chapter 8
Later in the middle of the night Satan was sitting in MJ's room with her going through old photo albums with her and not telling her what he knew yet.
MJ : what is going on? Why did you want to see these?"
Satan : ..... this is going to seem strange but you know how I said MC is a decendtant of Lilith?"
MJ : yeah y.....are you saying I'm a decendtant of Mammon!?"
Satan. : Yes but instead of decendtant your his daughter"
MJ : holy shit.... this is cool!"
Satan : your not shock? Or horrified?"
MJ : well.... surprised? Yeah? After everything this seems like another day. Plus I have uncles! And your the best one! Wait are we technically cousins?"
Satan : I.....I guess?"
MJ : even better!!"
Satan : he had a pretty normal life?"
MJ : it's kinda strange that I just happen to be his daughter and I got picked for this thing they knew?"
Satan. : Who knows? maybe he did it"
MJ : that would be cool. He did always say he would always watch over me and I don't doubt that now"
Satan : what do you want to do now?"
MJ : when we get back we should show this to Everyone! I think we even have some home videos he always took videos of everything I did and of our vacations"
Satan : why is your other dad face cut off in all pictures?"
MJ: I don't know? Maybe he didn't like his picture taken?. Anyway you think everyone will like seeing them?"
Satan : yeah? I don't know about Lucifer though"
MJ : since we are not in devildom why he such a dick?"
Satan : I don't know he just is"
MJ : understandable"
A few days later they both arrived back in devildom and when they got to the house of lamentation everyone was in the living room and MJ was sitting on the couch with her backpack full of stuff she brought.
Lucifer : why did you both insist on all of us being here?"
Satan : well you don't have to be here she was being nice. But anyway we found something out while at her parents house"
MJ : you know how MC is a decendtant of Lilith?"
Belphie : are you saying your Mammon's?"
MJ : yes and no instead of that he was my dad"
Everyone was immediately quiet when she said that. Especially Lucifer but after a few seconds everyone seemed happy about it.
Beel : that's cool!"
Asmo : I knew you looked familiar!"
MJ: I know you guys probably really missed him so I brought some photo albums and videos of his human life"
Levi : you don't seem surprised? But neither was MC"
MJ : I think it's kinda cool but for being the avatar of greed was his luck bad?"
Asmo : wasn't the best"
MJ : pretty sure that followed him into his human life. He never had good luck with anything neither do I"
Satan : she almost got ran over 3 times on the way here"
MC : really?"
MJ : I'm fine. Anyway do you guys wanna see the videos?"
They all nodded in agreement and she quickly went to the TV and started setting everything up.
MJ : this is a good one it's our last Christmas vacation together but it's funny"
After this she press play and it started.
MJ : what was his name?"
MJ : .....I don't really know but I remember he was called Mammon as a joke nickname because he seemed to really like money and stuff.
And he liked the name so he stuck with it. Now I understand why"
Mammon was at a ice skating place and was trying to fix the camera.
Unknown Man : do you need help?"
Mammon : no! I can handle setting up a camera!"
Unknown Man : you hurt yourself on everything I don't doubt you'll find a way to hurt yourself with that"
Mammon : that's not true! It's i-ow!?"
Mammon then set the camera down getting a cut from it.
Unknown Man : see?"
Mammon : .....go to hell...."
Unknown Man : see you there"
Suddenly little MJ pop into frame with her skates and Mammon kneeled down to help her put them on and once again he cut himself.
Unknown Man : good I brought the first aid kit"
The video then cut to all of them in skates and Mammon and MJ's other dad attempting to
Little MJ.
And Mammon looked happy in his human life.
And it was a sweet moment until he fell face first onto the ice breaking his ankle.
Mammon : damn it!"
Little MJ : damn it?"
Mammon : don't repeat it!"
Unknown Man :.... I'll go get the car....."
As he walked away little MJ just looked at Mammon who was hurt and as she was going to help him.
She fell face first onto the ice getting her tongue stuck to it. She then said laughing and muffled.
Little MJ : daddy!"
Mammon then looked over and said looking defeated but also laughing and smiling.
Mammon : heh.... this is funny?"
Little MJ just lay there laughing thinking this was funny and Mammon just patted her head and said.
Mammon : I'm surprised with our luck we made it this long."
The unknown Man then show up and asked surprised.
Unknown Man : what happened!?"
Mammon : I don't know!"
Unknown Man : honestly I'm surprised she made it to 6 and you made it to 30....."
Mammon : Can you just help (........)!"
Unknown Man : fine"
Levi : I have a question....."
MJ : it's about the two dad's thing right?"
Belphie : how were born?"
MJ : I don't know? Nobody really knows? but those are my biological parents."
Asmo : why was his name and face cut out?"
MJ : I don't know? In all videos of him and pictures my other dad face and name was always cut out of everything.
The name thing I never knew. But
Another thing. For family tree day when I was in elementary school I had to do something on my family's history and I couldn't find anything on his side.
Like he really didn't exist yet he had parents but they died a long time ago"
Belphie : he was probably a murderer"
MJ : ....that would make sense...and with our luck probably"
MJ then looked at Lucifer and said.
MJ : isn't it nice to know he had a happy life?"
Lucifer : .....I never doubted he wouldn't have one"
MJ : you think he's in hell?"
Lucifer : most likely"
MJ : yeah I figured that"
Lucifer was curious about something but decided he wouldn't mention it and do the research on his own.
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