After reading the history of their ancestor, Delilah, and John Dory revealing what he knew about their mother, everyone was speechless.
Clay: Really creative, John Dory, thanks. Now I have something to say... Our mom is EVIL?!!!
Bruce: How come you never said anything! Why didn't grandma ever say anything!
Poppy: Wow. Mind blown.
Floyd: Guys, guys. John Dory was doing this to protect us, right John?
JD: Yeah... also, to be honest, I was scared of what she might have done to all of you if she found out as well.
All the brothers got quiet and looked at him with sad eyes. Then, Bruce walked up to his brother and did something very unexpected... he hugged him! Not sure what was happening he slowly hugged him back. Next, Clay did the exact same thing. Lastly was Floyd. After their group hug, Bruce spoke up.
Bruce: Although we didn't like you keeping the biggest secret probably in the world! We understand why you did it... to protect us. Now, it's time for us to protect each other. Let's get our brother back.
JD: (nodded)
Poppy: Oh yeah! #bros4life! Ow, Ow!
The others looked at her with weird looks on their faces but later smiled cause they knew that that's just the kind of troll she was. So they continued their journey out of the North Woods to find Branch, who was being held captive by Lilac.
Lilac's pov:
Lilac: Okay, step 1 by having Branch complete! Next track Arrow. Last, make him love me again. Oh yeah, it's all coming together.
Just then, she heard a rustling in the trees. Looking up, she saw a shadow jump from branch to branch, and it finally swung down in front of her. This mysterious being wore a hood and a mask so you couldn't see its face.
Lilac: Whoever you are, move! (starts walking)
???: (blocks her path)
They do this a few more times before Lilac cracks and starts to sing her entrancing tune.
???: Your song won't work on me.
Lilac stopped singing immediately and widened her eyes.
Lilac: Never thought I'd see you again. Thought you had disappeared for good.
???: Guess that's the difference between you and me. I care about those I leave behind.
Lilac: That's my whole reason I'm doing this! For him! I care about him!
???: Do you? I thought you only cared about you. Specifically, your freedom from all your worries.
Lilac: (walks up to mysterious being) I did what I had to.
???: Keep telling yourself that friend.
Lilac: I'm not your friend. Not anymore.
???: (sigh)
It was then that the mysterious stranger disappeared as quickly as it arrived.
Lilac: Grrrr... Let's go, Branch.
Branch: Mhn...
Back with Brozone & Poppy:
Clay: How are we going to find them? They could be anywhere.
JD: Uh, Branch isn't the only survivalist in this family. I spent 2 decades in the wilderness. Plus, there are tracks. Huh?
Poppy: What? What is it?
JD: The tracks stop, and then there is one set of prints coming from up ahead, but there's only one set?
In the branches, a shadow was watching the group with curious eyes. Just as it was about to fire an arrow as a warning shot, she recognized one of the trolls' names as Bruce says: "I wonder if Grandma Rosipuff knew that mom would try to take Branch?" The mysterious stranger released its hold from the bow and decided to investigate further. Clay moved his ears to some noise he heard from up above but saw nothing but falling leaves.
Clay: Did you guys hear something?
JD: Other than you. Nope.
Floyd: Why? What did you hear?
Clay: I don't know? But I feel like we're being watched. I mean, I have lived at a golf course and prepared for situations like this.
The others turned around, not sure as to what to say.
Poppy: It was probably the wind Clay. C'mon, let's track down Branch.
Clay: Yeah, okay.
In the treetops, the stranger decided it was ready to get their attention. Carefully, it shot an arrow right in front of Clay.
Clay: Aahhh!!!
Bruce: Clay!
JD: Clay! Take cover Poppy and Floyd!
Clay: Show yourself!
The stranger shot arrows all around Clay, Bruce, and John before coming down with bow aimed right at them.
Bruce: Okay, we don't mean any trouble friend. Just tell us what you want and we'll be outta your way.
???: How do you know about Rosipuff?
3 bros: Wha?
???: I won't ask again! (points the bow at them)
Clay: Whoa! Chill! Chill! She's our grandma.
???: (lowers the bow) Who's your father?
JD: Why should we tell you?
???: (points the bow at him)
JD: Okay, okay! Arrow Woods is our father.
The hooded stranger lowered its weapon and revealed itself. It was a girl troll! She looked a little younger than Lilac (only by a few months). She had periwinkle skin, blue hair (in a high ponytail), and Dark blue eyes.
???: Arrow?
JD: Yeaaahhh...
???: Wait, are you his sons?
Clay: Yep! (smirks) Why do our good looks speak for us.
Bruce and JD: (give him a 'not now' look)
???: I can't believe it. You all survived!
Poppy: Is it safe to come out!
???: Yes it's safe! I won't hurt you! I would never harm Arrow's sons!
Poppy and Floyd walk out from behind a mushroom. The others walk out from the circle of arrows.
Floyd: So, who are you and how do you know our dad?
???: Oh! Right! Sorry, I haven't seen trolls in decades. My name is Rain. Rain Petals. I'm your aunt.
All: Whaaaaaaa!!!
Poppy: Double mind blown.
Lilac's pov:
Lilac: Thinks she can stop me, ha! Don't worry Arrow, I won't let anyone not even family stop me. Look out cousin Rain, I will get what I desire.
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