Journey to the North Woods (pt 2)
The morning sun shone brightly as Poppy and the Brozone brothers gathered up their stuff ate a few berries that Branch had gathered and continued on to the North Woods. This was John Dory's moment to try to divert his brother from reaching his destination.
JD: Hey, Branch!
Branch: Hey?
JD: I was thinking maybe we could take a shortcut since you want to see Li-, I mean our mother so badly.
Branch: No, it's better if we stick to the direct route.
JD: Awww, c'mon, Bitty B, a little shortcut never hurt anyone.
Branch: I said no, John.
Since alternative routes didn't work, he thought maybe he should take matters into his own hands. Literally.
JD: Yoink! (grabbed map out of Branch's hands)
Branch: JD, what the heck! Give it back!
JD: Come and get it, little bro! (teases him by waving it in his face)
Branch: Grrrrr!!!
John Dory was running around with the map as Branch was chasing him, while the others watched.
Bruce: John, you're acting like a teen again. Stop it! Give Branch the map!
JD: Never!!!
Clay: You guys wanna bet how long this will take until John breaks down because of how old he's getting?
Floyd & Bruce: Yeah, ok, sure.
Clay: Poppy, wanna join?
Poppy: Sure! But I'm almost 100% sure Branch will win.
Clay: So who votes Branch?
Bruce, Poppy, and Clay all raise their hands.
Clay: (sigh) Who votes John Dory?
Floyd raises his hand.
Clay: Course.
Poppy: So what are the stakes?
Clay: Hmmm... how about if we lose, we have to cook for everyone.
Floyd: I've got a better idea. If you all lose, you have to agree with everything John Dory says.
The two brothers looked terrified and then relaxed because they were sure they were going to win.
Clay & Bruce: Deal!
Poppy: I love agreeing, so deal! Wait, what if Floyd loses?
Clay: How about... no makeup for 3 days!
Floyd: Wha-! (sigh) Ok. Deal.
Just as Clay thought, John Dory stopped yelling in pain because he had pulled a hammy.
JD: Aaaaah!!! (bends on one knee)
Branch: Ha! (Grabs the map) Nice try JD, but I'm younger and faster!
JD: We'll see about that little brother...
JD stood up and faced his brother, then in a flash grabbed the map right out of Branch's hands with his hair and looked at his brother with a sad expression.
JD: This is for your own good.
He then began to rip up the map and finally set it ablaze. Everyone was in complete shock. Except Branch whose face was red as a tomato. He ran at his brother and started to beat him up. It got so bad that the others had to pull him off of John.
JD: I know you're upset, but I did this for you. Lilac isn't who you think she is. She's not a good person.
Branch: I don't care! A person can change! Unlike some people!
Poppy: Branch, breathe.
Branch: Grrrrr!
Poppy turned Branch's face to look at hers as she started to breathe in and out slowly. Then Branch started to relax and copy her.
Poppy: There you go. (looks to the others) How about we make camp and in the morning we can continue our journey. Sound good?
Everyone nodded as Branch and Poppy went for a little walk so Branch could cool down. Clay, Floyd, and Bruce couldn't help but speak out against what John Dory had done.
Floyd: Why did you do that, John? You know how important this trip is for him.
Clay: Yeah, dude, what the heck?
Bruce: What's your deal?
JD: It's personal. But just know that I'm doing this for him... maybe even for all of you.
The brothers looked at each other and back at John Dory.
Floyd: John, whatever you're trying to protect us from, you don't have to do it alone. We're all in this together.
John Dory looked at his younger sibling and knew what he was saying was true. They did have his back, but he couldn't get what his grandmother had told him out of his head. So, to ease his brother's worries, he put his arm around him and gave a quiet nod. Soon after, Poppy and Branch returned. Everyone was exhausted and ready for bed. As everyone was asleep, John Dory closed his eyes only to remember terrible times with his so-called mother Lilac.
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