Listen or Not to Listen
Back at Lilac's camp:
Lilac: I'm soooo happy you all are here! Oh, I just want to sing!
When John Dory heard his mother was going to sing for everyone, he got anxious.
JD: Hey, everyone! Why don't we forage for food!
Lilac: Don't worry, JD, there's plenty of supplies here. I all want you to hear just how happy I am.
All (but JD): Yeah!!!
When Lilac sang, she sang like a normal pop troll. At first, John Dory didn't want to listen. But then he slowly uncovered his ears. Remembering before when it was just him, Lilac, and his father Arrow. Those happy times when they would all sing with the entire village and him laughing while being with her... his mother. After she sang her song and everyone was cheering, John hadn't realized that he was crying.
Floyd: John? Are you ok?
Bruce: Are you crying?!
JD: What?! No! Of course not!
Branch: Wow, I think the only time I ever saw you cry was when we rescued Floyd.
Lilac: Son? Are you alright?
JD: I- (sigh) I was just remembering a memory when you were still with us. When Father... was still with us.
Everyone looked sad now, even Lilac.
Clay: Way to bring down the mood, JD!
Lilac: No, it's fine. Excuse me. Please continue to help yourselves to the food.
Lilac slowly walked away from the group and headed towards the woods. JD looked at everyone else who was glaring at him.
JD: What?
Floyd: Maybe you should talk to mom and see if she's alright?
JD: Ugh...fine. But I'll have nothing to say.
Branch: (mumbles to himself) Same old John Dory.
John followed to where Lilac had wondered off to and found her on her knees with her ears hung low. JD saw this and felt a little guilty for what he said. He was about to go to talk to her when she began to sing a sad melody.
Don't think, just trust.
"Stay calm, stay with me," he said
Eyes open, breathe in, just one wrong move and were dead.
And if he and I don't reunite, how can I go on? Do we still remember what is gone? What if I forget your face? What if you move on without me? What if I can't find the way to you and what if I do, but don't recognize you. What if I take far too long and the danger comes to claim you? What if I'm too late to save you from your fate, and you are lost cause of me, yeah!
I will find a way to make sure that you're okay. One careful step at a time, for you and I, are fragile things.
John Dory had never heard his mother sing such a sadded soul song before. And as he was listening to her song, she kept mentioning someone. But who? Could she be referring to - no, she couldn't be referring to his father, could she? The troll she forced out of troll village with her song?! Never to return?!
JD: Ahem. (steps out from behind bushes)
Lilac: Oh! John. (wipes away some tears) What are you doing here?
JD: Well, I kind of felt guilty for what I said earlier...
Lilac: Don't be. I understand why you said what you said. I miss those days, too. Just you, me, and...
JD: Dad.
Lilac: I miss him so much. (sniffs)
John slowly pats his mother on the shoulder (awkwardly). As soon as he touched her, she fell at him for a hug. Clinging to his jacket.
Lilac: I've missed you, my son. My little protector.
In that moment, John Dory heard Lilac utter that name his whole world shattered. He couldn't believe she still remembered after all these years of his childhood name from before his brothers were born.
JD: What did you call me?
Lilac: You think I wouldn't remember the name your dad gave you after all these years? Please.
Then Lilac looked at the ground and back up at her son.
Lilac: John, if I tell you a secret, can you promise me not to tell your brothers?
JD: Depends on the secret.
Lilac: It's about Arrow, your father.
JD: Fine. I promise. So what's your 'big' secret?
Lilac: I sent your father away out of anger using a gift that only the women in our family have. I have regretted the decision since.
She thought John Dory would be shocked to hear this, but instead, he was smiling and crying?
JD: I'm glad I actually got to hear you admit it.
Lilac: What?
JD: The story you think was a secret, I know about it. I was there when you sent dad away.
Lilac: Wha- you followed me?! But how?! I sang my song to you and your brothers! Only women in our family can block out the songs!
JD: (smirking) Grandma told me I have a very special gift.
Lilac: You- you had no right, John!
JD: Oh yes, I did! You sent dad away out of jealousy! Your gift had consumed you over the years! And still you won't change! When we first arrived, you sang your trance song, the same one you used on dad to leave!
All their shouting got the others to come over and see what they were yelling about. They saw John Dory and Lilac standing apart from each other, looking as angry as ever. Floyd runs over to John Dory to try to get him to cool down.
Floyd: Whoa, John, chill. Breathe.
Branch went to Lilac.
Branch: Mom, you okay?
Lilac: I'm fine, sweetheart. John and I were just working out our differences. And reminiscing about the old days. Right John?
JD: Yeah. Sure.
Poppy: Okay! Let's head back to the camp! Lilac?
Lilac: Coming.
Poppy: Can I ask you something?
Lilac: Of course.
Poppy: First, can I braid your hair? Second-
Lilac: Let me guess, you want to see embarrassing baby photos?
Poppy: Yes!!!
All Brothers: No!
As they walked back, Floyd stayed beside John Dory and wondered why his brother had gotten so angry at Lilac? What was he hiding? Or was it something they were both hiding?
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