Natalie sat cross-legged on her bed, resisting the urge to slip into a long nap. Her eyes threatened to fall shut, her head slumping to the side, desperate to land on her soft pillow.
It had been a long day at school, starting with her midterm exam at nine in the morning.
Natalie aced it. Of course, she did. She had spent so much time going over her notes, she could've taken the test in her sleep.
It didn't matter if she was yawning all through the test. She got it done. She didn't need to wait for her results to know that she'd done well.
And that was exactly what she told Nyra when she asked, after the teacher had collected all papers.
"Of course, you did well. When have you ever not done well?" Nyra had teased.
Natalie shrugged through a yawn. "I'm just feeling really good about this one."
"You didn't sleep last night or something?" her friend asked.
Natalie warmed. Her hands shot up to cover her eye bags. She hadn't bothered to conceal them this morning. Maybe it had been a mistake.
"Is it that obvious?" Natalie asked.
Nyra laughed, like that question was an obvious one. "You've been yawning once every thirty seconds. Let me guess what kept you up."
"Studying, obviously," Natalie said quickly.
The girl beside her had simply laughed, her eyes flickering over Natalie's shoulder. "Well, it looks like you weren't the only one."
Natalie followed her gaze to find Veronica yawning widely before slumping onto her desk, face down.
"Maybe I should follow suit," Natalie muttered, feeling tempted to shut her eyes, if only for a minute.
"Well, you've got about six minutes until the bell," Nyra said.
"Six minutes?" Natalie shook her head, blinking her eyes hard to keep them open. "I should start getting ready for next period."
She pulled out her notebook, flipping through the pages to find yesterday's notes and homework.
By the end of the day, Natalie was beyond exhausted.
A part of her was a little relieved that Leon didn't show up—she probably looked like a wreck with dark bags and a slumped posture, yawning every minute.
Still, she was a little sad she couldn't see him today. She hoped he did well in his match.
So, here she was, cross-legged on her bed, head creeping closer and closer to her pillow.
Her usual notes were spread out in front of her, but her hands were occupied with her Ophelia book instead.
She couldn't help it. Not only was she too exhausted to study, but after last night's adventure—leaping out a window, riding on the back of a motorbike, learning to punch—she felt like she had lived a chapter in one of her books.
She wanted to go back.
And although she couldn't reverse time and relive last night or leap out of her window now and try to do it all over again, what she could do was escape into her romance novels and pretend the face she imagined as she read wasn't Leon's.
When she shut her eyes, she could remember the feeling of his hands on her waist, his fingers brushing over her knuckles.
She clutched her book to her chest and kicked her feet, her whole body feeling hot with the memory.
She jumped, her eyes snapping to her bedroom door where her dad stood, frowning.
"Dad!" she exclaimed. She went to hide her book, but it was too late. He'd seen it.
He marched over, snatching it from her hands.
"What's this?" he asked. He glanced at the page, his frown deepening, and read out loud, "Ophelia stood at the corner of the room, her heart thumping. Her partner stood at the other end of the room and waved towards the single bed. 'This was the last room they had,' he said. —Natalie, are you kidding me? Why are you reading this?"
"Dad!" she whined, covering her face with her hands. She was humiliated. She knew it was a trashy romance novel, but she didn't need her dad to know that too.
If there was one word to describe her dad, it would be unromantic. Notions of romance and dreams and sentiment were unheard of to him. She couldn't remember the last time her parents had kissed or he'd bought flowers for her mum.
And when it came to romance books—even Pride and Prejudice was pushing it for her dad.
"Natalie, get serious. This is your last year of school. How do you think you're going to get into medical school, huh? Because I can tell you one thing, it won't be with this." He slammed the book onto her bed and crossed his arms.
"I know, Dad," Natalie said quickly. "I'm sorry. I'll focus."
"You'd better. Have you been practicing for the UCAT?"
"I have," she said. She didn't need to tell him that she'd been getting low scores on every attempt.
"Reaching out to alumni?"
"Of course."
"Good," he said. He looked at her Ophelia book one last time and shook his head. "It's your last year, Nat. I'm being serious."
"I know, Dad. I've got it."
He nodded, taking awkward steps back to her door. He pursed his lips, then said, "It will be worth it in the end, Nat."
Without another word, he shut the door.
Natalie collapsed on her pillows with a loud sigh.
Her dad was right. She needed to be more serious about this. Other girls in her class were attending study groups and tutoring sessions every night. And she was still failing her admissions test practice runs. She needed to get serious.
And yet... she couldn't help but remember Leon's face. The way he had fought in that ring, his words.
Boxing was everything to him.
Studying and med school... Natalie wasn't sure her dad was right.
Would it be worth it?
The next afternoon, Natalie felt exhausted.
She hadn't even stayed up late. She was just so tired of using her brain all day long, every day. And without her Ophelia books to help turn her brain off, she found herself solving maths equations right up until she went to sleep, followed by another full day of school.
Her brain was fried.
She almost missed Leon waiting in his usual spot, around the corner from her school.
He grabbed her arm to get her attention, and she spun, her heart dropping until she saw his face.
"Leon!" she exclaimed before immediately lowering her voice. "You scared me."
"Sorry!" He released her arm and let out a light chuckle. "I thought you were going to walk right past me."
Natalie shook her head. She pressed her fingertips against her temple. "Sorry. My brain is just... completely melted right now."
"Long day?"
"Long week. Long existence," she said. "It's like I want Year 12 to end already, but I'm also dreading it."
"Well..." Leon took her hand, and her mind went still. Her whole body went still. She had to remind herself to keep walking. "Right now, we're walking to Sierra Grammar. And guess what?" Natalie looked at him and he grinned. "I'm injury free."
He stretched his arms apart as if to prove it. Natalie laughed.
"Injury free? Never thought I'd see the day."
"Yep, which means I can give you a tour of the school," he said.
"A tour?"
"With your own personal tour guide."
"How could I turn that down?" She decided to play along. "Except that if anyone sees us..."
"No one will see us," Leon reassured. "How do you think I sneak out of class? I know all the hidden alcoves, don't worry."
"And I'm supposed to just trust you?"
Leon met her eyes. "Don't you?"
Her heart stuttered. She hated that the word yes drifted into her mind immediately. Instead, she looked away and shrugged.
"I'll make the tour worth your time, trust m—"
Leon's voice stopped short. Everything stopped short. He halted in his steps, narrowing his eyes just over Natalie's shoulder. She followed his line of sight, frowning at the corner of the road that he was staring so intently at.
"What is it?" Natalie asked, when she couldn't figure out what he was staring at.
Leon shushed her. His eyes narrowed further. A second passed, and then there—a head. Wide eyes met her own before vanishing back behind the corner.
"We're being followed," Leon said. Before she could process his words, his hand grabbed hers and they were running.
"Leon?" Natalie sputtered, trying desperately to keep up with his pace, and definitely not think about her fingers gripped in his.
He continued running, leading her down winding paths—not their usual walk to Sierra Grammar. He tossed cursory glances over his shoulder as they ran. In the distance, Natalie thought she could hear clambering footsteps chasing after her.
Now, she was definitely not thinking about Leon holding her hand.
Well, mostly.
Her heart was in her throat and she panted, gasping for air as she forced her legs to move faster than ever before.
"Leon," she repeated between breaths, "you don't think it's those boys from earlier? Tyler and them?"
Leon sent her a grave look. It told her everything she needed to know.
"Get in front of me," he half-yelled over his shoulder. He didn't even sound slightly winded.
Natalie stared at him with wide eyes. She recognised that look on his face—the same look he had in that boxing ring. She glanced at his clenched fists. He wasn't going to fight them, was he?
He rounded a corner and stopped abruptly, grabbing Natalie's shoulders and shoving her in front of him.
"Remember what I said about trusting me?" he asked quickly, his eyes trained on hers. She nodded frantically and he crouched close to the wall, gesturing for her to join him. When she did, he sent her a stern look. "Good. Stay down, no matter what."
Natalie pressed herself against the wall, feeling numb. She couldn't believe it. Here she was, crouched against the wall, preparing for a fight. Like, a proper physical fight. One with fists. With boys.
Where had her life gone wrong?
Leon crouched beside her, ready to spring up.
And when the first boy rounded the corner, he did.
Leon jumped up, grabbing the boy's collar, and slamming him against the wall.
"What do you want?" he snarled, slamming him again.
"Woah, dude, chill," the boy stammered, holding his hands up in surrender.
Leon paused. Blinked. His grip slackened slightly. Behind him, two more boys rounded the corner, stopping to lean on their knees and pant for air—one boy who Natalie recognised.
Lucas Morton, except without his characteristic smirk, and instead, red in the face from sprinting down the street.
"Al?" Leon muttered. The boy nodded and he released his collar, stepping back and pushing a hand through his hair. He released a long sigh. "Holy shit. I thought you were Tyler, man."
"Well, I'm not," Al replied.
"Well, why the fuck are you following us for?"
Al glanced in Natalie's direction. She shrunk further against the wall. Al grinned at her widely, like a wolf that had spotted its prey. Except, wolf wasn't the best term to describe this Al person. He was tall, like Leon, but much skinnier, with sandy hair that fell into his eyes in that awkward teenage-ish way that many boys their age had.
Leon stepped between them, blocking Natalie's view.
"What are you thinking?" Leon challenged.
"I'm thinking about this girl you never shut up about," Al replied.
The boy next to Lucas spoke next. "We just wanted to know what she's like."
"They wanted to meet her," Lucas clarified. "Me too, but at least I've already seen her before. These poor lads were dying for some information."
"Information," Natalie finally spoke, "about me?"
Everyone turned to look at her.
Her cheeks flamed. She had the brief, horrifying thought that they would say no and laugh in her face for being so presumptuous, but she quickly staunched the thought. She couldn't hunch against a wall forever.
She stood, slowly, and Lucas stepped forward first with a glimmering smile.
"Natalie," he said. "We meet at last. I'm Lucas. This is Alistair—" he gestured to the boy who Leon had called Al—"and Ron." The last boy gave her a timid wave.
"I see you outside my school all the time," Natalie said, unsure of what else to say.
"Of course," he replied, his tone almost flirtatious. "Looking for you."
Her face felt hot. A hand touched her lower back and she startled to find Leon, close beside her, his eyes trained on Lucas.
"Okay, great. You've all seen her. Now leave," Leon said.
"Oh, come on! I want to know more about her," Lucas said.
"Yeah, I need details," Alistair joined in. He looked in Natalie's direction. "Like how did you meet? What grade are you in? Are you guys dating?"
"Dating!" Natalie exclaimed, interrupting him. "Definitely not!"
Leon glanced at her. She swallowed, feeling flustered. The boys stared at her curiously. Lucas' unnerving smile never left his face.
"What—" Natalie paused, clearing her throat. "What does Leon say about me?"
Lucas' smile grew.
Leon spun to her, then back to his friends.
"Nothing," Leon said.
"I wouldn't say nothing," Alistair replied.
"Far from nothing," Ron added.
"Really, it's all he talks about," Lucas said. "'Oh, Natalie didn't come today. Oh, Natalie's been studying all week. Oh, Natalie wants to go to med school.' It's endless."
"It's worse when he's all, 'It's brown like Natalie's eyes'," Ron teased, doing an impressive impression of Leon's voice.
"Shut up," Leon muttered, his ears turning red.
"Or when he laughs out of nowhere to himself and mutters some shit like 'She closes her eyes when she punches'!" Alistair howled in laughter and the other boys joined him.
Leon punched his friend's shoulder, the red blossoming across his nose now, but it didn't stop their laughter.
Natalie couldn't help but look away. Her throat felt dry. She couldn't imagine Leon talking about her at all, much less bringing her up without reason. Thinking about her when he went about his day—so much that his friends had started to notice.
She glanced at Leon only to find him staring back.
She wondered if her face was as red as his.
"Natalie, you've truly changed our boy here," Lucas said, throwing an arm around Leon's shoulders. Leon tried and failed to shove him off. "Care to explain yourself?"
"Explain myself?" Natalie repeated, affronted.
"I've been watching you for weeks and I just don't really get it. Did you cast a spell on him or something?"
Natalie frowned. Beneath his heavy, natural charisma and playful smile, the words almost sounded like an insult.
This time, Leon succeeded in shoving him off.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Leon asked.
Lucas' smirk grew, as though he'd expected this reaction.
"What's what supposed to mean?" he asked innocently.
Leon's eyes flashed at him. "What you said. What don't you get? Natalie is—she's just—what's not to like? How could I not talk about her?"
Lucas blinked. A smile tugged at his lips. He glanced at Natalie and lifted a brow.
"You're right. She is really pretty," he said.
Natalie's heart pounded. Had he just called her pretty? Leon frowned. He sidestepped, blocking Natalie from Lucas' view.
"What?" Lucas asked, his voice taking a teasing tone. "I'm just agreeing with you. I can see it now. I mean, pretty and smart? Med school? That's impressive."
He leaned around Leon's towering body and sent a round of applause to Natalie.
"Really, I'm impressed," he said to her.
Natalie blinked. "Thank you?"
Lucas winked at her.
She sent a bewildered look to Leon who rolled his eyes at his friend.
She was starting to catch on to Lucas' strange personality. He was handsome and charismatic, and he knew it. More than knew it. He used those qualities to tease Leon to no end.
Natalie kind of liked it. She'd never seen Leon like this before. The Leon that she spent her time with—it was different from the Leon with friends.
Lucas' words hadn't been as much an insult to her as they were a jab towards Leon—an instigation, provoking him to say these things about Natalie. Things she never would have imagined.
What's not to like?
His words replayed in her mind until she thought she could squeal from joy.
"Okay, that's enough," Leon said, pushing Lucas away half-heartedly. "Leave us alone before someone sees us together."
"Oh right, this is all a secret, isn't it?" Alistair said, sharing a look with his friends.
"Not much of a secret when you all know," Leon murmured.
"And Nyra," Natalie piped up.
"And Tyler and his friends," Leon continued.
"And that bartender that one time."
"So not a secret at all?" Ron asked.
"Not really, no," Leon said. "But let's keep it at that, yeah?"
"But I don't want to leave!" Alistair said, stepping forward. He smiled at Natalie. "I've barely gotten to speak to her."
"Me too!" Ron exclaimed. "Luke stole the spotlight. It's our turn."
"Guys—" Leon started, but he was too late.
"You know, I haven't seen him this obsessed over something since we were seven years old and he discovered unicorns," Ron said.
Leon's eyes grew wide.
Natalie snorted.
"Yeah, his dad bought him this unicorn headband and everything," Ron said, laughing.
"Okay, now that's really enough," Leon said. He shoved his friends away, this time with proper force, and they stumbled back in a tangle of laughter.
"Do you have a photo?" Natalie called over Leon's shoulder.
"No!" Leon attempted.
"Yes!" Ron yelled back. He lifted his phone and pointed at her. "I'll send it to you! Instagram!"
She shot him a thumbs-up just before Leon shoved his friends around the corner with a heavy sigh. She listened as their footsteps and laughter grew distant.
Leon came to a stop in front of her, sighing.
"Sorry about them," Leon said, shaking his head. "They're a handful."
"No, I loved it," Natalie said. He blinked at her, his brow furrowing.
"Oh, yeah. You're friends, they're... nice. Funny."
"Nice is a bit of a stretch."
Natalie giggled, imagining little Leon with a unicorn horn on his head. "I liked hearing about you. What you're like when I'm not around. What you were like before we met."
She paused, her next words catching on her tongue. She wanted to say more, but there was a faded line between the two of them that she never quite knew when to cross.
She swallowed hard and forced herself to meet his eyes.
"I want to know more about you."
Leon blinked slowly. His gaze softened. His hands twitched, almost spasmed, and his knuckles brushed hers only slightly before growing stiff by his sides. His Adam's apple bobbed in his throat, and she wondered if his mouth felt as dry as her own.
"What do you want to know?" he asked. "I'll tell you everything."
I've always wanted to write a chapter like this hehe I hope you liked it! Let me know your thoughts as always!!! I appreciate any and all comments and votes! Thank you for reading! <3
In case you missed it, I started another new story 'Call It a Favour'! Next week I'm back at uni but I'm going to do my best to keep updating both stories consistently! See you soon!
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