Once Mingi's knot went down, the Beta and Alpha went inside and Mingi tenses when he catches sight of Seonghwa standing in the doorway of the kitchen with his arms crossed. His face said it all, he was not happy. If it wasn't his face, it was his golden irises that were staring daggers right at Mingi.
Hongjoong looks between them before clearing his throat, "I can go do a small perimeter run if you want me to? Is it marked?"
Mingi nods, "Yeah, I'll let you know when it's okay to come back."
"Or don't come back at all," Seonghwa snaps, his jaw set as his nostrils flare, "Song Mingi, a word."
Hongjoong looks to Mingi before Seonghwa, and then back to Mingi before leaving the house. Mingi takes in a deep breath before looking at his mate, "Seonghwa-"
"Don't you fucking dare make an excuse," Seonghwa snarls, stepping forward and standing right in front of Mingi. His golden irises were bright as they flicker between gold and brown, "Where was the discussion with me about claiming the Beta? Huh!? I don't remember this discussion!!"
"I'm the alpha," Mingi snarls back in the Omega's face, his dominance instantly made Seonghwa wince, "This is my pack and I make the rules!"
"The whole point of being an Alpha and a Luna is to MAKE DECISIONS TOGETHER THAT IS BENEFICIAL FOR THE PACK!!" Seonghwa shouts back, "We have a pup Mingi!! Or did you forget all about us while you were getting your brains sucked and fucked!? I'm not about to let a stranger near my daughter, especially my mate!!"
"You were so quick to allow Yeosang! Why not Hongjoong!?" Mingi shouts.
"BECAUSE YOU HAD A THING WITH HIM IN THE PAST!!! I HEARD HIM TALKING TO YOU!!" Seonghwa screams, his eyes are a bright gold now as he snarls, "Were you even pure when you were with me!? Am I a second choice to you!? Did you even want me or did you just chose to fucking have me as your mate because it's what your father wanted!?"
Before Mingi could have a chance to respond, Anastasia started to cry in the other room and Seonghwa's eyes immediately turn from gold to blue. He backs away when he realizes how close he is to Mingi and takes in a deep breath to bring back his wolf, "Tonight. The Beta sits down and we ALL discuss what we're doing with him." Seonghwa snaps before turning around and begins walking to go take care of their baby.
"I already claimed him Seonghwa," Mingi speaks up, noticing Seonghwa had stopped walking and tenses. He can feel the anger rising in the Omega as he turns to face Mingi, "Like I said earlier. I'm the alpha, this is my pack. I will run it exactly how my father ran his, and how his father ran his before him. Hongjoong will help us, well me more so, with perimeter runs, protecting you, Yeosang, and Ana, fighting, and hunting. I wasn't just doing it just because I wanted to fuck him, I did it because we need him. I was thinking about our family. About our future. So if you want him to go away, then YOU can banish him from MY pack. You can burn MY mark off of him. You can chase him off of MY territory. Because I'm refusing to do so, and that is my final say."
Seonghwa sets his jaw angrily, Mingi can hear the joints popping as he locks it before taking angry breath in and out through his nose before turning away and walking down the hall. Mingi can see his hands clenched into fists and he sighs, running a hand through his hair in stress.
A throat cleared itself beside him and Mingi snaps his head over to see Yeosang sitting on the couch. He was wearing sweatpants and a large T-shirt that hung off of his body and exposed Mingi's mark on his neck. Yeosang stands and sighs, "I can see your side of the argument, and I can see Seonghwa's. But you haven't had a chance to hear my side yet since I'm apart of this pack now too Mingi."
Mingi watches as he plants himself in front of him, the Omega's green eyes were lit up as he smiles slightly to Mingi, "You took me under your wing and I earned my place after months of staying here and proving myself. Yet, Hongjoong comes and he is immediately claimed. You never discussed it with us, and you never even thought to think of us. Did you?"
Mingi didn't answer and Yeosang sighs, cupping Mingi's face with a soft hand, "Give Seonghwa a few days to cool off. But we really do need to talk to Hongjoong and see what his intentions are. Your mate doesn't trust him and I don't trust him. Please... listen to us. Tonight, we will all sit and talk to him. I trust your decision because you are my Alpha, but I'm going to be pretty blunt and say you're a dumb man for doing something like this."
Yeosang pulls away and walks down the hall to where Seonghwa and Ana are, looking back at Mingi before he enters the room and shuts the door softly. Mingi curses and runs a hand through his hair.
He knows in his heart he made a mistake doing this without consulting his mate, but at the same time his mind is telling him this was the right thing to do. It may have just earned him a spot on the couch for a week, maybe even a month. But Seonghwa and Yeosang are right, they needed to talk.
Dinner was quiet as the four members ate their delicious elk steaks Seonghwa made. Seonghwa's piercing blue eyes were locked right onto Hongjoong as the Beta tried to ignore him and eat, the tank top he was wearing flashing the mark from his mate.
Hongjoong eventually puts his fork down and sighs, looking right at Seonghwa, "Would you please stop staring at me? It's very rude."
"I'm trying to figure out why my mate claimed you and didn't have a thought to talk to me before he did it," Seonghwa snaps, his eyes narrow slightly.
"Seonghwa," Mingi growls, "Stand down."
"He's right though," Yeosang buts in, taking a sip of his water before sighing and looking to Mingi, "But before we all try to jump down one another's throats, how about we just learn about Hongjoong? Hm? Maybe that'll ease our anger a bit and our racing minds."
"Fine," Seonghwa snorts with a roll of his eyes, "What brings you here? You said it was because Valentine sent you but I'm calling it bullshit."
"He really did," Hongjoong shrugs, "He asked the group of young Beta hunters if any of us wanted to come see if Mingi would take us in. Only if he needed help with hunting and such. I never expected Mingi to already have two Omegas in his pack, so I knew he was going to need help when I seen you three in bed."
"And did he choose you specifically or did you just come on your own to wedge your way in between us?" Seonghwa snaps.
Mingi growls again in a final warning, Seonghwa glares to him, before looking back at Hongjoong, "I'm going to be pretty upfront and honest with you Hongjoong. I don't like you and I don't know if I will ever like you. But as Mingi's mate, and the Luna of this pack, I have no choice but to accept you into it since my big, air head of an Alpha already made that decision without me."
Mingi snarls, "That's enough!"
"I'm not finished," Seonghwa snarls back, his golden irises flash in warning before he looks to Hongjoong, "You can stay. But the second you show us of your intentions that aren't really what you say they are or if you hurt Yeosang, Mingi, or my pup, I will personally tie you up outside. And then I will take the knife we use to skin elk, skin you alive and then throw your bloody body out of our territory for the rogues to devour. Don't think for a second I won't be watching you because I WILL ALWAYS be watching. The second I see your facade break, you're finished."
The Omega stands and removes himself from the death stare he had locked onto the Beta, grabbing his plate and began cleaning up his area before exiting the room. Yeosang sighs, eating the last bite of steak before standing to remove himself as well. He smiles to the Beta, "Well, welcome to the pack."
Once the two Omegas were removed from the room, Mingi lets out a heavy sigh and rubs his face with his hands. Hongjoong chuckles, "Well, never thought I'd be terrified of intimidated by an Omega. I can definitely say your father picked a good mate for you Mingi."
Mingi hums, "That's the first time he's ever acted like that."
"Well, I can't really blame him," Hongjoong stands and begins cleaning the table off, "For what it's worth, I would act the same way. Especially if I had a pup."
"I just hope he comes around, I don't want there to be quarrel for years."
Hongjoong shrugs, "Eh, he'll come around. And if he doesn't I can get use to him hating me," he chuckles, "As long as I get to follow in your lead Alpha, I don't care who likes me or who hates me. As long as I do my job as a Beta for you, Alpha."
Mingi managed to pull himself away from the table shortly afterwards and cleaned his area where he sat. After dinner, the four wolves went to bed but Mingi stops at the doorway when he sees Seonghwa removing his blanket and pillow from the bed, then removes Ana from her bassinet.
"Where are you going?" Mingi asks softly, placing a hand on Seonghwa's shoulder but the Omega immediately shakes it off before he pulls Ana to his chest.
"I'm sleeping with Yeosang until I feel like I don't want to bash your face in," Seonghwa responds cooly, "and I'm taking Ana with me."
"So you're leaving me alone for god knows how long?" Mingi scoffs.
Seonghwa turns to the Alpha and with a straight face he shrugs, "Have the Beta keep you company."
"I'd rather have you," Mingi walks towards him but Seonghwa backs away, Ana was wide awake in his arms watching her parents bicker with large blue eyes. Mingi's face didn't hold back the hurt he felt as he frowns, then takes a step back, "Very well. You know where our bed is, when you're ready to come back I'll be here."
Seonghwa doesn't say another word as he takes his baby and his pillows and blankets to Yeosang's room, slamming the door shut. Mingi sighs heavily before laying on the bed on his back, closing his eyes shut.
This was going to be rough.
Written by @jinjin0309
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