23. busted
I liked Axel.
I liked Axel a lot.
He was smart, fun, spontaneous, mysterious, strong, and probably fearless.
We walked together to the lake, A few children were running along the sandy shoreline, giggles and screams echoing through the breeze that blew my hair back.
"Are you upset about baseball?" Axel asked me, his hands in his pockets as we sat down on a bench overlooking the lake.
I shrugged and shook my head. "I don't really want to talk about that, I just hope my dad is happy."
Axel rested his hand against my thigh, which made me jump slightly. His palm immediately felt hot against my clothed skin, my cheeks heating up against the breeze. "Wanna go prom shopping tomorrow, you know, for tuxedos? My parents actually don't have time to come meet yours beforehand, they're just trusting me."
I watched Axel talk, nodding quietly like Aspen does. "That sounds nice. I just hope I can... afford to rent one."
I knew I had to scrape up some money, real quick. I didn't have the slightest clue about how much rental tuxedos costed, anyway. It was just a guessing game until I get to the shop.
"You can, trust me. It's pretty cheap," Axel reassured me. He smiled like everything was okay. Now, his hand was back against his own thigh and I didn't have that burning feeling anymore.
If it was cheap, that would be a miracle. I didn't have any money and I knew I had to pry some off of my parents, like that would ever work.
After another half hour at the lake, we decided to leave. Axel said I could stay at his house for dinner, so I agreed while swallowing a lump in my throat that always seemed to be there when I was around him.
We reached his house and he held the door for me, so I awkwardly walked into his house first. His dad and step mom gawked at me for a few seconds before shifting around. They caught on and smiled, saying hello to Axel and me.
"I told him he could stay for dinner," Axel said while smiling at both of his parents. Jackson was bouncing in some sort of contraption that hung from the wall. He happily cooed at the sight of Axel.
"Hi," I awkwardly croaked out, sticking my hands into my pockets. Axel's dad was still in his police uniform and it made me a little uncomfortable.
"I'm going to change, then we can start eating," His dad smiled while walking towards the stairs.
I watched him, studying the light blue uniform like I've never seen one before. I was interrupted when Axel's step mom shuffled in front of me.
"Hi, I'm April. That's Jackson," she pointed behind her at the toddler in the bounce seat, "and my husband upstairs is Robbie."
I took her hand and shook it, blinking at her while she spoke way too fast. Or, maybe I was way too nervous. "I'm Orion," I smiled and continued to glance around their home, "nice to meet you."
Axel interrupted us by grabbing my arm, and April smiled again, "You two are going to be the best couple at prom."
I gave Axel a confused look, pulling away from his arm a bit, "Your parents know?"
Axel nodded and glanced back at his step mom who now seemed worried, "Don't your parents know?"
I licked my lips quickly and shook my head timidly, looking up at Axel and his step mom. I felt so stupid for saying my parents didn't know, let alone the fact they probably wouldn't accept it, when Axel's family seems so fine with everything.
"Oh no, why not?" April quickly questioned while placing both hands on her hips.
I really didn't know what to respond with, "I just haven't... told them yet."
April nodded and tucked some of her short blond hair behind her ears, a comforting smile curling into her lips, "It's a brave thing to do, I know you'll be able to do it eventually."
I tilted my head at her comment, because she was acting like I was too scared to tell my parents I was going to prom with a guy. She was correct although I didn't want to admit it.
"Alright, ready for dinner?" Robbie suddenly said while trudging downstairs in some sweatpants and a plain shirt. He looked at us with his broad chest outwards, his hands loosely on his hips.
April nodded quickly and rushed into the kitchen, where it sounded like she was gathering dishes to put onto their table. I've never sat down for dinner with my family, and this made me feel even more uncomfortable. People were going to watch me eat, and talk to me at the same time?
Robbie carried Jackson over and sat him in his high chair that attached to the table. Axel guided me over now, he must have seen that I was too lost in watching this whole production. He pulled out a chair for me and I sat down slowly.
Axel sat down next to me, and I watched his step mom place lasagna and bread sticks onto the table, along with a salad which had walnuts. I never even saw anything like this in my life. Where do they get all that food?
April suddenly folded her hands together, bowing her head against her hands as she mumbled a few things quietly. I looked around the table and noticed that Jackson and I were the only two who didn't have our heads bowed.
I gulped and fidgeted with my fork, which caused April to drop her hands and lay her eyes on my plate. "Oh, Orion, doesn't your family do this?"
I shook my head and chuckled quietly, plating some lasagna onto the white dish. "We've never ate together, this is awesome, actually," I smiled and looked back at April.
April just nodded, and Robbie seemed less than intrigued to find out more about my personal life. Axel's arm brushed against mine every now and then as he ate his lasagna. Everyone was quiet, until April opened her mouth again while adjusting Jackson's plate.
"Tell us about your family, Orion."
In my head, I laughed and thought about all the things April didn't want to hear about my family. Instead, I started talking, because the truth was going to come out eventually.
"My parents are alcoholics. I have a twin sister named Aspen who is too damn nervous for her own good, and my younger brother Devian started selling drugs downtown just about a year ago."
Robbie nervously twitched his lips like he was going to say something, but he never did. April stared at me like this was all going to be some sort of joke, but I was hoping my blunt expression would hint otherwise.
"Does your brother happen to be Devian Greer? Your characteristics seem similar," Robbie asked me quietly, his eyebrows furrowed in wonder as I picked at the salad on my plate.
"Yes, Devian Greer is my brother."
Robbie now brought his hand over his mouth, his curled index finger pressing into his top lip.
"Your brother sells drugs?"
I nodded again, quickly setting my fork down on my plate.
"Correct," I hesitantly mumbled.
Hey Guys! This is super important! If you own a mobile device with the mobile app, PLEASE vote for this story, Bruised Knuckles, in the Summer Sun Awards! You can find the book under my "reviews, contests, etc." reading list. The previous chapter is also asking for votes on another contest, and I'm sorry about this because I honestly did not expect them to happen at the same time. PLEASE VISIT THESE BOOKS AND VOTE! I need your help! Please PM me with any questions or concerns! I will gladly PM you the books for your convenience.
This means a lot to me and I need my fan's help ASAP!
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