Chapter 5- Gabe Ugliano
TW: abuse, blood, claustrophobia etc.
If any affect you please skip this and the next chapter.
Percy POV
I had fianally gotten to sleep! And then, I was woken up by JARVIS. Great.
"Wassup guys?" I asked warily. The entire downstairs was pitch black.
"SURPRISE!!!" They all screamed. Then I screamed.
"WHAT'S GOING ON?" I yelled.
"Happy birthday!!" Bucky said nervously.
"Bucky...." I said warningly.
"Oh come on! You never get a real birthday!" He said.
I think back. The best birthday I've ever had was with Paul, Mom, Wise Girl, and Grover when I was 15. That was awesome, and my dad even stopped by. But Gabe always said no birthday because "Why celebrate the day that brat was born." And the other ones were taken over by quests.
"Okay fine." I agreed.
"COME ON!!" Tony yelled.
All of us sat in a circle (Natasha, Tony, Bucky, Loki, Stevieboi, Tree, Will, Nico, Clint, Robot dude, Magic Girl, Speedy, Thorrrrrr, War Machine, Spooderman, and others.)
"What game?" I asked.
"TRUTH OR DARE!!" Spider Dude yelled.
"Okay. Bucky, truth or dare?" I smirked.
"Dare." He said nervously, making my smirk larger.
"Confess to your true love that you love him." I said.
Tony sputtered. "You're gay?" Tony asked Bucky.
He chuckled awkwardly. "Yeah."
"If your going to judge him, judge me too. I'm gay as well." I said.
"Must run in the family." Natasha snorted.
"Hey! Don't judge them." Steve argued.
"We're not. It just is so obvious that we're surprised that it took this long for Tony to figure it out." Clint responded.
"Okay, now BUCKY! CONFESS." I screamed the last bit.
"Fine," he mumbled, "Steve, I love you. So much. I have since I was 15, and even when I was the Winter Soldier I missed you and loved you." He ranted.
"I love you." Steve said, before kissing him. Yawn. My confession was waaaay better than that.
"NEXT!" I yelled, startling the love birds.
"Fine. Peter, truth or dare."
Bucky pursed his lips. "What's your biggest fear." He said after a moment.
Peter laughed nervously, "I'm extremely claustrophobic." He finally responded.
"Bro, me too. Ugh, if I was ever locked in a closet again I would die." I responded.
"Again?" Natasha questioned.
I almost cursed out loud when she caught my slip up, but I regained my posture. "Yeah, game of hide and seek got really intense. Guess that's where the fear comes from." I said.
"Huh." Bucky said suspiciously.
"Well who's next?" I said to ease the tension.
-Bob says hello-
Bucky and the others yawned.
"Tired?" I asked.
"Yeah. I'm gonna hit the hay." Steve said.
The rest agreed, and Tony yelled, "SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK!" With his hand curled around a coffee mug and his Stark Glasses™ askew, as he rocked back and forth. I shrugged and started to walk upstairs. Now, of course I sat in my room for 3 hours. Then got up, and decided to go do something like watch a movie. Maybe watch Sister Ariel, or Finding Nemo, but I wasn't sure.
As I walked down the stairs I noticed some lights were on. Weird, I thought I would be the only one up. I shrugged, and continued my creep towards the theater.
As I passed the kitchen, I saw someone on the floor, deflated balloons and wrapping paper around them. Normally, if Annabeth were alive, she would tell me not to walk towards a mysterious figure, ya know, " Curiosity killed the cat" but guess what? I'm not a cat (I was so tempted to write, "but guess what? She's dead!" But I felt like that might be mean.) so I walked towards the living room, wanting to see who it was.
"Tony?" I asked. He turned towards me, and I saw the bottle in his hand. I backed up slightly, and my foot landed in a broken bottle.
He was clearly very drunk, take it from someone who had lived with an alcoholic for quite a while.
"Youuu." He slurred.
All of a sudden, all I could see was Gabe.
"Whhhyyyy errree youuuu in my house." He yelled at me.
I couldn't say anything. I was frozen and helpless as the man who haunted my nightmares came up to me.
"Youuuuu killled myyyyy paaarrereennts." He half screamed, half sobbed.
Wait. I didn't kill his parents. I still was frozen, and couldn't speak, as he threw the bottle. It shattered on the wall behind me, just missing me. He got up and stumbled towards me, and tried to punch me, but just pushed me.
I fell backwards, my head hitting a table, and immeasurable pain ran through my skull. I crawled backwards, landing on many broken shards, and hit the wall.
Once again my vision wavered and I saw Gabe. I felt like I was a helpless kid again. Just get through it. I thought. Get through it and he won't hurt mom. It won't be as bad if I don't complain.
Third Person POV
Percy cowered on the ground as Tony loomed over her. She was sobbing as she crawled to the corner. "PLEASE HELP!!" She screamed. She knew she would be punished, but fear was running through her veins and she couldn't think. The elevator door opened and Steeb, Metal and Brucie walked out. What they were doing together, we may never know. They may have heard her distress call, or JARVIS could have told them to come down, but whatever it was, it didn't matter in the moment because they might as well as have been angels sent to earth to help the great heroine in her moment of weakness.
Anyway, when they saw the scene in front of them they were very confused. So the first thing they did was knock out Tony. Well, Steeb did. Brucie and the Dude With The Cool Metal Arm ran over to a distressed Percy. "Percy? What happened?" Bucky asked gently.
At that moment, everyone looked like Gabe, and no matter what words came out of their mouths, it sounded different to her ears. She couldn't do anything and she felt helpless. She just wanted to escape and leave whatever horrid fantasy she had entered. And I'm that moment, any and all resolve left her. She surrendered herself to whatever torture she was about to undergo. It was all for something, right? She needed to protect her mom from this.
Her beautiful mom. Her mom was the most pure human on the earth, and she could not let her be hurt like she had been. Unlike her mom, Percy thought she was expendable. To Percy, her own life was just another piece of dust in the wind. Why would she, of all people, Be worth something? She was just normal. So that's why she said to the person above her, "Do what you want. Just please, don't lay a hand on my mom. You can put me in the closet for as long as you want, beat me as much as you want, but don't lay a hand on my mom, okay?"
That's it! Hope you liked it! Also a hundred votes? Thank you guys so much! Along with 4K views? Thank you guys so so so much! I'm trying to update more, summer just started so hopefully I'll update more! Thank you for reading and I hope you liked it.
Bye Wattapadians!
Word count: 1200
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