Chapter 5: The time, the dime
Donald and scrooge broke into glomgolds mansion looking for clues, Any sign of finding Louie, they found their plans just lying around, (We've already established that glomgold isn't that smart) "They're after the golden gobblet?"Scrooge asked "That thing isn't worth a nickel".
"Why would he need Louie in order to find it?"Donald asked.
"I don't know but we're going to get him back!"Scrooge said.
"And then I'm going to kill glomgold!"Donald yelled.
"Calm yourself nephew, You can kill him if you want but wait till we get louie"He said.
Donald nodded his head in agreement. Some people would think he was joking but he was being dead serious, they got on the plane and left to find Louie.
Apparently the golden gobblet was in Egypt before someone stole it and took it to a abandoned cave conveniently only a couple hours away from duckburg. Louie,Minima,glomgold and magica entered the cave while Mark stayed behind.
They've already walked about thirty minutes in the cave "So what's the plan?"Louie whispered in minimas ear.
"I don't have a plan"She replied.
"What do you mean you don't have a plan?"He asked.
"Quiet!"Glomgold said.
"This is far enough"Magica said as she pushed minima to the other side of the cave and used her magic to build a thick ice wall over it.
"Unless you want to join her, I have a proposition for you"Glomgold said
"I'm listening"Louie said
"You could work for me"He said "I'll pay you well and maybe even someday, you could own the company"He said.
"That's crazy!"Louie said "What makes you think I'd ever do anything to betray my uncle?"He asked
"So you'd rather be trapped here forever?"He asked "If Scrooge ends up finding you, you can just go home and have the same miserable life where he lectures you on what a horrible nephew you are!"Glomgold was right. Louie doesn't have a purpose in Scrooges life and if he decides to work for glomgold he could make enough money to help uncle Donald and his brothers. But glomgold wasn't really trustworthy and Scrooge and possibly uncle Donald would never talk to him again. But all that money was more than Louie could ever hope for. So he made his decision.
"Donald wait here I'll get the lad!"Scrooge said as He was about to walk out of the plane.
"What?!"Donald stopped him "No way I'm coming with you!"He said
"Donald if this is a trap, there's still hope on finding the lad"Scrooge said.
"I don't care, we can-"Scrooge interrupted him "Donald let me fix my mistake!"He yelled. Donald stoped and thought about it then he finally agreed "you have one hour!"He said.
"thank you Donald"Scrooge said then he ran into the cave to find them.
He walked about twenty minutes into the cave, "Louie!"He called "Glomgold you son of a-" then they appeared right in front of him.
"Looking for something Scroogey?"Glomgold asked Louie was right next to him holding the golden gobblet.
"Lad are ye' alright?"He asked.
"As if you care!"Louie said.
"Louie what are ye' talking about?"He asked.
"Well glomgold offered me something much better then you ever could"Louie said "Don't worry though I'm not that much of a loss, remember you said yourself dear uncle that I'm a lot more like glomgold then I am you!"He said as he handed the gobblet to glomgold.
"Louie listen to me I was wrong about what I said"Scrooge tried to explain "You're worth so much more then that!"He said.
Glomgold tied up Scrooge,Louie took the number one dime from his neck, He was too heartbroken to care. Glomgold then threw him in the same place they threw minima.
Scrooge hated himself for what he said to Louie and now he's lost him forever,He could never fix his mistake and even worse if he dies he'd never see his nephews again.
"Please tell me you didn't fall for that"Said a voice behind him.
scrooge looked behind him and saw Louie himself tied up aswell "Louie!"He said "How did they?-"
"Magica is the master of disguise"Said minima.
"Magica of course!"He said "wait who are you?"He asked.
"oh right I'm minima, I wish we could've met in a different circumstances where we weren't about to die"She said.
"We're not going to die, I'm going to get us out of here!"Scrooge said.
"Just forget it Glomgold won!"He said.
"He didn't win lad!"He said.
"yeah but magica did!"She said.
"Stay out of this minima!"Louie yelled.
"Lad I'm so sorry about what I said to ye'"Scrooge said.
"Hey it's just words, they can leave you brused but they don't break you"He said.
"lad I..."
"Don't say anything ok, I should be the one that's sorry, I'm the one who decided to stay home and I'm the one who is too lazy to work!"He yelled "I know I'm your least favorite nephew but I don't care ok, I don't have to be like you to Be worth something."He said.
"You're not my least favorite nephew lad I care about you just as much as the other two!"He said.
"oh really?...then why do you always talk about how adventurous Dewey is and how smart Huey is and all you ever do is lecture me!"He asked.
"I'm sorry Louie I just didn't want you to be like I was"He said "I only cared about money and treasure and I didn't want you to grow up that way"He said "I lied about you not being like me I just didn't want you to end up that way".
Louie just looked away trying his hardest not to cry. Scrooge looked at him and said "Lad you're right about one other thing, you don't have to be like me to be worth something, in fact you're worth more to me then all the money in me money bin, when I see the three of you together it's like a combination of your mother"He said.
this time Louie did cry a little, He realized that even though Scrooge only lectured him it was only because he loved him and wanted what was best for him.
"Yo!"Minima got their attention "Can we please have this stupid sob story later, we have to get out of here somehow!"Minima said.
"don't worry give it one minute"He said "I've sent backup".
Donald started to look for Scrooge himself and ran into mark beaks.
"I'm gonna be an ultra millionaire!"He shouted "selfie!"As he took a selfie,
Donald flipped him and broke his phone.
"Hey you're paying for that!"He said.
Donald was on parental protection mode, He was running super fast until he found them through the iced wall.
"Donald there you are now here's the plan we cause a diversion and-"
Donald punched the ice and it broke completely apart.
"Or you could do that"He said.
"Donald untied Scrooge and then Louie as Scrooge untied minima.
"Louie in so glad you're ok"Donald said as he hugged him "Don't ever scare me like that again."He said
Louie backed up "Sorry uncle Donald but right now we have to get the number one dime from magica!"He said.
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