Bad Memories (Lilac's)
Many years ago, when the trolls were still treats for the bergens, Rosipuff and her daughter Lilac helped their community anyway they could with their enchanting gift. But Lilac was an adventurous spirit and loved to explore. But she always thought maybe there was more she could use her gift than just for dangerous situations.
Rosipuff: Don't go outside the cage!
Kid Lilac: I won't, Mommy!
Lilac raced out of her pod and went to play with other trolls her age.
Kid #1: Why aren't you practicing for when the next monster shows up?
Kid #2: Yeah, hahaha!
Kid: I bet you think you're better than all of us, right?
Lilac: What, no! I just came to play. I'm not allowed to use my gift for my own gain. It's a rule in our family.
Kid #1: Yeah, whatever. C'mon guys, let's go before she decides to put a spell on us.
The other trollings push past her, leaving her with tears in her eyes. Running away to the edge of the cage, she began to sing. Her soul heaved heavy.
Look at me, I will never pass for a perfect troll or a perfect daughter. Can it be that I'm not meant to play this part? Now I see that if I were truly to be myself, I would break my mother's heart. Who is that girl I see, staring straight back at me? Why is my reflection someone I don't know? Somehow, I cannot hide who I am, though I've tried when will my reflection show who I am inside. Who I am inside...
???: That was beautiful.
Lilac turns around. A young Arrow had followed her and had been listening to her song.
Kid Arrow: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I just think your voice is magical.
Kid Lilac: Thanks, I guess. Wait, you don't think I'm a freak? Wouldn't you rather play with the others?
Kid Arrow: Nah. I'd rather spend my time with someone who needs a friend. (smiles)
Kid Lilac: Well, if we're to be friends, introductions are in order. My name is Lilac Petals.
Kid Arrow: My name is Arrow. Arrow Woods.
The two quickly became friends and shared their greatest dreams and desires.
Kid Arrow: Someday, I will be a scout and find a safe way to get everyone out of Bergen Town.
Kid Lilac: That sounds awesome! Hmm, as for me, I would want to be as free as the wind and not have people to depend on me for my voice to protect them.
Kid Arrow: That does sound cool! We could go on adventures together!
Kid Lilac: Yeah!
A couple of years passed, as did many trollstices. But that didn't stop the two friends from stopping to reach their dreams. Lilac and Arrow were teens now and had more on their minds besides friendship.
Arrow: Lilac, I love you.
Lilac: I love you too.
Arrow: Will you, uhm, will you-
Lilac: (giggles) Yes, Arrow. I will marry you.
Although Rosipuff was happy for both of them, she still worried about her daughter and the gift she still has yet to learn about and how powerful it can be. For one day, a bergen came by and was about to eat a troll when Arrow, Lilac, and Rosipuff stopped it and knocked the troll out of its hand.
Lilac: Mom! Arrow and I got this! Get that troll to safety!
Lilac looked over to Arrow, who was in his defensive stance, and he looked back at her smiling. Then, as they fought off the bergen, Lilac began to sing a sweet enchanting melody:
We're ok, we're alright. I'll never ever leave your side, I will stay, and I will fight with you.
We're ok, we're alright. I'll stay here through the toughest fight. All the way, I will fight with you.
Defeating the bergen, as it gave up, everyone cheering as king Peppy and his wife Blossom went to congratulate them, giving Arrow the official title of Scout. Then, as Arrow went to pick up Lilac and swing her around by the waist, she looked sick. He put her down, and she began to throw up.
Arrow: Lilac?! What's wrong?!
Lilac: Ow, my head.
Rosipuff and Queen Blossom go to her to inspect her out. Her hair had hardened, and she was throwing up. They looked at each other with smiles on their faces, then back at a worried Arrow.
Arrow: Well?! Will she be alright?!
Queen Blossom: Yes. They both will be. (giggles)
Arrow: Both?
Rosipuff: Congratulations, Arrow. You'll be a great husband and father.
Arrow: Fa- Father... (faints)
Many more years later...
John Dory and Spruce keep on wrestling and knocking things over.
Lilac: Boys! Please behave!
Spruce: John Dory said I was ugly!
JD: It's not my fault.
Spruce: Grrr! Aaah!
Lilac: (mumbles) Go to your happy place. Go to your happy place. Think of Arrow. Ah, Arrow.
Arrow was on patrol while Lilac stayed at home to watch the boys. All of a sudden, she burst out laughing. John Dory and Spruce watched their mother with weird curiosity.
JD: Mom? Are you okay?
Spruce: Mom? You cool?
Lilac stopped laughing and looked at her sons. With frightened curiosity, she felt her hair. It was hard.
Lilac: Not again!
Arrow came back from patrol, and when he heard yelling, he rushed home quickly.
Arrow: Lil, are you ok?
Lilac: Ugh, no. It'll happen again...
Arrow: What are you talking about?
Lilac motioned her eyes to John Dory and Spruce.
Arrow: That's wonderful! Boys, our family is going to get bigger!
Spruce: Cool! Someone I can boss around!
JD: That's cool... I guess.
Weeks passed, and Lilac, for some reason, kept pulling pranks on trolls.
Lilac: Mom, I don't know how this keeps happening. I don't feel happy anymore since I had my first kid. Plus, each time a new one comes, I think I get its personality.
Rosipuff: If it's funny, I'll like it better than you.
Lilac stared at her mother with annoying eyes.
Rosipuff: (giggles) Lil, I'm joking. At least you're keeping your gift under control. You know how powerful those songs are, right?
Lilac: (rolls eyes) Yes, mother. I know of our family history. I should get home before John and Spruce set the pod on fire.
Rosipuff worried for her daughter because she felt that Lilac was changing. She was becoming angry and sad. Not happy and adventurous, like when she was little.
After Clay was born, Lilac would have her mom troll-sit her sons so she could spend at least a few nights with Arrow. But one night...
Lilac: Oh, Arrow, I've missed just us. Alone. No nuisances.
Arrow: (looks at her strange) Nuisances?
Lilac: I mean - all the noise! You know how noisy the pod can be when you come home.
Arrow: Oh. I love you.
Lilac: I love you too.
As they were about to kiss, Lilac started to cry and talk about how she hated her gift.
Arrow: Whoa! Lil, are you alright? What's wrong?
Lilac: I DON'T KNOW!!! Wahhhh!!!
Arrow touched her hair, and it was hard. He then smiled at her.
Arrow: I love how much our family is growing.
Lilac looked at her head with a frightened face.
Lilac: WHY!!!!
Arrow took her back to the pod where Rosipuff had just put the boys to sleep with a story.
Rosipuff: Why are you back early?
Arrow: Guess who has the most number of trollings? (silence) This girl! Oh!
Rosipuff touched her daughter's hair, and it was hard just like every other time. Lilac looked at her mother with tears in her eyes and a frown on her face.
Lilac: Thank you, Arrow, for tonight. Thank you, mom, for watching the boys. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need rest. Good night.
Arrow and Rosipuff looked at each other with worried glances.
Arrow: Rosipuff, can you look after everyone for a while? I have been talking with the king and queen and thought of a plan to get everyone out of Bergen Town. But first, I need to find a safe place for our new home.
Rosipuff: Of course, Arrow. What is family for.
They hugged, and then Arrow left with a saddened back glance. The next morning, John Dory took a stroll with Lilac since she found out the baby was due any day now, and she was feeling down. With no husband to comfort her, JD felt that it was his job since he was the man of the pod now.
JD: Mom, can I ask you something?
Lilac: Ugh, what, John?
JD: Grandma tells us stories of our family and how you and her can sing to protect us. Do you think I'll ever be able to do that?
Lilac stopped in her tracks and then turned to her curious son.
Lilac: I'm sure you'll find skills for your voice one day. Until then, be the protector of our family while daddy is away. Okay?
JD: Cool!
Lilac: (smiles) You can be our family's little protector'.
John Dory then saluted.
JD: Yes, ma'am!
They walk around the troll tree in silence until John asks...
JD: Can you sing please, momma? You sound beautiful.
When Lilac heard this, it reminded her of when she first met Arrow and how they shared their dreams of being free with each other, no worries, no cares, just each other.
Lilac: Um, sure. (breathes in then out)
Two birds on a wire
One tries to fly away, and the other watches him from that wire
He says he wants to as well but he is a liar
I'll believe it all
There's nothing I won't understand
I'll believe it all
I won't let go of your hand
Two birds of a feather say that they're always going to stay together but one's never going to let go of that wire. He says that he will but he's a liar
Two birds on a wire (oh oh oh)
Lilac then stops, falls to her knees and cries.
Lilac: I can't, I can't.
John Dory ran to his mom and put both hands on her shoulders.
JD: What can't you do? Mom? Please tell me?
Lilac: (looks at her son) I can't keep my pain in anymore! I have to sing!
John looked shaken up but just helped his mom get up.
JD: Then do it! Sing all your pain out!
Although Lilac was surprised by what she was hearing, she couldn't keep it in anymore. Rosipuff saw Lilac and John Dory from a distance and was in fear for when she saw tears coming from Lilac and was in battle stance to use her voice. She couldn't leave her grandsons alone so she watched in horror as Lilac sang out her pain right in front of John Dory. But surprisingly John looked like he hadn't been affected by her voice.
Rosipuff: Interesting.
A couple years later and Lilac's pain wasn't getting any better. In fact it was getting worse. Lilac started to use her songs on other trolls and her sons if something didn't go her way. She got angry a lot. Annoyed by her sons constantly wanting her to pay attention to them, which she rarely did. When Branch's egg was on the way and Arrow had told the king a solution to free the trolls he decided that maybe he should focus on his family, but he had no idea how bad life had been for everyone especially Lilac since he began his career. So he finally confronted Lilac about how she treated their children and how she would care for them in the future. When she revealed her answer and he heard the truth he said what needed to be said and she finally snapped. Ever since then, her pain has clouded her mind and her gift a curse. Lilac has never been the same since that night. But she had a plan for the following years one she knows will work now that she has her so called family back.
Lilac watched over everyone as they slept for the night in a tree. Then climbing higher and looking over the forest she glares out while saying:
Lilac: (crazed look) This needs to happen for me. So I can finally find true happiness. For things to go back to the way they were before... (looks at her sons sleeping) them. This is for you my love. I will find you... Arrow.
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