Chapter 1
Your parents were hunters. Which meant your life had never been normal from day one. Growing up on the road, traveling from place to place. Never staying in a school long enough to make friends. On top of that, your parents were constantly getting into fights, making living in a small motel room horrible. Many times, you would find yourself down at the library, staying until they closed just to have some sort of peace.
Everything changed the moment your parents had started hunting with John Winchester. They seemed to calm down, their arguing simmering down to every now and then. Now, you were able to stay at the same high school, spending time with their good friend Bobby while they went on hunts. That's when you met Sam and Dean, John's sons. They had been standoffish from the get go. But soon, the three of you realized how alike you were, and you became inseparable. Years passed, and major events happened. Sam had gone off to college, surprising both you and Dean. Your parents had pulled you away from your life in Sioux Falls following a fall out with John. You and Dean had tried to keep in touch, but it was hard, and soon the two of you hadn't spoken for almost a year.
That all changed one fateful day. You received a phone call from an unknown number as you waited for your parents to come back from a hunt. It had been, telling you that his Dad was missing, and that he was on his way to go get Sam. Asking if you would come along. But the thought of going against your parents had your shaking your head no. Your parents weren't easy to deal with on a good day, and you knew they wouldn't want you to go.
Things with your parents had gone from bad to worse, but you had no one to turn to. Sam and Dean were busy saving the world from one thing after another, and you didn't want to bug them. Truthfully, you hadn't talked to them in almost a year. Instead, you spent more money than normal on makeup, trying to cover the bruises your parents gave you whenever they returned home from the bar, or another bad hunt. But there was no makeup in the world that would hide the verbal abuse.
Years passed, and you tried to keep in touch with Sam and Dean. But it was hard. They were busy with their own hunting careers, and you were at the beck and call of your parents. Never allowed to hunt, never allowed to leave whatever hell hole of a motel you were staying in. Always waiting for them to come back, just to be tormented one more. Soon, you began believing the things they told you. That you were ugly and useless. That you didn't matter to anyone. That you would be better off being a monster's lunch.
Soon, you were just a shell of the girl that Sam and Dean had known. No longer caring about hiding the bruises, you would sit in the darkness of your motel room, dreading the day your parents would return. Sure, you were old enough that you could leave them, head out on your own. But they had beaten you down so much that you never believed you could succeed. Until the day they were supposed to come back from a hunt, and they didn't.
Days passed, and still they didn't return. Finally, your phone rang, an unknown number flashing on the screen. Answering it, you couldn't believe the voice on the other end of the line. "Dean?" You whispered, relieved to hear your friends voice after so long.
"Y/N, I wish this was a social call. But have you heard from your parents?" He asked, and you could Sam talking in the background.
"No. They were supposed to be back by now." You explained, your voice calm and even.
"Where are you? Sam and I can come over. The three of us can try to find them." He offered, and for a minute you thought about turning him down. But if you didn't try to save your parents, it would do nothing but piss them off, and you couldn't handle that.
Giving them the directions, you knew they would make it there in a couple of hours. Racing around the trashed room, you quickly began cleaning it, making sure it looked okay. Making your way into the bathroom, you hated the sight staring back at you. Gone was the girl who garnered looks from the men at bars. In her place was a shell, with dark circles under her eyes. Her clothes hung loosely on her body, which was no longer voluptuous and curvy.
Knowing that Sam and Dean would probably notice right away, you spent the next hour taking a shower, wincing at the bruises that still covered your wrists and stomach. You then covered yourself in makeup, making sure to cover the dark circles and bruises that were showing from the neckline of your shirt.
By the time you were finished, there was a brisk knock on your door. Opening it up, you couldn't believe who was standing in front of you. Sure, Sam and Dean had always been handsome, even when they had been gangly teenagers. But they were no longer gangly. Both had grown into handsome men. Dean with his spiky sandy hair and his piercing green eyes. Sam, with his shaggy brown hair and those kaleidoscope eyes that were so kind.
"Sam? Dean?" You asked, as they towered over you. Your answer was a huge hug as Dean pulled you against his firm chest. It was like coming home. Sam and Dean had always been there for you when no one else had been, and you had missed them more than you had imagined.
"Damn it's good to see you." Sam said, pushing Dean out of the way so he could squeeze you tight. Trying to ignore the pain of your ribs from your latest present from your dad, you smiled up at them.
"I've missed you guys so much!" You exclaimed, stepping back to let them into the room, seeing the shiny black Impala behind them. "And that car. I've missed that car."
"She's a beaut. Isn't she?" Dean said proudly before sitting down at the table. "So, Y/N, I'm sorry we couldn't meet again under better circumstances."
"Y/N, we know this must be hard. But we've already been in contact with Bobby, and we think we know where your parents are." Sam started off quickly.
"So far it seems like they're okay. We should be able to go in, and save them easily." Dean continued, grasping your hand and you jumped at the contact. It had been so long since someone had touched you nicely that you forgot what it felt like. If Dean noticed your jump, he didn't mention it. He continued talking, describing the hunt as if you were used to that sort of thing.
"So, between the three of us, we should have no problem against a couple of vamps." He finished off, and you stared at him blankly. "Y/N? You still hunt, don't you?"
Shaking your head, you stared down at your lap, ready for them to yell at you. "Not since we split up." You explained.
"So what? You stay behind and do research?" Sam asked you, and you shrugged.
"Something like that." You answered.
"Well, don't worry. Sam and I will keep you safe. We can leave your car here, travel all together in the Impala. I know you miss her." Dean winked at you.
"Sounds great. And we don't have to worry about my car. I don't have one." You told them, watching as Dean's eyes widened.
"So, your parents leave you behind, but without a car?" Sam questioned, and you nodded. Before they could question you any further, you stood up, grabbing your bag from where it lay on the dresser.
"Let's go." You told them. Missing the glances they shared with each other, you stepped out into the rain, ready to leave this motel room behind.
Soon, you were sitting in the back seat of the Impala, listening to Sam and Dean argue just as much as they had when they were teenagers. Dean still had the same taste in music, and you found yourself singing along, smiling for the first time in a long time.
Stopping at a gas station, Dean handed you some cash. "Go get us some snacks sweetheart. Whatever you want. Sam will take whatever fruit, and I'm craving some jerky." Dean insisted, and you walked inside, glancing around the store uneasily. Quickly making your selections, you hurried outside, just to hear the end of the conversation.
"Sam, I know that. But just look at her! That's not the Y/N that we both knew and loved. She looks beaten and down, and I would bet her..." Dean stopped suddenly, noticing you. "Did you get what you needed?" He asked you, changing the subject immediately.
Nodding, you slid into the backseat, pulling your long sleeve flannel farther down, making sure to hide the bruises on your skin. Because the second that Sam and Dean realized that your parents were beating you, there would be hell to pay. And you weren't sure you would stop them.
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