Chapter 12
"Dean, I..." You started, the words catching in your throat. With a sigh, Dean started pacing the room, running his hands through his hair.
"Y/N, just spit it out okay? Save us the trouble of having to tiptoe past each other. You made your choice, and now you have to live with it." He yelled at you, and you flinched from the fury in his words. "You could have stayed with me, but you chose them, and the pain they continued to cause you. And I have no idea why."
"If that's the way you feel, then why should I say something?" You whispered, hurting at the very core of your being. You hadn't expected Dean to be so cold, so unwilling to listen to anything you had to say.
"Maybe you shouldn't. We came, you're healed. Maybe we should just go our separate ways. Probably be for the best." He grumbled, his face stony.
Trying to keep the tears at bay, you watched as he stormed out of the room, leaving you alone and heartbroken. It was then you let the tears fall. Fat tears that turned into choked sobs as you couldn't control the pain you were feeling. You had hoped that he would give you some sort of chance, but you had always known how Dean was. He was head strong and cautious, and didn't open his heart up to just anyone. And you had taken that gift, thrown it right back in his face without much choice.
So lost in your tears, you didn't hear the door open, or the booted footsteps as Sam came to stand next to you. "Y/N, what did you say?" He asked softly, his hand resting on your shoulder. "Dean wouldn't talk, and I haven't seen him that upset since...well...since you said you were staying with your parents."
"He wouldn't listen." You sniffled. "I don't blame him, but it still hurts. Sam, please look after him."
Pulling the chair over, Sam plopped down next to you. "Y/N, what do you mean? Aren't you coming back with us?"
Shaking your head, you couldn't say the words. Couldn't admit out loud how bad you messed things up. That the thing you wanted the most was never going to happen. "Y/N, whatever it is, we can work it out. Dean is stubborn, but give him time."
"No, this isn't something that can be fixed." You assured him. "I know he's probably ready to go by now."
"I'll go talk to him, make him wait." Sam started, but you shook your head. Reaching over to the nightstand, you grabbed the stationary that sat there.
"Wait, please." You asked Sam, writing quick. Telling Dean exactly why you did what you did, and how things had ended. Telling him everything that he didn't want to listen to. With tear drops staining the paper, you admitted your love once again, before telling him that once you were cleared, you would vanish, and never bother him again.
Folding it up, you handed it to Sam. "Please, give this to him. I know he probably won't want to read it, but maybe, in time, he won't be so mad."
Sam nodded, placing the note in his pocket. Reaching over, he grasped your hand. "I'm sorry things are like this. I really thought you and Dean would've been happy together. But you have my phone number. Call me for anything, and I mean it. I don't care what Dean says. I'll come running."
"Thanks Sam. Take care of yourself. And your stubborn brother. And take that Angel with you. Tell him I will never forget all that he did for me." You squeezed his hand, watching with a sad expression as the person you thought of as a brother left the room, probably to never see again.
With a sigh, you knew your life would never be the same. Gone were the days of hiding in cheap motel rooms, waiting for your parents and the pain that followed them. Gone were the days of having Dean back in your life. It was a fresh start, and it was the scariest thing you had ever even thought about it.
Since Cas had pretty much healed you, you knew you no longer needed to stay in the hospital. Especially since you had no insurance. You had nothing. No clothes, or possessions. You only had the spare cash that you had taken from your parents, enough for a couple of hotel stays until you figured out your next move.
Climbing out of bed, your legs wobbled for a moment, before they grew strong enough to hold you. Wincing, you picked up your clothes, seeing the knife marks still cut into them. Knowing they would have to do until you could hit a thrift store, you slid them on, your body still stiff, but no longer sore. Once your feet were encased in your boots, you made your way into the bathroom. Your hair was a ratted mess, and you began tugging at the knots with the cheap comb, wanting to look as normal as possible for when you tried escaping.
Once everything seemed in order, you glanced out the door, surprised to see the hallway empty. With a deep breath, you went left, glancing around each corner to make sure your nurse or doctor wasn't standing there. Escaping a hospital was easier than you had thought, and before you knew it you were at the main entrance, about ready to head outside when you saw Sam and Dean striding through.
"Dean, she wanted me to give you this!" Sam exclaimed, holding the note you had given him. Rushing after his brother, you weren't surprised to see that Dean wasn't listening to him, not at all.
"Sam, I'm done with her. And that includes letters that she wrote. We're getting Cas, and we're getting out of here." Dean growled, stopping for a moment, glancing around the lobby and you ducked behind the column, making sure you weren't seen.
"Just read it. Please. You know Y/N. She wouldn't have deliberately tried to hurt you! Give her the benefit of the doubt." Sam argued, just as Cas came up. You knew now was the time to leave, before the Angel noticed you hiding there.
"Dean, I agree..." You heard Cas start to say before you heard no more as you rushed out of the doors, racing away from the tall building. With no destination in your head, you began walking. Away from the only life you had ever known. The only man you had ever loved. To some unforeseen future that scared you more than you wanted to admit.
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