Ice Age (Clip 2)
*I switched a few characters around and added some new ones as well*
*This will be when sid first meets Manny and Diego gets his assignment*
John Dory = Soto
Sid = Clay
Manny = Bruce
Carl & Frank (rhinos) = Bergens
Diego = Branch
Carl: I can't believe it, fresh salad. I thought all the animals ate it. Ooh, a blueberry, thought they all dried out.
Frank: All but one. Dig in.
*Enter Clay trying to get animal dung off his foot while walking into the salad*
Clay: Man, this is not my day. You know what I'm saying, pal? Ugh, what a mess. Even though you bergens are bigger, I feel like you aren't that smart. Just an opinion, no offense. Ooh! A blueberry. Must be the last one of the season. Mhmm.
Frank: Carl?
Carl: Easy, Frank.
Frank: He ruined our salad.
Clay: (shocked) Oh! My mistake, fellas. (starts to back up) No, no, seriously, you can eat dirt! Oh, it's my favorite. (makes a disgusting face) Here you have some. Bueno? (starts to run)
Frank: Now?
Carl: Now!
As Clay runs, he bumps into somebody.
Clay: Oof!
Bruce: Hey!
Clay: Just pretend I'm not here.
Carl: Don't worry, we'll have some fun with ya.
Clay: (hangs on Bruce's arm) Don't let impale me, please! I wanna live!
Bruce: Get off me!
Carl: C'mon, you're making a scene. If you don't mind, we'll take what belongs to us.
Bruce: Bro, if it's not them today, it'll be someone else tomorrow.
Clay: Well, I'd rather not be today.
Carl: Look, we'll snap you in two so you don't feel a thing. How's that?
Bruce: Wait, I thought Bergens were vegetarians now?
Clay: An excellent point.
Bruce: Zip it!
Carl: Who says we'll eat him after we kill him.
Frank: Yeah, move it.
Bruce: You know, I don't like those who kill innocents.
Carl: Save it for someone who cares.
Clay: (raises his hand) I'm someone who cares.
Bruce looked at his brother and thought of an idea when he saw the bergens standing in front of an old sinkhole.
Bruce: Ok, here's the deal. If either of you make it across that sinkhole, you get my brother.
Clay: That's right, you idiots! Take one step, and you're gonners! (threw a stick at the sinkhole, and nothing happened)
The bergens smiled at them.
Clay: You were bluffing?
Bruce: Yeah, I was bluffing.
Bergens: Get'em'!
Clay hid behind his brother. Then, when Bruce saw how scared he was, he decided to defend him by attacking the bergens and getting his brother to safety. After the bergens were defeated, Clay ran at his brother with joy.
Clay: Yeah! We did it we- whoa! (both him and Bruce fell down a hill until Clay landed on top of him) You have gorgeous eyes.
Bruce: Get off.
Clay: Aren't you going to Troll Village where it's safe?
Bruce: Guess not, bye.
Clay: Cool, thanks for that. I'll take it from here.
He saw the bergens in the distance.
Carl: Hey, you skinny pipsqueak! Wait till we get down there!
Runs after Bruce.
Clay: Whoa! Safety is overrated, am I right?
Bruce looked at his brother.
Bruce: No, you just want someone to protect you because you can't do it yourself.
Clay: They should start calling you Bruce the Brute, Bruce the Bypasser, Bruce the-
Bruce looked at Clay, angry.
Bruce: (grabs his brother by his shirt) Stop, following me.
At the den of Cuddle pups:
A newborn cuddle pup was learning how to walk.
JD: What a cutie... Its mother ate our parents, I think it's only fair that we kill one of hers. Don't you agree, Branch?
Branch: (comes out of the shadows) We'll show that beast what happens when you mess with family.
JD: Get the other trolls. We attack at dawn. And Branch, I want it alive. If I'm going to enjoy revenge, I want to be the one to do it.
*Sorry this one was extra long. I forgot how many characters had lines. The next one will be shorter*
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