Deadly Gas?
Branch, Poppy, Viva, Floyd, Clay, and Bruce were on their way to save John Dory from a cuddle pup momma that was reclaiming her pups after they followed John Dory home. But they first had to pass... The Giggling Chasm.
Poppy: Look! A way over! *points to a bone cage*
Branch: Eh...
Viva: Floyd, Poppy, and I will go first.
Branch: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Poppy is NOT getting on that thing.
Viva: Oh, Branch, what was the first rule of this trip?
Poppy: Ooh! I know!
Viva: Uh!
Floyd walked past Branch and stepped into the cage.
Floyd: Always listen to Viva.
Viva: Oh! I forgot to mention the poisonous gas, so don't forget to hold your breath.
Everyone: What?
The others made it over, but Branch and his brothers were stuck in the middle due to some technical difficulties.
Viva: Just a little problem here. Keep holding it in, boys!
Clay: *gasps for breath* I can't hold it anymore!
Branch: Are you crazy?!
Bruce: You breathed it! Now we're all breathing it!
All 3: *make death noises*
*Chipmunk voices of brothers*
Branch: Hey, we're not dead!
Clay: You sound funny!
Bruce: You should hear yourself!
All 3: Hahahahaha!
Viva: Stop laughing!
Branch: *mimicking* Stop laughing! *shushes others* What's the first rule?!
All 3: Hahahahaha!
Viva crosses her arms in annoyance.
Floyd: They're just laughing. What's so bad about that?
Viva: *points below* They died laughing!
Poppy & Floyd looked in the Chasm to see skeletons of laughing trolls.
Poppy: Stop laughing!
Branch: You know what's funny? We're trying to save John Dory, and now we're all going to die!
Bruce: I don't even like JD!
Clay: Who does?! He's an idiot!
Branch: Thanks for letting me come along. It's the most fun I've had in years!
Bruce: Thank you for staying behind while we had new lives and responsibilities!
All 3: Hahahahaha!
The cage dropped a little. They looked up to see Viva holding her breath while trying to fix the rope pully system.
Clay: Tickle tickle tickle!
Viva: Stop it! *gasps loudly* Don't you see?! *chipmunk voice* We're all gonna die!
All 3: Hahahahaha! *Viva laughs too*
Poppy: *Looks at Floyd* We gotta do everything, huh? Here. *hands him rope* You take this side, I'll take this side, and we pull on three. 1...2...3!
Everyone flew through the Chasm.
Branch: Sometimes I wet my bed!
Clay: That's okay! Once I wet your bed!
Both: Hahahahaha!
They all crashed on the other side. Branch looked upside down to see Poppy smiling and staring down at him.
Branch: Uh? How much did you hear?
Floyd: Oh, we heard all of it.
Bruce: *whispers to Clay* You wet his bed?
Clay: It was one time.
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