"Don't be."
Mark shuffled awake. He sat up and looked around his blurry room. He squinted adjusting and saw a small bean laying next to him, peacefully resting. Mark smiled, leaning down kissing Jack on his forehead. The green haired teen turned in his sleep. A light blush spread across Mark's face. 'Cute..." He thought, before getting up and taking a shower. Meanwhile Jack woke up to Mark standing in front of his dresser with only a towel wrapped around his waist. The green haired teen blushed deeply and tried speaking but nothing came out. (For Once... It's Magic!) Jack just stared. Mark turned around and saw Jack looking at him. He laughed out. "Like what you see?" Mark said seductively. Jack sighed dreamily, "Yeah..." He sighed out. Mark's entire face went red. Mark got dressed and sat next to Jack on his bed. He pet the smol beans hair and Jack giggled. Mark always thought Jack was cute. Ever since he first laid eyes on him. But he never thought he could be THIS cute. Mark pulled Jack up and kissed him deeply. Jack, of course, kissed back. They stayed in that position for a bit before Jack moved on top of Mark. Mark grabbed Jack's waist. They both never wanted to part lips again. When they broke off only small pants of catching breathe was all they can do. They continued kissing and pausing every so often for breaths until they feel they've had enough. "God, I love you..." Mark said pecking Jack's lips. "I love you, too..." Jack sighed wearily. "Are you tired baby boy?" Mark held Jack close to his chest, petting his green hair. Jack simply nodded and fell asleep in the conference of Mark's arms. Mark kissed Jack's forehead and closed his eyes, drifting off.
I am going to finish this chapter tomorrow. Thank you all for reading lovelies. Au revoir.
Mark woke up to see Jack sitting on his lap while cuddling him. He smiled and pet his hair humming a tune. Jack smiled and held himself closer to Mark. The red haired male brushed the other male's hair out of his face, kissing his forehead. "Morning baby boy~" Mark whispered into Jack's ear. Jack groaned refusing to open his eyes. "Morning..." He sighed trying to adjust to the harsh light. Jack rubbed his eyes and looked up at Mark, then realizing he was sitting on his lap in a sexual way, blushed intensely. "I'M SO SORRY!! I'LL G-GET OF! THAT MUST HAVE BEEN UNCOMFORTABLE!!" Jack tried squirming his way of Mark's lap but Mark grabbed his hips, pulling him back. He touched his nose to Jack's. "Don't be..." He hummed. Jack blushed and kissed Mark passionately. Mark was taken back for a second but kissed back, with A LOT of lust. They stayed there and before they broke it off... Dark walked in. "Hey bro. I've been calling your na-... uhh..." Jack jumped off of Mark and hid under his duvet. Mark chuckled at Jack's actions. "Sorry bro. Didn't mean to walk in on you like that..." Dark awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. Mark looked back up from his hiding boyfriend to dark. "It's okay bro. Uhh... Why are you in your demon form...?" Dark looked at his appearance. He had dark, grey skin. Black eyes with red pupils. Claws were sprouting out from where his NORMAL fingernails should be, and he had two Black and red horns sprouting from his head. "I... umm..." Dark shrugged and walked away leaving Mark in confusion. Mark looked over to the lump under his covers and took it off of the hiding green haired boy. Jack looked up at Mark and smiled. Mark picked him up and set him on his lap once again. Jack giggled and got comfy.
~With Dark~
Dark walked down the hallway to his room and sat on his bed next to a bruised and knocked out Anti. He wet down a wash cloth in the bathroom and laid it across Anti's forehead, petting the smaller male's hair. "Oh Anti... What have you done..." Dark whispered to his fiance, passed out and in demon form...
Anyway guys! Thank you for watching! If you liked it, please, vote! That shows me you want me to go on with the story and you like it! And share with your fellow shipping friends! I'm sorry to leave you on a cliff hanger! I know! But where's the suspense in a demon and human love story gonna go? Buh baii!!~
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