Bro Pile
One day, the brothers decided to go camping but forgot their sleeping bags. So, John Dory had a thought.
JD: Guys, how about to keep warm we do our bro pile?
*Bro pile is like a sleep pile except all the brothers lay next and on top of each other*
Branch: Or we could try and survive the night?
The others agreed with John Dory.
JD: Sorry, Branch, you're out voted. Everyone in positions!
John Dory and Bruce were on the bottom, Branch was on top of John Dory, Floyd was on top of Bruce, and Clay was on the very top. All through the night, as the brothers tossed and turned, Branch ended up inside the pile. (don't worry, there were air holes) Branch struggled to get out of the pile, but that meant lifting his brother's bodies. Just as he thought he was finally free while crawling over John, John Dory grabbed him, thinking he was a pillow.
Branch: Whoa!
John Dory had a tight squeeze on Branch, and the worst part was he was starting to drool!
Branch: (whispers) No, no, no! (starts to blow the drool away)
When Branch blew in John Dory's face, he let go of Branch. So Branch tried army crawling out near Bruce. Just then, the brothers rolled over, and Clay was in Branch's face, and when he snored, his breath stunk real bad. Branch held his breath as he tried to turn Clay's head away. Success! Branch popped his head out and saw Floyd on the ground, and he looked... cold. Branch went to his brother's side and gave him a hug for warmth. Now, this was a proper sleep pile.
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