Chapter 9
Feeling as if someone was hammering inside your head, you came to, your vision still blurry. No doubt from the concussion your Mom had given you, making you pass out in the car. Taking deep, steadying breaths, you waited a couple of moments for your vision to clear before taking stock of where you were.
It was another faceless hotel, one that had seen much better days. It was even worse than the ones Sam and Dean usually frequented, or even the ones your parents used to stay at. The carpet was a deep, ugly brown, so many stains covering it they almost turned it black. The wallpaper was so grimy, you could hardly even make out the small flowers that used to cover it. The window had a crack, the blind's hanging on by a thread. There was only one bed, it's comforter a dingy gray, and you had a feeling it used to be white.
The entire place smelled of mold and cigarettes, and you had to stop yourself from gagging at it. "The princess awakes." Your Dad muttered as he came out of the bathroom, a smirk on his face. "Thought you were going to be lazy all day today.
You were laying across the couch, the old vinyl sticking to your cheek. More than a little surprised to know they hadn't handcuffed you, or tied you to the spot. "Where are we?" You muttered, your mouth feeling full of cotton.
"None of your fucking concern." He growled, smacking you across the mouth, drawing blood. Wincing in pain, you tried to pull yourself farther away from him. "I tell you, you're going to tell those stupid Winchesters, and we are strong enough to kill the off quite yet."
"You'll never be able to defeat the Winchesters." You spat, watching as fury turned your Father's face a mottled purple, before he raised his fist, slamming it down on you, giving you a black eye instantly.
"Maybe we should just kill you now. It would be more fun." He muttered, just as your Mom came into the room, looking extremely pleased with herself.
"Honey, we can't kill her yet. She's bait for the Winchesters. Besides, I found out that she played her part all too well. The Winchester are long gone, no doubt having forgotten about her." Your Mom said.
"But how does that work into our plans?" He asked, looking confused. He wasn't extremely bright, but you didn't expect more from a Demon.
"We give it time, then she will call them, plead for them to rescue her. The Winchesters can't turn from a good plea." Your Mom chuckled, before glancing down at you. Even with the black eye and bloody lip, you stared at her, ready for her next move.
"Excellent job dear. Maybe if we give her a couple more bruises, make her a little battered it will be all the more convincing."
"My pleasure dear." He answered, cracking his knuckles before grabbing you by your hair.
This time, waking up was so much harder. Sure, your head still pounded, but it joined all the other aches throughout your body. You were sure at least two ribs were broken, along with your arm. Your face was a mixture of cuts and bruises. After stepping on your leg, making sure that it was broken so you couldn't move, your parents had left the motel room, assured that you wouldn't be attempting to move anytime soon.
Pulling yourself up with your good arm, you were saddened to see they had broken the room's phone. With no other way to connect with Dean, unless you left this room, you lay back down on the couch, your body throbbing with agony. Tears welling up in your eyes, you did the only thing that came to mind. You prayed, to Cas, the only Angel you knew of. To a god you truly didn't believe in. If there was actually a god out there, why did he let this happen to you? Groaning in agony, you moved your broken leg, almost passing out from the pain. "I have no idea if anyone out there is listening, or even if this truly works. But I need your help. Anyone's help. Please." You whispered, your voice breaking at the end.
Staring wistfully at the door, you wished that you hadn't gone with your parents. That you let Sam and Dean take care of them like you knew they could. But you hadn't wanted to put Sam and Dean in danger, and you had done what you had deemed necessary at the time.
"Y/N, what have they done to you?" A familiar voice said from the back of the room. Moving too fast, you groaned as your entire body flared up in pain.
"Cas? What are you doing here?" You asked, the pain making you a little delusional. You hadn't expected him to hear you.
"I heard your prayer, and came as quickly as I could. Where are your parents? Why did you go with them?" He asked, striding over to you. Kneeling next to the couch, he reached forward, as to heal you, but with the last of your strength you reached up, stopping him.
"Y/N, you're in pain. Let me heal you." He insisted, but you shook your head, a tear escaping.
"No. You heal me, they'll know I asked for help. I can't have that." You whispered, and with a frown he did as you asked.
"Y/N, please tell me. I don't understand why you left with your parents." He asked again. "Dean hasn't been the same since you parted, and won't say anything."
"I hurt him Cas. Deeply. I know he'll never forgive me. But that doesn't matter right now. What matters is my parents plan." You insisted, even though you knew you never would forgive yourself for the pain you had caused Dean. You wouldn't even blame him if he didn't want to come help you.
"Your parents are Demons." Cas stated. "I haven't told Dean yet, because he was in such a foul mood leaving you. But have they always been Demons? I don't sense any Demon blood in you."
"No, they were just mean to begin with. But the Demons holding them are now using them as meat suits, and they plan to use me to kill Sam and Dean." You explained, talking quickly with no idea how long your parents will be gone.
"Y/N, let me take you from here." He pleaded, and you shook your head.
"No. Let me deal with this. Just promise you'll keep Sam and Dean as far away as possible. No matter what happens, don't let them fall for my parent's traps. I can handle the pain. I've done it before." You said, feeling lightheaded from all the pain.
"I do not like leaving you here. Like this. Please." He pleaded once again, but you had made up your mind. You would stay, and continue the façade until you were sure Sam and Dean were safe. Then, you didn't care what happened to you.
"Cas, I'm used to this. It's been my life for a long time. I just don't want anything to happen to Sam and Dean." You insisted. "Please, just tell them to stay far away, but nothing more."
"Fine, if you insist." He answered, your pain reflecting in his eyes. "But let me do this for you."
Raising his hand up, he pressed it against your forehead before you could even blink. A warmth filled you, some of the pain leaving you before you succumbed to sleep.
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