chapter 27
Later at Lucifer's room they walked in and Lucifer said.
Lucifer : you are an idiot!"
Solomon : why your room?"
Lucifer : I don't trust to leave you by yourself. So you're going to stay here until this is over"
Solomon: shouldn't you also stay away from me?"
Lucifer: that's what I'm doing!"
After this Lucifer left the room and locked the door. After this Solomon decided to look around his room since he'll be there for awhile.
Few hours later about two. Lucifer went to his room to check on Solomon. And as he walked in he saw Solomon sitting down on the couch with with head down resting on the arm of it while using his arm as a pillow.
And something seemed off with him.
He was breathing a bit heavily and his face was a little flustered.
Lucifer kept his distance since he could tell it hasn't worn off yet and asked.
Lucifer : are you alright?"
Solomon: l... Lucifer.... what are the chances......this...... works differently......
Lucifer: .....damn it...."
Solomon : heh.... what a turn of events......"
Lucifer :..... sounds like a you problem"
Solomon : I'm sure it will stop..... eventually....."
Lucifer : ......"
Lucifer decided to leave the room but as he got to the door. He looked at Solomon
And wasn't sure what to do.
Who knew how long this would last it should of stop by now. and could see whatever Solomon was feeling from this was only getting worse the longer he went without what he knew would end this.
As Solomon was on the couch suddenly Lucifer stood in front of him lifting his head and leaned down and started kissing
Solomon's eyes immediately widen in surprise and shock that Lucifer was kissing him. But it felt good so he started kissing him back as Lucifer sat down on his lap.
The next day in the morning Solomon woke up in Lucifer's bed and looked up and noticed he was cuddled up next to Lucifer and had his head laying on his chest.
He then smiled kinda laughing and kissed Lucifer's cheek which woke him up.
Lucifer : go away"
Solomon : I say last night was fun. You certainly enjoyed y-
Lucifer : I hate you...."
Solomon : if that was true then you definitely hated me so much last night"
Lucifer : ......"
Lucifer then immediately pushed him off the bed and Solomon then yelled as he hit the floor.
Solomon : OW!?"
Lucifer : good I'm going back to bed"
Solomon then got up and asked as he was looking for his clothes.
Solomon: you're tired still?"
Lucifer : yes so go away"
Solomon : I guess you would be tired. glad I could make you enjoy yourself so m-
Lucifer then threw a pillow at him knocking him down again and then went to bed few seconds later.
After this Solomon got his clothes and went to take a quick shower before leaving.
Few minutes later Solomon was done and as he was leaving he went over to Lucifer one more time and kissed his forehead then he quickly left the room before Lucifer could wake up and hit him.
But the second he left Lucifer's room and started walking down the hallway he suddenly ran into Asmo and froze.
They both just starred at each for the longest time until Asmo said looking kinda surprised realizing what happened.
Asmo : oh.....well we all expected it to happen eventually"
Solomon :....i can explain....."
Asmo : the pudding?"
Solomon : how did you know?"
Asmo : heard Lucifer talking to himself about it. Really you need glasses. This is the third time"
Solomon: devildom needs better labels"
Asmo : I a-!?
Suddenly MJ walked over but Asmo quickly turned her around and said walking away with her.
Asmo : MJ! Let's go over here! I want to show you something!"
MJ : what's wrong?"
Asmo: nothing!"
After this Solomon just walked away finding another way out so MJ wouldn't see him.
Later towards the nighttime Solomon was at a club sitting at a bar by himself and drinking. Thinking about what happened last night.
He wasn't sure what to think about it. But knew that all it was. Was just a one night stand. yet couldn't help but freak out about it so much.
It didn't mean anything he knew that part. But a part of him kinda wish it meant something.
Suddenly two demons sat down next to him at the bar counter and ordered a few drinks. And as they wait one of them said.
Demon 1 : looks like you are having a bad night"
Solomon : I guess you could say that"
Demon 1 : want to talk about it?"
Demon 2 : why are you trying to get into peoples personal business again?"
Demon 1 : I would call it free therapy"
Solomon : MC would love you"
Demon 1 : cool. So why are you upset?"
Solomon : it's nothing really. I shouldn't mention it or he'll kill me."
Demon 1 : sad over a guy? I get it. They suck honestly"
Solomon : yes they do"
Demon 2 : but your a guy?"
Solomon : exactly"
Demon 1 : you don't seem that bad? Anyone would be lucky to have you?"
Solomon : I doubt that. I only seem to bad luc-
Suddenly Solomon saw Maddi pass by and he said.
Solomon : ....I despise that bitch"
Demon 1 : Maddi? I'll fight her if you want?"
Solomon : are you serious?"
Demon 1 : I have a death wish might as well do a good deed on the way out"
Solomon : no one is stopping y-!?
Suddenly the demon girl put her hair up and then got up and walked off towards Maddi.
Demon 2 : oh no she-!?
They both then watched in horror and surprised as she started beating up and fighting Maddi.
Solomon then took out his phone and started filming.
Solomon : oh I have to send this to Lucifer he'll love this"
Demon 2 : sounds about right. I swear that girl is going to get me killed one day"
Solomon: I have a daughter who has the same energy. I am surprised she doesn't have a kill count. But she has a count of causing bodily harm"
Demon 2 : must be proud"
Solomon : I am. She'll probably like this to"
Demon 2 : after she's done got any plans for tonight?"
Solomon : not really. I'm assuming you want me to join you both?"
Demon 2 : yeah we could go over the video together?"
Solomon : alright then. Also what's your name?"
Demon 2 : ......maybe I'll tell you later. Depending how things go"
Solomon : flirting I see? How bold."
Demon 2 : I....I wasn't!?....I was just....I...."
Solomon then started laughing as he just made the demon nervous and all flustered.
Solomon : I guess you are lucky I'm not looking for anyone right now"
Demon 2 : I can't tell who's scarier her committing murder in front of everyone or you!?"
Solomon : I like to think I'm scary in an attractive way"
Demon 2 : ........"
Solomon : I'm taking your silence as you agreeing and I'm flattered"
Solomon then focus on the other demon fighting Maddi and not noticing the demon with him just looking at him smiling.
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