Chapter 4
"Y/N? You awake? It's time to hit the road!" Dean's voice rang out through the motel's thin wooden door, and with a groan you rolled over, wanting to press the pillow to your head and sleep for another hour or so. Sleep had been hard to come by last night, and it hadn't been until almost 2 o'clock that you had finally nodded off.
"Give me ten!" You yelled back, moaning as you forced yourself to sit up. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you stood up, planning on heading to the bathroom, when a loud, insistent knock sounded on your door again.
"Y/N, sweetie, open the door!" Dean pleaded with you. Knowing you probably looked a sight, you brushed your hair back, before unlocking the door.
"Dean, if you want to get going you need to give me a couple of minutes. Alone." You muttered, when a steaming cup of coffee was shoved in your face, along with a muffin.
"Sure, you haven't changed that much." He said quickly. "You always were grumpy in the morning, and I thought this might perk you up a little."
Grabbing the breakfast items, you glanced down at them in surprise. It had been so long since somebody had done something nice for you, just because they could. You weren't sure how to handle it. A part of you was waiting for the other shoe to drop. For Dean to want something, or expect something in return. "Get dressed. We leave in ten." Was all he said before shutting the door.
Taking a sip of the scalding liquid, you sat it down before quickly getting ready for a day on the road. You weren't sure what to expect. Not knowing if you would be seeing your parents by the end of the day, or if it would take longer than that. Feeling horrible, you wanted nothing more than to spend a couple more days in the presence of Dean before you had to deal with your parents once again. Because you knew for a fact that once you were with your parents you wouldn't be able to see Dean, or Sam, again.
Slipping on another long-sleeved t-shirt to cover the hideous bruises covering your wrists, you tied your boots before making sure everything was back in your bag. Taking a bite of the muffin, you stepped out of the room, seeing the three men were already waiting by the Impala, sipping their own cups of coffee. "There she is!" Dean exclaimed, giving you one of his megawatt smiles. Feeling nervous and unsettled, you ducked your head, your hair covering the blush on your face. Sam took the bag from you, tossing it into the back as you slid into the backseat next to Cas. As Sam and Dean slid into the front seat, your sleeves bunched up, and before you could pull them back down, Cas was grabbing your wrist, looking at the bruises.
"Y/N, I can heal them." He told you, and Dean's head jerked to the side, his eyes widening at the sight of the deep bruises covering your wrists.
"It's not a big deal." You answered softly, but you could see it was a huge deal in Dean's eyes.
"Where did you get them?" He asked you, his eyes unwavering.
"It's not a big deal." You said again, pulling your shirt down, and trying to turn the attention away from your bruises. It was one pair in an extensive line of bruises. Not the worst you've had by a long shot. "How long until we're there?"
"About five hours. But Y/N, please. Tell me." Dean pleaded, but you just shook your head at him. You weren't ready to tell him. Not yet. You weren't ready to see the pity in his eyes. And if he knew, then he might not rescue your parents, and no matter how horrible they were to you, they didn't deserve to die by a Monster's hands.
Sighing, Cas reached up, pressing his fingers to your forehead. A warm, tingling sensation filled your entire being, healing all the minor aches and pains you had forgotten about, along with the bruises on your wrists. "There. That's better. But Y/N, you need to tell Dean." He finished softly, but you just slightly shook your head.
With a frown upon his face, Dean started the Impala, peeling out of the parking lot in frustration. With the radio blaring, conversation was out of the question, but you didn't mind. With no chance of conversation, that meant less of a chance of Dean finding out about your sham of a life.
Hours passed, and you continuously stared out the window, ignoring the heated glances Dean continued to throw your way. Sam had his head in a book, while Cas sat there, his hands folded in his lap. Before you knew it, Dean was pulling off the road, up to the gas pump. Needing to stretch your legs, you made your way to the bathroom in the back of the station. Quickly taking care of business, you began perusing the isles of the convenience store, surprised at the number of snacks provided. It wasn't often that you went shopping for yourself, and it was like a whole new world since you were a teenager.
"Sam, I'm telling you, something's not right." You could hear Dean's voice on the next isle over, and you froze. Just seeing the top of Sam's hair, you knew you were hidden from sight, but if you moved they might see you.
"Dean, I agree. But until Y/N feels comfortable enough to open up, we can't do anything." Sam answered softly.
"Her parents were always weird, and I never trusted them. But what if they did something to her? She isn't the same sassy girl that I fell in love with all those years ago." Dean told his brother, his voice full of emotion.
"Then you'll be there for her, when she needs it. But anger is not what she needs. Hell, it would probably push her away the fastest. I just don't know if we should let her go back with her parents." Sam told his brother. But you were still caught on the fact that Dean had just admitted he had been in love with you a long time ago. If it hadn't been for your parents, the two of you might be married by now.
Sneaking back the way you came, you found a different way to the front of the store, meeting Dean at the same time. "There you are!" He exclaimed, a couple of bags in his hands. "This is for you." He handed you a bag as you made your way back to the car.
Glancing inside, you saw all your old favorite junk food. Everything that you would buy when the three of you would go shopping with Bobby. "You remembered?" You whispered, picking up your favorite bar, and carefully opening it.
"You were my best friend, of course I would remember what you liked. I just hope your taste buds haven't changed too much." He said as Sam came out of the store behind you.
"Nope. This is perfect." You told him, but you couldn't miss the concern that was still clouding those mossy green eyes.
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