-360Markimoo joined the chat-
-LordMinion777 joined the chat-
-YourBaeJack joined the chat-
-BigBellyBob joined the chat-
-Yamidamidoo joined the chat-
-FabFelix2017 joined the chat-
360Markimoo: Hello everybody!
YourBaeJack: Top of the mornin'
Yamidamidoo: Hey, what's happening everyone?
FabFelix2017: Hows it goin bros?
LordMinion777: Hey guys.
YourBaeJack: :o Rude
360Markimoo: Babe, just go with it...
YourBaeJack: :P Fine daddy~
FabFelix2017: Ooooooooooooo! Spice!
Yamidamidoo: What? Babe, daddy... I'm so confused.
360Markimoo: Me and Jack are together. Have been for almost 4 months now.
YourBaeJack: Yep a diddly darn doo.
360Markimoo: I told you Yami. Didn't I?
Yamidamadoo: No. You didn't.
-CutiePie joined the chat-
CutiePie: Hey guys!
FabFelix2017: Marzia, tell Jack and Mark to stop being couple-y
CutiePie: No
FabFelix2017: WHY?!
Lordminion777: Ha!
CutiePie: Septiplier.
FabFelix2017: GUYS! SHE GAVE INTO THE TEMPTATION! Who ever ships septiplier say I.
CutiePie: I
Lordminion777: I
FabFelix2017: I
360Markimoo: I
YourBaeJack: I!
(All. But one vote...)
FabFelix2017: Yami?
-Yamidamidoo left the chat-
FabFelix2017: RUDE! Well. Majority rule. You two are now married.
YourBaeJack: Yer stuck with me.
360Markimoo: Wouldn't have it any other way.
CutiePie: Awe.
FabFelix2017: HA! GAYYY!
360Markimoo: Thanks for noticing.
YourBaeJack: ;P Oh Markimoo~
360Markimoo: Yes baby?
YourBaeJack: I wove you <3
360Markmioo: Love you too, baby boy. <3
FabFelix2017: GET A ROOM!
BigBellyBob: Go fuck already.
YourBaeJack: Okay. ;D
-YourBaeJack left the chat-
-360Markimoo left the chat-
FabFelix2017: Ooo Shit!
-Yamidamidoo joined the chat-
Yamidamidoo: Hey again. Where's Mark?
FabFelix2017: Fucking Jack.
Yamidamidoo: Oh... I see...
-Yamidamidoo left the chat-
-KillerCry joined the chat-
KillerCry: Sup...
FabFelix2017: BOY BAE! How's it going?
CutiePie: Boy Bae? Is PewDieCry a thing now?
KillerCry: Yup.
-Lordminion777 left the chat-
FabFelix2017: You mean it?! :o
KillerCry: I mean it to mean it, and not being mean.
FabFelix2017: God dammit Cry...
-CutiePie left the chat-
-BigBellyBob left the chat-
KillerCry: Welp...
FabFelix2017: Wanna play Super Smash bros?
KillerCry: ...
FabFelix2017: ...
KillerCry: Fuck yeah.
FabFelix2017: Lets do this
-KillerCry left the chat-
-FabFelix2017 left the chat-
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