VI. Cherry Wine
UA was big. Mako felt small in comparison to this totally great establishment. He was supposed to come here for whatever reason. He even got in at one point. He wasn't too sure why he followed the heroes back to this place anyway. Sure, he wanted to stay with Izuku, but this wasn't his place.
"Mako," the red haired boy, Kirishima, said. He nudged him, though Mako's back was too sore from the lack of sleep and pure adrenaline he had been running on for days. "You need to sit. You're shaking, man."
He hadn't even realized his body was practically vibrating. It had been a rough day. It was entirely possible that the minute Mako stepped through those inner gates, he could most likely collapse.
He took a shaky breath, using Kirishima's shoulder as a crutch. He closed his eyes. His legs shook. Every fucking step felt like he was about to collapse. Mako glanced at the hero with many arms, Shoji, who was holding Izuku up. The green haired boy was fast asleep. His hair was still matted around his face, curling around the edges.
"I'm fine," Mako said through gritted teeth. The group stared at him. Mako's eyes twitched as everyone stared. He didn't like the attention. It was actually kind of freaky how they all had that faraway look. "Why's everyone staring like that?"
The red haired girl who had given Bakugo a forehead kiss earlier, tilted her head. "You're barely awake. Take a break." He had caught her name before as the group whispered amongst themselves. Fiona. That was a pretty American name. "Seriously, take a break."
Mako shook his head. "I don't need a break."
Oh, who was he kidding?
Mako needed a fucking break.
He collapsed to his knees as the group split into two. One group walked with Izuku inside, while the others stayed back with him. Endeavor's son, Kirishima, the American, and a pink skinned girl all hung back with him. Endeavor's son knelt down in front of him, lifting his head up with a cold hand.
"Kirishima," he said, looking toward the boy. "Carry him in."
Mako shook his head rapidly. He didn't need to be carried. "What the hell? No, don't carry me." The American didn't wait for an answer before Kirishima hoisted Mako onto his back. He tried to fight, but the exhaustion was finally kicking in. "How the hell are you so strong?"
All people with quirks were strong. It came from the perks of having a superpower. But this kid was too strong. It actually kind of freaked Mako out. Like holy shit.
"The stronger I am, the more people I can save," Kirshima said as he walked through the gates.The rest of the group stood beside him.
Mako was bombarded with the loud shouting of the mob inside. He felt his ears begin to bleed. He didn't have the energy to cover them. They were shouting crude things about Izuku. They didn't want him here. Mako could see why. Izuku had claimed that All for One would stop at nothing to kill him. He had a target on his back. But Mako knew that Izuku was tired. Too tired to fight any longer. He needed to rest.
It wouldn't be fair if Izuku gave his life for the people who didn't care for him.
They didn't want Izuku here at all. They claimed UA was feeding them to All for One on a silver platter. That wasn't it at all. Why couldn't they see that?
Mako didn't want his friend to be pushed away from his home.
"Dek—Izuku Midoriya has a very important power."
Mako knew that voice. On the walk here, he had learned bits and pieces of the hero class's names. That was Uraraka or something. He wasn't too sure. The mob grew silent for a moment. That was good?
Mako's head throbbed. Even though he was only focused on Uraraka's voice, his quirk was still picking off the echo of her voice. It bounced off the walls, tearing his head apart. He pushed off of Kirishima's back, falling to the ground with a thud. Endeavor's son rushed toward him, helping him up with ease.
"Are you alright?"
Mako pressed one hand to his head, covering one ear. It was too fucking loud. "It's loud," he said. Endeavor's son nodded.
"I can cover your ears. It might not help but it works for Jirou."
The boy put his hands over Mako's head, covering his bloody ears. It calmed him immediately. Mako looked up at Endeavor's kid, who was giving him a blank stare. He saw Izuku staring up at the Uraraka girl. Did he love her?
He couldn't hear much of the speech, but he bet it was real inspiring since the mob looked pissed off. He couldn't care less about the mob, but he knew if that girl didn't get her point across, Izuku would be cast out.
"Shoto," the American said, glancing at them. She knelt down beside them. She tilted her head, brushing Mako's hair from his eyes. "Help him sit down properly. He looks really pale."
Endeavor's kid, Shoto, nodded. He helped him sit on the ground. Mako felt his face heat up as Shoto's thumb rubbed circles on his cheek. It soothed him, and the pain in his head. He felt sick.
"He wants to change our situation more than anybody, and he's put himself in harm's way to do it. Do you see what that's done to him? Just because someone has a special power, that doesn't mean they're a special person!"
Mako smiled up at Uraraka. This is what Izuku needed to hear. This is what he had been saying for weeks. Izuku deserved so much, and received so little. Shoto was staring at Izuku, with the same heart eyes Mako had. It was funny. His friend was desired by everyone and their mothers.
(Izuku wasn't just a friend.)
"You wanna see us broken down and covered in mud?" a bystander shouted.
Mako watched the hero student's tense. Mako was only a vigilante. He wasn't there during the whole initial incidents that lead to this. He couldn't relate to their trauma from that. But he knew what it was like to have someone else's blood on his hands, and not being able to wash away the stains.
"The heroes are the ones who are getting dirty! They're the people who'll have to wash away the stain."
The boy with the engine legs, Iida, if Mako remembered correctly, turned to Izuku. His friend was staring, unmoving. "You get it, right? She's up there fighting. For all of us. She wants to see everyone smile. Especially you." Izuku flinched, his hands shaking at his sides.
Uraraka wanted to see Izuku smile. Mako did too. He missed that boy's smile. Those lips that curled into a gentle smile that warmed Mako down to his toes. WHy couldn't Izuku smile anymore? There was so much out there for him.
Mako had fought by Izuku's side, slept by his side, and even cried to him. He had seen how this situation had affected him. He had watched the tears that threatened to destroy the persona he had worked so hard to build. Mako had kissed those tears away, and made sure Izuku had less nightmares. He couldn't do much but give love where he knew it wasn't reciprocated.
"I'm begging you! Let UA..." Uraraka's voice rattled Mako's bones. He looked up at her with wide eyes. "Continue to be his hero academy!"
Izuku slumped to the ground in a pile of long sobs. Mako went to get up, but his body kept him down. Shoto stared between Izuku and Mako, his head spinning around in confusion. He was trying to piece something together.
A little boy sprinted up to Izuku. And another woman. They all spoke to him. Then Izuku's eyes fell onto Mako. And he cried some more. Mako found the strength to get up, his legs threatening to give out from under him. He could make it over. Izuku was waiting for him. His Izuku.
Mako stumbled forward, trying his best to remain upright. He couldn't think. He could barely hear. Everything was fusing into one. He fell to his knees beside Izuku, who was crying loudly. The little kid and the woman stood beside them, crying gently.
"Izuku," he whispered, touching his shoulder. Izuku's bottom lip trembled. "Izuku, I'm sorry." Izuku inhaled. His tears still fell, staining his already tattered costume. Mako shifted, holding Izuku's face in his hands. "They're letting you stay. You're home."
Izuku's eyes continued to leak. He shook under Mako's touch. He was in a panic. When was the last time Mako had seen Izuku cry? Had he ever seen him cry? Mako couldn't even remember. All that he knew was that his boy was finally safe. alive
anyway heres my chapter of brutality of a god that was needed. dearly. things are about to go insane and if you dont understand the references have ZERO FEAR. because this is one book in a huge series i have planned so itll work out trust me
the red haired american is from my other fic 'so american' check that out pretty please ^7^.
any references to maiki jin, and other ocs not specificed to be mine belong to my friend apollo4200 on ao3. please go read her works i beg.
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