Song & Game
Bitty B and his brothers were watching TV on the couch while Grandma Rosipuff had gone shopping.
Clay: *laying upside down* Ugh! I'm sooo BORED!
JD: What do you want me to do about it?
Spruce: Aren't you the so-called leader and plus your older so say something...
Floyd: Give an inspirational speech!
Clay: As if.
JD: What was that?
Clay: You're too dumb to say anything worth inspiring. Or smart for that matter.
JD: Why you little!-
Baby Branch then raised his and made whining noises.
Floyd: What is it, Branch?
Baby Branch: We could pway "Little troll in the Bed" on the cowch, and whoever wasts wins!
All: Yeah, sure, I'm down.
Line up: John Dory, Spruce, Clay, Floyd, and last was Baby Branch.
Brothers: There were 5 on the couch, and the little troll said:
Baby Branch: Scootch over, Scootch over.
Brothers: So they all scootched over, and one fell off!
John Dory got pushed off the couch. All the brothers began to laugh.
Brothers: There were 4 on the couch, and the little troll said:
Baby Branch: Scootch over, Scootch over.
Brothers: So they all scootched over, and one fell off!
The next to get pushed was Spruce, who landed right on top of JD.
JD: Ugh! Hey!
Now, only Clay, Floyd, and Baby Branch were left.
Brothers: There were 3 on the couch, and the little troll said:
Baby Branch: Scootch over, Scootch over.
Brothers: So they all scootched over, and one fell off!
This time, instead of Clay falling off next, he pushed off Floyd. The others were shocked by this, especially Baby Branch, who got very angry and was plotting his revenge.
Brothers: *looking worried, except Clay, who knew he was about to win* There were 2 on the couch, and the little troll said:
Baby Branch: *angry voice* Mooovvvee Over...
Brothers: So they both moved over, and one fell- GASP!
Baby Branch surprised Clay and his brothers by grabbing Clay by the ear, and when he sat on his back, he said:
Baby Branch: *glares at Clay* If you ever, ever, try something like that to Floyd, I'll fill my diaper right now and on top of you. Got it!
Clay: Yeah! Yeah! Okay, you win! I submit!
Baby Branch is the winner!
Bonus scene:
1 hour after the game...
Baby Branch: Hey guys? Can someone change me? I feel like I'm starting to feel diaper rash.
The brothers all looked at one another.
JD: Not it!
Spruce: Not it!
Floyd: Not it!
Clay came in after being in the bathroom.
Clay: Hey guys, what did I miss?
Spruce held out Baby Branch to Clay.
Spruce: You're up.
Clay: *rolls his eyes* Ugh, gross.
Baby Branch: *giggles*
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