Chapter 6: final
"Come on guys times a wasting, we got to find that dime!"Minima said running to the plane.
"Wait who is this?"Donald asked.
"Oh just a master criminal I found in glomgolds dungeon"Louie said.
"What?"Donald asked.
"He's joking"Minima explained "I found him"She said with a smug face as they got into the plane.
"Well magica we did as you asked Now I believe you owe me a million bucks!"Glomgold said.
"That was awfully extreme just for a dime"Lena said.
"Not A dime Lena my dear confused niece THE DIME!"She said "SCROOGE MCDUCKS NUMBER ONE DIME IS MINE AT LAST!"She yelled and ended with an evil laugh "sorry I get carried away".
"Ahem"Glomgold rudely interrupted "I believe we're done here!"He said angrily.
"Quite"She said then used her magic to make glomgold appear into the forest and he got ran over by a million male deer.
"Wow that was legit man"Mark beaks said applauding Magica "I got it all on my phone"He said.
"Who's this creep?"Lena asked
"He came with the other looser"She said.
"The names mark beaks CEO of wattle and now an official member of the billionaires club"He said as he autographed a picture of himself and gave it to Lena "there ya are squirt cherish it"He said then winked at her.
"For the love of- what do you want?"Magica asked.
"Nothing I'm just chilling"He said.
"fine go "chill" over there!"Magica said.
"Ok I got the directions to magical hidden location!"Louie said.
"What?"Scrooge asked
"How did you find out so quickly?"Minima asked.
"Mark beaks is live streaming about it on Instageese"Louie said "she's on the top of Mt Vesuvigus, Boy I missed you my love"He said to his cell phone as everyone rolled their eyes.
"Launchpad let's see how high this plane can fly!"Mimima said.
"Finnaly"Launchpad said "it was about time I got to talk in this story...But I have nothing funny to say"He said.
"Shut up launchpad we don't have the time!"Scrooge yelled
"Sorry mr mc dee"Launchpad said.
Launchpad landed (crashed) right into magicas hideout.
"You kids stay here me and Donald will get the dime"Scrooge said.
"What?"Louie asked.
"Hey she's my aunt I should be in there!"Minima said.
"She's your what?!"Louie asked.
"We'll discuss this later ye' lads stay here Launchpad keep An eye on them!"He yelled then both he and Donald went in the face Magica.
As soon as I finished this potion I'll finally have Midas Touch"She said Scrooge snuck up behind her "Don't bet on it"Scrooge said.
"Scrooge how did you know I was here?"Magica asked.
"That's what you get when you hire mark beaks!"Scrooge said.
"Oh yeah sorry about that"Mark said "it was just too good, I've never seen such magic before most people think I edited that like come on why would The Mark Beaks himself do something like that?"He asked.
"Shut up you stupid parrot!"Magica yelled.
"You're related to Magica de spell?"Louie asked "Why didn't you tell me?"
"It didn't matter at the time, I'm going in to find my father no matter what, Are you coming or not?"She asked.
Louie looked at launchpad and he was sleeping, He didn't want to disobey his Uncle but he certainly didn't want minima to try and defeat magica alone so he agreed.
While Scrooge was fighting magica trying to get the dime, Donald was fighting off magical beloved ravin Poe and mark beaks was playing on his phone. Minima and Louie found a secret way around back and went upstairs to try to find any sign of her father or sister and possibly the dime. When someone came up behind them.
"What are you doing?"Lena asked while jump scaring both minima and Louie.
"LENA!"Minima shouted "you're ok!"
"Lena?"Louie asked "wait how do you know her? And why are you here?"He asked
"Lena it's me your sister minima!"She Said "I thought I'd never find you"
"woah hold on here, I don't have a sister"She said.
"she never told you"Minima said.
"Yo!"Louie said "I'm still here, Lena why are you here?"he asked.
"I work for my dear aunt magica"She said.
"ohh now that sister thing it' that still doesn't make any sense"He said.
"Look only because I half way like you people I'll give you a chance to escape in exchange of you promising to not tell webby about this cool?"She asked.
"Forget this!"Minima said then went downstairs as fast as possible as Louie followed.
They saw complete chaos, Scrooge and magica fighting over the dime, Donald trying to fight a small ravin and mark beaks doing absolutely nothing but livestreaming all of it.
Minima got in the middle of Scrooge and magica and grabbed the dime herself.
"Mimima!"Louie shouted.
"give it here lass!"Scrooge said.
"Minima de spell give me that's dime!"Magica shouted.
"De spell?...she is my sister!"Lena said shocked.
"Stand back"She said "or I'll drop the dime!"She said holding the dime over the window.
"Mimima don't do something stupid you're going to regret!"Louie said
"I can use this to find my father!"She said.
"it isn't yours to give lass, besides you don't know what kind of power that has, and you don't know how to use it!"Scrooge said.
"Minima I know who your father is and if you give me the dime, I will personally keep you, you're sister and your father safe and together forever"She said
"Come on minima you're better then this!"Louie said "you know you can't trust her, and if you do the right thing I will help you find him"Louie said.
Minima stopped and looked at the dime, debating on what she wanted to do, Does she give it to Scrooge and do the right thing, or give it to magica and turn to the side of evil? She made her decision and slowly walked over to Louie and gave him the dime.
"I'll take that"Scrooge said taking the dime from Louie.
"But that dime was mine!"Magica yelled she started to grab minima "you lousy brat!"She yelled then Louie's grabbed a random potion from her shelf and threw it at magica which teleported her to Glomgolds location.
"That was totally legit man I'm so Turning evil"Mark beaks said still playing on his phone. Minima and Louie looked at each other and smirked evilly they grabbed marks phone and threw it in the volcano.
they all got inside the plane and started to fly home "Louie I told you to wait here, how could you disobey me like that?"Scrooge asked.
"I told him to"Minima said "He only did it for my sake"She said
"I'll get to you in a moment!"Scrooge yelled Minima sat in silence.
"Louie what you did was irresponsible and it completely terrified me, But it took bravery and good wits lad and I'm proud of ye'"Scrooge said and smiled.
"now I know what your- wait what?"Louie asked
"I'm proud of ye'"he said.
Louie smiled "well thanks"He said.
"and as for you young lass,That was incredible you really put on a show back there"He said "Do you need us to drop ye' off somewhere?"He asked.
"Just drop me off anywhere in duckburg I'll find my way around"She said.
They landed the plane at mcduck mannor, Scrooge, Donald and launchpad walked inside.
"Well Louie that was pretty cool"She said.
"I guess"He added.
"I'm still going to keep looking for him"Minima said "if you want you could join me on my quest!"Minima offered "we could even look for your mom!"She said.
"I have no interest in finding Della minima, I'll pass but I wish you luck"He said
"DELLA DUCK!"She yelled.
"what?"Louie asked.
"you're mom is Della duck?"She asked.
"yes why?"Louie asked.
"my mom and your mom were friends!"She said, She pulled an envelope out of her bag and gave it to louie "her dying wish was to give this to you, I promised my mom I'd deliver it to her family"She said.
Louie looked at the envelope and hid it in his pocket as soon as she left, Louie went back inside and was greeted by his brothers and webby, They were a family once again.
scrooge still lectured louie about his slacking and being lazy, The only thing that changed was their relationship that grew much stronger, Sometimes family members or friends do things that annoy you or try to help you when you don't need help. But they only do these things because they care about you and want what's best for you!
I hope you all enjoyed it! There's a part 2 labeled "The unforgettable misshap".
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