Chapter 7
Both you and Dean stood there, watching as Sam and Cas carefully made their way through the overgrown fields, making sure not to be seen by the inhabitants inside. Giving them a couple of moments to make their way around the house, so you could all head in around the same time.
Reaching over, Dean cupped your face, surprising both of you it seemed. "Y/N, please stick beside me. I know we've already talked about this. But I've finally gotten you back in my life, I don't want one of those monsters to take you from me."
"Dean, don't worry. I just want to get my parents out of there, and then worry about the future. Those monsters won't be able to get near me." You assured him, just as you saw the signal from Sam before they disappeared around the house.
Taking a deep breath, you and Dean took a little different route around the house. Through the overgrowth surround the falling apart fence, up to the porch with its broken steps. The windows on this part of the house were boarded up, barely a square inch to look out of. It gave you an advantage, even with the little squeak of the rotting wood.
With his back to the door, Dean had his gun up, winking at you before he counted to three. As he mouthed the word three, he rammed against the door, knocking in the door easily. With his gun out, he raced inside, and you hurried to keep up with him.
The inside of the house was dark and hazy, smelling moldy and musty. It was hard to see inside, and by the time your eyes had grown accustomed to the darkness, Dean was grabbing your hand, pulling you along. The front room was empty, save for a broken couch and a busted lamp. Making his way towards the door, he whispered in your ear. "They have to know we're here. That was too loud for them not too."
Nodding, you stayed behind him as he headed into the main hall. You could hear a fight towards the back and you pointed Dean that way. Racing into the back room, you almost ran into Dean's back when he stopped immediately. Standing on your tiptoes, you peered around his shoulder, gasping at what you saw.
Sam and Cas were over taken with Vampires, at least five of them. Cas was using his angel mojo to take care of his, but with two large vamps, Sam was struggling. "Dean, you help them. I'll keep searching for my parents." You suggested, even though your heart hammered at the thought.
"Y/N, no." Dean muttered, but his attention was on his brother. With a deep breath, you pushed him into the room, before taking off down the hall. With your new gun in front of you, you slowed to a walk, keeping close to the wall. Checking each room you passed, you were worried when each one came up empty.
Finally standing in front of the basement door, you knew you should wait for Dean. But you could still hear the sound of the fight behind you, and you didn't want to be the scared little girl hiding behind the man. With a deep breath, you pushed open the door, automatically getting met by a pair of hands. Grabbing you and pulling you down the rickety wooden stairs, you fell the last couple, wincing as your ankle gave way.
"Finally. I was wondering when the rescue crew would make their way here." A familiar voice said before you were roughly kicked in the stomach. Glancing up into your Dad's eyes, you saw him smiling widely as his foot arched backwards before kicking you again.
"Dad?" You muttered, wheezing hard from the pain.
"Hey sweetie." He answered, before leaning down and grabbing you by your hair. Wincing and trying to scratch him, he shoved you into a chair. That's when you noticed your Mom standing off to the side.
"What are you guys doing? We're here to save you?" You breathed out, as your Mom came forward, slapping you hard across the mouth.
"We knew you would be. That's why we took extra precautions. Those Vamps were so eager to work for a couple of Demons." Your Mom answered, both of their eyes flashing black. It was then you saw the bodies lying on the floor. The Demons must have smoked out of their previous meat suits, using your parents instead. "And your parents are the perfect meat suits for us. Hell, they're enjoying all the pain and suffering we've inflicted upon people so far."
"Leave them alone." You muttered, standing to your feet, but your Dad hit you hard on the cheek, knocking you back down.
"Oh, I don't' think so. They are just perfect." Your Mom, or the Demon inside your Mom answered.
"I have friend with me. They'll stop you." You threatened, but both Demons just threw their heads back, laughing.
"Oh, we have the perfect plan for that." Your possessed Dad announced. "You."
"Me? I'm not going to help you." You argued, but he grabbed your cheek roughly, forcing you to look at him.
"I think you will. Otherwise we will call in our Demon friends, and within seconds your friends will be a bloody pile on the floor."
"No." You muttered, watching as the smile widened on his face.
"I think you will do it. Because according to your Dad's memories, you really care for those people fighting the vamps up there. And you will probably do anything to protect them." He said, before roughly shoving you back into the seat.
"What do you want me to do?" You asked, because he was right. You couldn't let anything happen to Dean, especially at the hands of your parents.
"You'll pretend that you killed those horrible demons." Your Mom laughed. "We'll pretend to be your parents, shocked and relieved that you were able to save us. Then, we will go on our separate ways, you with us. Letting us use you as we see fit. You'll be our little slave."
"And my friends?" You asked.
"Safe. We promise. We'll leave them behind, and you'll never see them again. But if you try to warn them, we will kill Dean, automatically."
"He'll know somethings up if I just up and leave him." You argued, your heart breaking at the thought of leaving Dean once again, knowing that it would break his heart as well.
"Then you'll just have to be convincing. Because if you're not, everyone dies. Including him, and your parents." The threatened, and you knew you had no choice but to go along with their demands.
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