Chapter 37
Later as everyone was asleep Mammon was walking around still holding the glass ball with the small burnt out candle.
He was was around thinking about how nice it was to finally have everyone together. But he was also thinking about everything he lost everything he's been through.
This was only a moment of happiness but the pain would never go away and he knew he would continue to suffer.
Mammon : I should enjoy this while their here.......but it's also just a reminder of everything I've lost....that I los-!?
Solomon : what are you talking about?"
Mammon jump a little as he saw Solomon walk over out of nowhere. But that wasn't his fault the castle barely had light.
Solomon : I can imagine
A lot is on your mind?"
Mammon : .....if I was alive you would of gave me a heart attack......"
Solomon : really? Mr King of the underworld and yet I would have scared you?"
Solomon said in a mocking tone finding it funny.
Mammon : still as ugly as ever especially with that drag you attempt to pull off but failed"
Solomon : I....yes what ever happened with that ghost?"
Mammon : lillth killed her"
Solomon : must be fun h-
Mammon : we need to talk about things. There's a lot I never got answers to given the situation at the time."
Solomon : yes....I figured this would come up"
Mammon : one of my biggest questions That's really why did you fall for me in my human life and create everything that happened"
Solomon : .....yep That's definitely awkward......."
Mammon : it had to be asked......"
They both looked away from each other before Solomon took a deep breath and said.
Solomon : I can't really explain why I did. it just happened.....but I did mean everything.
I know it was probably cruel to be close with you and not tell you your past life.
But at the time I knew they couldn't and I didn't know if any of us would get in trouble if I told you"
Mammon : I can understand that"
Solomon : it was nice having a normal life without magic and having a daughter"
Mammon : I guess it was nice. Being life was pretty good besides almost dying every day..... how are my parents?"
Solomon : still alive and scary as ever. I swear they should be dead by now. My fear is that their immortal or something"
Mammon : is the great powerful sorcerer scared of some middle aged humans?"
Mammon was mocking him back but Solomon was unfazed.
Solomon : that woman is horrifying you have to agree "
Mammon : yeah...... anyway I know you think MJ wouldn't have been safe with you but t know she would of"
Solomon : .....maybe...."
Mammon : It's nice seeing how much she's grown."
Solomon : she's a lot like you"
Mammon : but gets the mentally unstable personality from you"
Solomon : your most likely right. So proud of her. If Diavolo wasn't holding back she definitely would be banned from Devildom"
Mammon : yeah ....she permanently disfigured that one demon with holy water......"
Solomon : oh and put one in financial debt for the rest of his life"
Mammon : and mass destruction....."
Solomon : mental proud of her"
Mammon : heh...."
They then started spending a good time talking about MJ.
But after awhile Solomon mentioned something.
Solomon : I have a question. You technically died the first time over a thousand years ago yet you were only reincarnated recently a few years ago. Which doesn't make sense"
Mammon : ........yeah....I guess it doesn't......."
Solomon could see the question seemed to bother Mammon on a level he couldn't understand.
Solomon : ..... can I know?"
Mammon : I.....I rather not talk about i-
Solomon : please? I promise you I won't tell?"
Mammon then stop walking and said sitting down a stone bench that was in the outside hallway they were in.
M ammon : .....I.... after what happened.....I was reincarnated....but something freak accident would always kill me and I would be reincarnated again and this endless cycle of life and death ....
And each time I would remember.... especially the pain.......
Then when I died this time I remembered all the pain each was bad....
Solomon : I'm sorry....."
Mammon. You didn't do anything wrong. In fact you prolonged it. Which I guess was good. There's nothing else you could of done to stop it"
Solomon : seems like MJ has the same problem"
Mammon. :.....yeah...... one day it will catch up. with everyone helping we're just prolonging it.
I'm hoping we could figure out how to stop it completely"
Solomon : I get the feeling you want to mention something else?"
Mammon : will only cause more trouble"
Solomon : everything is already going to hell might as well add fuel to the fire.
But it's that bad I can keep it a secret"
Mammon : ....... promise?"
Solomon : I promise"
Mammon : this is Diavolo's fault "
Solomon : how?"
Mammon : when he did the thing to make sure I would be reincarnated. He messed up big time.
Whatever he did cause this curse and he is aware of his mistake and did nothing to try and fix it.... never told anyone like it didn't matter anymore.
I don't care how it affected me but I care what it did to MJ. How she could die because of what he did"
Solomon. : ........"
Solomon couldn't believe what he said and he was
Rightfully angry at Diavolo.
Solomon : I get why you want to keep this secret. But everyone could help. For MJ'S sake"
Mammon : ......I rather wait till everything calms down"
Solomon : calm before the storm"
Mammon : I want to enjoy this time with everyone before everyone tries to kill Diavolo"
Solomon : right reasonable. Also what's that your holding? I've seen you holding it since we got here."
Mammon just looked at it and said hiding it.
Mammon : it's nothing....."
Solomon : really it seems l-
Mammon : you should get some rest"
Mammon then got up and walked away. And Solomon was curious about why out
Of everything. The glass ball with the burnt out candle he refused to talk about.
Later Mammon was in his room sitting against his bed crying and hugging the glass ball with the burnt out candle in it.
He seemed to be in such despair and pain that was unbearable.
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