Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon
[this was requested by my fave RP pal @Danidoesweirdthings1 hope you enjoy friend!]
As you cry a cold wind blew in the room a portal had appeared with an eerily blue glow and out from the portal stepped___
Lloyd Garmadon! no way! this can't be real!? oh, Sweet Honey Iced Tea is he falling?! OH, HE IS! you move forward quickly catching Lloyd in your arms, this is too much! he's so heavy!? like the how!? or are you just that unfit? probably the unfit... but how is this possible? how is he here!? did that spell actually work? wait how are you suppose to explain that you summoned him to your home with a spell because you were lonely? yeah, maybe not like that... ah you'll think of something your smart... kinda, well let's get him onto a bed or probably the couch a bed would be a little strange... yup definitely the couch!
[time skip of you waiting for him to wake up! also, you cleaned up your magic mess!]
you finished cleaning and made some honeydew tea to maybe help calm your nerves when you hear Lloyd grunt 'is he in pain?' you think walking to the living room to see Lloyd awake and sitting up "um..." you so smartly say 'what the do you say to someone you just summon to your house!? fanfiction why did you not teach me of a situation like this!?' you stair in worry as Lloyd stares in confusion "um where am I?" he asked "my... my house" you paused, WHY DID YOU PAUSE! no don't panic you got this! "you ah kinda popped into my uh garage while I was err kinda being an idiot..." yup that will work you think... maybe don't panic yeah "oh um... ah ok, where am I then?" he asked looking around "um you're in [insert home town place country]" you say rubbing your head awkwardly "uh I uh don't know where that is..." he laughs awkwardly "um would you like some tea? I uh it's honeydew..." welp now it's awkward grate just grate "yeah! that would be nice um..." "I'm y/n" "well thank you y/n! I'm_" "Lloyd Garmadon yeah I know you are um... you are a fictional character here..." and you just made it worse didn't you...
after some explaining and putting on the show and even more explaining Lloyd seems to have calmed and things were ok, drinking tea and now getting to know well you, I guess tea really does help calm things down!
[another time skip cause well I'm bad at writing the boring stuff of talking like normal stuff]
you sigh it's been a month of trying to find a way to send Lloyd back, as much as you loved him it wasn't right to keep him here! he has his own world that he needs to protect and keep safe! so you had to send him back! letting out a huff in anger you throw the book you where reading across the room, nothing! this was your fault and you can't fix the problem! heck, you still haven't told Lloyd what you did! getting up you head back into the house, you had been hauling up in the garage trying to find a way to send him home but Lloyd seems calm for the situation he's in, "I've been in worse" he would joke but you knew he was still worried that things may go wrong back at his home and that he would be stuck here with you.
"nothing, I can't find a single thing to help" you grumbled flopping down on to the couch in a crumpled up sitting position next to Lloyd, Lloyd looked at you in sympathy "at this point we may as well get a list of every known god and pray to each and see who answers" you huffed Lloyd laughing "hey don't give up there's always a way!" he grins "you are too optimistic for your own good" you laughed "and that's a bad thing?" he grins "eh not really but can get some pessimistic people annoyed" you smiled "hey!" he laughs you grin and ruffle his hair before standing up "want some tea? or food?" you offer a smile lit up Lloyds face "could I_" "have something sweet?" you finish a grin on your face "yeah" Lloyd nods you laugh and head into the kitchen.
you sighed it been about a month now, you and Lloyd have gotten close and you know a lot about what he's been through and now you're sitting here on the balcony of your house next to a crying Lloyd, fuck, you had seen him crying through the sliding window and came out to comfort him but, what on earth do you say!? what horrible thing is he crying over!? his life is full of terrible stuff happening constantly so what do you comfort him about? you sigh "hey, it's ok... I'm here if you want to talk or just need a shoulder to cry on," you say holding your arms open for him, to your surprise he takes the hug letting out ugly sobs and hiccups, gently rubbing his back and humming you wait for him to let everything out "it's ok I got you, just let it all out" you mumble humming a peaceful tune, as his sobs calm down you still held him in the hug comforting him "thanks" he mumbled "hey it's no problem, you've been through a lot and you deserve to let out your emotions you aren't a robot or a nindroid your a human and it's normal to cry, good to cry actually!" you comfort and reassured "thank you" he mumbled again holding you closer "it's no problem I'm glad to be here for you" you smile "how... how do you... how do you move on?" he mumbled out pausing once and a while "move on from what? love? or death?" you ask "both?" you sigh "you don't really move on you grow from the pain of loss and you keep the memories in heart but... you never move on from love, you will live with the pain of heartache and learn to see the warning signs in others and learn to avoid those that want to use you... but the pain still lingers until you find that one person who comes along, the person who not only fills the void of loneliness but also heals the pain from past lovers," you say as you rub his back "hehe so this pain?" "will only dull till you find the one" you sigh "have... have you been hurt before... in love before?" he asked pulling away to see tears in your eyes "yeah... I have... and I wish I could have known back then that I was in love but... I was dumb and young and clueless to my own feeling so I spent years crying over them... and I didn't know why till I was much older" you mumble, dam now your crying too! he hugs you again holding you just like you had rubbing your back, him and you both crying, an emotional rollercoaster for the both of you but a needed one.
It had been a week since the balcony incident and it was time to say good-bye you had found a working spell and it saddened you, you knew you had to say good-bye as he didn't belong here but it hurt, you had fallen all over again and it hurt! "Lloyd? I got a portal open? Lloyd?" you called looking around for the green-clad boy "Lloyd!?" you call out worried that something happened to him but there he was sat out on the balcony again, opening the door and stepping out to stand next to him "hey... I got the portal open... are... are you ok?" you ask worried "no..." Lloyd barely mumbles out "hey... what... stupid question but what's wrong?" you smile sitting next to him "hehe it's not stupid... I... I don't want to go back... not without you..." Lloyd mumbled out "then I'll come with" you smile "what!? no what about your family!?" Lloyd asked worried "it's fine... never felt like I was here anyway... besides I'd rather stay with you" you mumble the last bit, Lloyd blushed looking away before mumbling something inaudibly "what?" you ask looking at him face tinted pink "I would rather stay with you too" he mumbled, your face was red hell you are now a tomato! Spain be dammed his red fruit won't beat your beat red face! "I... Lloyd I... do you... like me? as in... like me more than a friend?" you asked in a shy whisper "depends... do you like me... more than a friend?" he asks looking at you from the corner of his eye "...yes" you mumble Lloyd just able to hear brings you into a hug holding you close "please come with me then" Lloyd begged "I already said I would" you smiled tears pricking your eyes.
packing a bag quickly and getting dressed and ready to go you and Lloyd head through the portal to live a new and amazing life no longer alone!
[HELLO LOVELIES! I hope you enjoyed! and this was again requested by @Danidoesweirdthings1 and I hope you all enjoyed and will request for the next boi or gal or non-binary lovelies! ta tah!]
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