring at the screen. Dazai smirked not saying anything as the smaller boy squeezed his arm.
Dazai looked down and blushed, Chuuya was absolutely adorable when he was scared.
Once the movie was over, Chuuya was trembling and a bit dazed.
"Are you okay Chuuya?" Dazai asked.
"Yeah I'm perfectly fine! What makes you think I'm not?" Chuuya asked.
"You're still clinging onto my arm." Dazai replied.
Chuuya blushed and let go, turnings away in embarrassment.
"Awwww~ You're so cute Chuuya~!" Dazai exclaimed, hugging the smaller boy.
Surprisingly Chuuya didn't resist. Whether it was because he actually liked the hugs or was too scared to let go, Dazai wasn't sure, but he wasn't complaining.
"It was just a movie Chuuya, it's all fake~"
"I know, but I'm still scared asshole."
Dazai sighed holding Chuuya close to him. He had succeeded.
"I'm way too scared to go home, so I'm sleeping over tonight." Chuuya added.
Dazai blushed.
"Unless you're too embarrassed to have me sleep with you one night." Chuuya stated, with a smirk.
"Oh my god what's that behind you?!?!"
"Shit!!! Where?!?!"
"So why didn't you tell me you were afraid to begin with?" Dazai asked as they camped out on the couch.
"Because you would think less of me, and you would tell everyone." Chuuya replied.
"What~? I think it's adorable! And I would never tell anyone~" Dazai replied.
Chuuya looked at him suspiciously.
"If I told anyone then I wouldn't be special anymore." Dazai explained.
Chuuya nodded and yawned, but as soon as he closed his eyes the scariest images from the movie popped into his mind. Dazai seemed to notice and once again began cuddling the boy.
"Don't worry if any spirits come by, I'll protect you okay?"
Chuuya yawned and nodded rubbing his eyes.
"Night Dazai."
"Night Chuuya~"
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