Day One ~ Self Image Boost
Things are moving! I don't think I have much else to say up here haha. I finally have a plan! That's something new! Finally, I know what direction this is going to take.
Enjoy! :)
Tan wastes no time getting Bruce to a clothing store. Even though Bruce is the one that is the local to New York, he's pretty sure he's never stepped foot here.
"If we were back in Atlanta," Tan makes conversation as they walk towards the building, "I would know exactly where to go. But, since we're not, I did research, and this seems like the best place. If we don't like it, we can move on, okay?" He holds the door open for Bruce. "You ready?"
Bruce nods, and walks in; Tan not too far behind him.
Almost immediately, Tan can tell that this is out of Bruce's comfort zone.
"Don't come here much?" Tan guesses.
"I just don't have time," Bruce responds. "And it's...not where I put my focus."
Tan can understand that. He knows that not everyone spends a lot of time thinking about how they look.
"So I first I want you to find a suit for the wedding, because honestly that should have been done ages ago," Tan tells him, voice humorous and light. "How do you forget a suit?"
Bruce shrugs sheepishly. "I kind of just forgot until the last second."
Tan shakes his head and sighs. I have a lot of work to do.
So lets get going.
There's a tailor waiting for them. It's obvious that this is a new experience for Bruce.
"Honestly, it went better than I thought it would," Tan comments. "The suit we got tailored for's a great look on him. I know Thor will be staring at a very handsome man when they get married."
"So what do you think?" Tan prompts as Bruce tries it on and looks at himself in the mirror.
A small smile tugs at Bruce's lips. His lip curls up a little. It's like he's wanting to smile, but not sure if he could. But his eyes say it all. "I...think it looks good."
"Was that hard to say?" Tan asks genuinely. "That you look good? I know for some people it is."
So maybe that was a little straight forward. Tan just wants to understand Bruce's point of view.
Bruce shrugs and looks away. "It's never really been something I'd say about myself, I guess."
"Well, get used to saying it," Tan responds immediately. "Because now we're going to do everything: find you a fashion sense, clothes you like, and boost your self-image and self-esteem while doing so."
Another smile curls at Bruce's lip. "Sounds great. I'm ready."
I can't wait to wear this suit for the wedding ceremony. He's excited just thinking about it.
But now, he has something else to do: let Tan guide him through the realms of clothing and fashion.
Bruce has never had time to worry about things like this. Ever since the Hulk, and when he was on the run, it was always stretchy shorts and comfortable shirts. The harder it was to control his emotions and harder to keep the Hulk inside, the more shirts he ruined. Which is why he doesn't want to get too attached to certain articles of clothing. If it isn't ruined soon, it will be later.
But now...the Hulk has been kind of odd. What if...he goes away? Well, then Bruce can finally start living his life.
He keeps these thoughts in mind as he follows Tan around, Tan, who seems perfectly at home.
"Do you have any ideas of what would be your style?" Tan asks. "Colors, patterns, styles...anything?"
"Not really," Bruce admits. "I guess I'll just try on anything you think will work."
Tan grins. "I was hoping you would say that."
He quickly puts together certain combinations of clothes. "Here. Try this on first."
After Bruce comes out of the changing room, the first thing Tan does it explain how he chose it. Then he asks, "what do you think of it?"
Bruce examines himself in the mirror. "I think I could get used to this."
Tan holds up the second outfit. "This one is very different from the first. But that's okay, it doesn't always have to be identical everything. Try this one on next."
Bruce likes this second one better. It's much more comfortable, and something that he knows he'll like wearing. And he tells Tan as much.
That gets Tan to smile. "I think we finally agreed on something."
Bruce offers a grin in return.
"And I love it, but I'm sorry, but you're going to have to change back into your usual clothes. We have to save these for later, okay?"
Tan winks. "When everyone sees your new outfits at our big reveal, they won't know what hit them. If Thor wasn't in love with you before, he will be then."
All of that gets Bruce to chuckle a little.
Karamo takes Bruce for a walk around New York City. All the people, buildings, cars, sounds, are a little overwhelming for Bruce, but Karamo promises that it will all be alright in the end.
"How often do you get out and around the city?" Karamo asks him.
"Not that much," Bruce answers honestly.
Before all of this, the last time I was in New York, I...kind of broke Harlem.
Not that he'll say that out loud.
"So where do you go instead?" Karamo asks.
"Not many places," Bruce admits. "Because of the wedding and moving out of the Avengers Tower, I've mostly just been going back and forth and not anywhere else. Normally, I just spend a lot of time in the lab."
"Do you take time for yourself? To just relax for a moment?"
Bruce is silent for a moment. "Not really."
"That's one thing I want to change," Karamo tells him. "There's more to life than just working hard, exhausting yourself."
Bruce looks down.
"Do you ever go out with the other Avengers?" Karamo asks him.
"Not really," Bruce answers. "We never do too much together that doesn't involve saving the world. I mean, we got shawarma together, but that was kinda it."
"Would you consider them your friends?"
"Definitely Tony. He's the first friend I know for sure I have. And Natasha...I think she's a friend? As for Thor...I mean, I'm getting married to him. He became more than a friend."
"It sounds like you have a hard time believing that people like you and want to be your friend."
Bruce shrugs a little. "Maybe."
"What I think you need to learn," Karamo says, "is that there are people on your side."
"I just...didn't have time for friends before the Avengers," Bruce confesses. "I was on the run for so long that I didn't really have time to be friends with anyone."
"You know that's all over now, right? You can start trusting people."
"Mhm. I know I'm slow getting that idea into my brain, sorry about that."
"You don't need to apologize for anything. We're not here to criticize you, we're here to help you grow."
They continue walking through the city in comfortable silence.
Bruce subconsciously plays with the engagement ring on his left ring finger.
"Making sure the ring's still there?" Karamo asks in a slight joking tone, making conversation.
Bruce shrugs a little. "I don't know really. I guess it's just my one way of reminding me that people do care about me, because if Thor didn't, he wouldn't have given it to me, and if Tony didn't care enough to help him get it for me, then I wouldn't have it either. So I like thinking about how it's there and how it got there, you know?"
Karamo nods thoughtfully. He wasn't expecting to get something like that out of Bruce on their first day. This is good, definitely.
"I noticed there weren't many pictures up in your house," Karamo mentions, changing the subject. "Any particular reason for that?"
Bruce shrugs. "Another thing we've never really had time for."
"Well," Karamo stops in front of a photo booth, "that's about to change."
Suddenly, Tony, Thor, and Natasha pop out. "SURPRISE!"
Bruce takes a step back. Now THAT was unexpected.
A smile tugs at his lips. "What are you all doing here?"
"What does it look like, buddy?" Tony grins. "Taking glorious pictures to decorate your barren home!"
Bruce looks at Natasha and Thor. "How long have you known about this...?"
"This nice man told me this morning, love," Thor grins.
"And you're here too...?" Bruce trails off in Natasha's direction. Not that he's entirely ungrateful for her presence.
She smirks. "What else are friends for?"
What else are friends for?
Bruce exchanges glances with Karamo, who was right all along. Karamo smiles at him. Bruce smiles back.
Bruce has no clue how much time has went by, but somehow they took as many photos of all kinds as possible.
Group photos of all of them together.
Group photos of all of them making weird poses.
Some of just Tony and Bruce.
Some of just Natasha and Bruce.
Some of Thor and Bruce.
Some with only three people.
Tony forced them to take one of Thor and Bruce kissing.
Bruce has no idea how many they'll end up keeping. But it was fun. Really fun.
They walk out together, talking, laughing. Karamo gives them all a ride in the van.
"So Bruce, how was your day?" Karamo asks.
Bruce smile. "It was fun," he says. "Really, really, fun."
I love writing fluffy endings.
Or...trying to at least, haha.
I kinda skipped over the clothing choice because a) I wanted it to be a surprise in the end and b) I have no sense of fashion or style and knew I wouldn't have been able to write anything good.
I thought going to a photo booth would have been fun for them. I've never used one before, so it was kinda vague. Hope you all get the idea.
So, what do you think so far? I'd love to hear what you all have to say.
Isn't it annoying that no matter how many times you revise something, you know you'll still miss something? I get mad when I see that I put an extra space somewhere and there's nothing I can do about it haha.
Please, no homophobia, profanities, hate etc in the comment section.
~Your Beloved Author (whose RSD and imposter syndrome and self-doubt won't give them a break)
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