chapter 23
A few hours later Luci had tried to talk with MJ about what happened but she didn't want to listen. But now he tried again and just sat down in front of the bedroom door and said.
Lucifer : if you listen okay if you don't fine....
Demons wanted to kill him and they were not going to stop unless he died.
Solomon knew that and tried to protect him as long as he could from everything. Tried to protect both of you.
But it was inevitable and Mammon knew it once Solomon told him the truth and he remembered who he was.
He asked Solomon to kill him knowing it was the only way to protect everyone and you. And he did it"
MJ : ......why did he leave then?"
Lucifer : he thought he couldn't protect you and that you were better off without him.
A lot of what he did was reckless but he never wanted to hurt you"
MJ : ......It's just a lot to hear......all of this is....."
Lucifer : I understand that...."
MJ : I guess if he was lying you would of killed him...."
Lucifer : I still would kill him but for different reasons"
MJ : .....I kinda understand.....but as a kid all I saw......he didn't have to leave......and then to not even tell me now?"
Lucifer : he was worried more danger would come to you."
MJ : I thought all of it already was?"
Lucifer : ......right....."
MJ : ......can I ask a question?"
Lucifer : sure"
MJ : how were like before everything?"
Lucifer : oh they hated each other and tried killing each other on multiple occasions"
MJ : really?"
Lucifer : yes how they even ended up together in surprising "
MJ : ......I feel like this is why we always had so many vacations and were always doing something....."
Lucifer : he probably knew he wouldn't be able to keep him alive forever....."
MJ : I wish I could of gotten to know him better...."
Lucifer: .....even so. you have that chance with Solomon.
I know It's confusing now but you really do mean the world to him."
MJ : did you find"
Lucifer: I can see through his lies. And I hated you both so something was off"
MJ : heh......where did he go?"
Lucifer : I don't know?....but I'm sure he's fine"
MJ : ...... he's coming back right?"
Lucifer : even if you hated him he wouldn't leave you. Not again at least"
MJ : .....I hope he's okay....."
Lucifer :..... I'll go check in the morning"
MJ : can I go to?"
Lucifer: if you want "
The next day in the morning Lucifer and MJ
Went to Solomon's room at Rad and saw his bedroom door wide open. They then walked in and saw he was nowhere to be seen and that it was a mess.
MJ : what happened here?"
Lucifer : ....I don't know but I don't have a good feeling. Follow me"
Lucifer then left to go look around more for Solomon and tried calling him.
Later still nothing and Lucifer decided to go to the castle to see if they saw him or knew anything. By this time MJ was getting worried.
Anyway as they got there Diavolo asked.
Diavolo: what is this about? You seemed concerned on the phone?"
Lucifer : I think something happened to Solomon."
Barbatos: what happened?"
Lucifer : something happened yesterday and since then we haven't been able to find him"
MJ : he tried calling him and everything but nothing...."
Barbatos: what happened yesterday? It could help us figure out what could have happened."
Diavolo: I've never seen you so concerned about Solomon?"
Lucifer : ......."
Lucifer didn't want to tell them but figured he had to at this point.
So he told them everything.
Lucifer : he couldn't handle what he had done and tried giving up his soul to the demons he made pacts with.
But I found him before they could get to him and got them to stay away.
But it's an inreversable spell and I knew they would eventually come back when his soul was at a weak state again."
Barbatos : I you think they finally got to him?"
MJ : is he dead?....."
Barbatos : I wouldn't worry now. There's a chance he could still be alive.
If this is the case I believe he still has to be in devildom it's best we start looking now.
You should alert your brothers"
Lucifer : you have to have been altered to when he did the spell"
Barbatos : let's focus on finding him"
Later Lucifer was out looking for Solomon when suddenly he stopped and said.
Lucifer: you can come out now "
MJ then walked over and Lucifer said.
Lucifer: you were supposed to stay at the castle!"
MJ : did you really think I was going to listen?"
Lucifer: how did you get pass Barbatos?"
MJ : I found a rat"
Lucifer : ......this is dangerous you could get hurt!"
MJ : yes but I just found out he's my dad?.... and that it's probably my fault h-
Lucifer : it's not your fault. His soul was going to weaken sooner or later. And he wouldn't want you to blame yourself."
MJ : guess he saw a lot being alive so long...."
Lucifer : yes he despise it for a long time because anyone he knew died eventually.
But you and Mammon made him happy to be alive.
MJ : am I going to die eventually?"
Lucifer : unless you inherited his immortality. Then sadly I'll have to deal with you forever"
MJ : you'll never get rid of me"
Lucifer :....i-!?"
Suddenly they heard something and MJ got close to Lucifer as someone walked out of the shadows.
And we're surprised to see who it was.
Solomon walked out but didn't look like himself anymore.
His eyes were pitch black and so was his hair and he had no shirt revealing all his pact marks creating a different demonic symbol and leaking black liquid.
He looked almost lifeless like it wasn't really himn anymore.
Lucifer : they possessed
MJ : what like all of them!?"
Possessed Solomon : oh just the one's he killed. You really thought just because you killed us we would stay away?.
No not until we got what was rightfully ours. And take what you took from us!"
Lucifer : won't get away with this!"
Possessed Solomon : but we did? Solomon is dead? Now kid both of your parents are dead"
They then started laughing and MJ seemed really upset but Lucifer said.
Lucifer : he's still Alive at least for now....."
Possessed Solomon : yes that is right unless"
Suddenly they held a knife against their neck and said
Possessed Solomon : we could easily kill him before you get a chance to save him"
MJ : leave him alone!"
Possessed Solomon : why care about him now? And it's a little late for that"
They then stabbed themselves in shoulder which horrified MJ and Lucifer.
And in that split second as they looked away suddenly
Solomon appeared close behind them and grabbed MJ's arm and threw her against against a tree and before Lucifer could help her. Him and Solomon started fighting each other.
And during this MJ then got up and saw them fighting and didn't know what to do but decided to go get help knowing everyone else was close by and decided on the way to go summon Satan to help.
After she left Solomon tried going after her but Lucifer stopped him and tried holding him back.
Lucifer was aware of what she was doing and was trying to by her time.
And as he was holding him back Lucifer was thinking about how there really wasn't any way to save Solomon.
What was done was done but he didn't want to believe that. He didn't want it to be true. He didn't understand why he cared so much but he did.
He didn't want things to end the same way again in death. He wanted to at least be able to save him.
And in that split second he suddenly was stabbed through the heart with the knife.
And as he was stabbed he saw Solomon's eyes return to normal and saw a look of horror on his face.
Solomon then left go of the knife as Lucifer drop to the ground dying and splitting up blood.
He then fell to his knees and started panicking and looking horrified at what he did.
Solomon. : I.... I'm sorry...I didn't.....I..."
He then felt dread as Lucifer finally did die.
Solomon : no.... please not again!"
The demons possessing him were then trying to take back control and he didn't know what to do.
He knew that there was no saving himself and knew they would hurt everyone and MJ.
So he had to do it before he hurt anyone else.
He grabbed the knife from Lucifer's chest and immediately stabbed himself fatality and as he collapsed to the ground dead.
The last thing he saw was MJ running over and then it went dark.
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