Chapter 25
A few hours later Lucifer suddenly woke up and sat up in a bed panicking and saw almost everyone there and looked at himself and saw he was bandaged up. And with how fast he sat up it kinda freak everyone out.
Mammon : for someone who basically died you got up so fast....."
Lucifer : what happened?"
Barbatos : we found you both injured and pronounced dead for a few minutes. MJ told us what happened and it seemed whatever happened to Solomon left as soon as he died"
Lucifer : where is he?"
Barbatos : in another room with MJ. He's still unconscious. We are unsure if he'll wake up still"
Lucifer : ........"
Lucifer then tried to get up out of bed but Barbatos stop him and said.
Barbatos : I understand you are worried about him but you need to rest. You still have ser-
Lucifer just ignored him and got up anyway and left like he wasn't just stabbed in heart and died for a few minutes.
Belphie : when we hear a thud that's when we'll know the adrenaline wears off"
Few minutes later Lucifer walked into the room Solomon was in. And saw him still unconscious in bed with MJ sitting on a next next the bed watching him.
But then she looked at him surprised and happy he's was up.
MJ : Luci you're okay! .... should you should really be up?"
Lucifer : no"
MJ then got up and let him sit down on the chair after this she said.
MJ : he's gonna wake up soon.... he has to right?"
Lucifer : he better....I didn't just almost die to try and save him....."
MJ : what do you mean?"
Lucifer :'s nothing..... how are you feeling?"
MJ : I feel bad....I get it.... and I want to tell him I'm sorry.....I want to be able to get to know him and have a dad...."
Lucifer : you will. And you have nothing to be sorry for"
MJ : ......"
MJ then hugged him and said.
MJ : I'm really happy you are okay."
Lucifer : thank you......"
MJ : I'm going to check on Satan he's been in his room for the past two weeks"
Lucifer : it's been two weeks?"
MJ : yeah. Everyone was worried you guys wouldn't wake up"
After this MJ left and Lucifer looked at Solomon.
He couldn't understand why he was so worried about him and why his first thought waking up was to see if Solomon was there.
Lucifer : as much as I wished for you to just die so you would leave me alone.
I didn't expect to actually regret saying those words.....but here we are.....
You need to wake up not just for yourself but for your daughter for everyone...."
It was silent for a few minutes until Solomon then turned his towards him and smiled and said opening his eyes.
Solomon : heh.... and you?...."
Lucifer was taken back that Solomon suddenly woke up
And also annoyed at his comment.
Lucifer : I dragged you out of hell I could put you right back....."
Solomon: .....but my hell is with you?....."
Lucifer : .....fuck you"
Solomon :.....why is it.... that you are always saving me?...."
Lucifer : .....I just happen to be around at really bad timing"
Solomon: .....guess I'll save you next ....."
Lucifer : I doubt you can"
Few minutes later as they were talking MJ arrived back with Satan and quickly ran over to Solomon and hugged him seeing him awake and sitting up.
Solomon : ......ow....."
MJ : sorry....."
Solomon : I didn't think you would be happy to seem-
MJ : it's okay. I promise"
Solomon : I really just wanted to protect you..... that's all I wanted to do....."
MJ : I know. Anyway we have plenty of time to talk about it"
Satan : I see your alive....."
Lucifer : is that a bad thing?"
Satan : for now no"
MJ : you were so w-
Satan : shut up"
MJ : no you?"
Satan : anyway Lucifer if you and do that again I'm spitting on your grave"
Lucifer : don't worry next time if there is I'll take you with me"
Satan : you wish....also see your dog they been crying non stop and not eating"
After this Satan walked away and MJ said.
MJ : that was cute"
Solomon : yes it was"
MJ : anyway both of you rest getting stabbed hurts"
Solomon : how would you know?"
MJ : 6th grade glass welding glass. Accidentally made something exploded and got metal stab in me.
Fun fact some are still in me and I make metal detectors go off and have a greater chance of getting struck by lightning"
Lucifer : ..... How are you not dead!?"
Solomon : you should make a book?"
MJ : yes! Simeon knows a lot about writing"
Solomon : on another note you think I can dye this out?"
MJ : I don't know? looks like it was burned in. You look like Lucifer a little bit"
Solomon then started to look sad and said.
Solomon : why insult me?"
MJ : I know it was uncalled for I'm sorry"
Lucifer : we all almost died and you can't be serious for a minute?"
Solomon : it runs in the family I think....probably?"
MJ : definitely"
Lucifer : ......I hate you both"
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