Madagascar 2 (rewrite) (pt 1)
20 years ago at the troll tree, a baby blue trolling with large white glasses was watching his older brother John Dory dancing in sync with the music. However, whenever he would do it, he would dance out of rhythm and do his own thing, which made his brother exhausted.
JD: No, Bitty B like this. See 1,2,3 1,2,3...
BB: *does own thing* Hehe! Woo!
JD: *bends down to his level* Now Bitty B, if you want to join a band someday, you'll need to learn how to dance in sync.
BB: *puts his hands on his face* Johnny.
JD: Haha, now come on, let's try again...
BB: Hehe!
Meanwhile, one of John Dory's competitors, named Creek, was watching John Dory as he continued to waste his time on his little brother.
JD: Fudgecicles.
Creek: It's so frustrating when they can't follow simple directions.
JD: *annoyed sigh* You're not gonna challenge me again, are you?
Creek: Think of it this way. When I finally take over as a leader, then you can continue to spend time with your talentless brother.
JD: *looks at Bitty B, who's dancing happily* Before I knock sense into you, can I ask, why do you want to become the leader of Brozone?
Creek: I'm wise, good-looking, and I want the others to do what I say.
JD: *rolls his eyes* Ugh.
Creek: We'll dance on 3. 1...
JD turned to Bitty B to make him pay attention to him.
JD: Watch closely, B, John Dory's gonna show you how it's done. *winks*
Creek: 2! 3!
As both John Dory and Creek have a dance battle, Bitty B sees a chocolate bar on a string and follows it outside the safety cage that has Pop trolls trapped. When he finally manages to get it, two Bergens realize he's not even big enough for a regular Bergen, so they decide he'll be one for a kid instead. They put him in a small crate.
JD: *got everyone's votes* Who's the Leader of Brozone?
Creek: Grrr... You are.
JD: And don't you forget it. *walks back to where he left Bitty B* And that Bitty B is how you dance. *doesn't see Bitty B* BITTY B?! BITTY B?! BITTY B?!!!! *hears Bitty B's voice inside a crate on a Bergen wagon*
JD: NO, NO, NO!!!
JD: *jumps on crate* Bitty B?!
JD: Don't worry, Bitty B, Johnny has you, now hold on!
JD does everything to try and get Bitty B off but ends up getting his hand caught in the tires, which flings himself up against a tree branch and knocks himself out. Meanwhile, a scared Bitty B is rolling down a hill until he hits the river. When John Dory finally becomes conscious again he still thinks the Bergens have Bitty B and goes after them, all the while Bitty B is floating down a river.
BB: Johnny?! *small whimpering*
Arriving at Rock troll territory, they make him a part of their band and he surprisingly fits in because of his random dance moves.
Val: *crosses her arms* I don't like the looks of him.
Barb: *smiles* Well, I think he's pretty cool.
Demo: I think he's kind of a show-off.
Riff: *looks at Barb* You think he's cool?
Barb looks at him suspiciously.
Riff: Or something?
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