Chapter One
The sun rose over the horizon giving the world a soft orange glow, I sat up with a stretch before jumping out of bed. Life on the run was lovely, but after certain events we have to be more careful.
"Alrighty everyone gather around!" Dutch called, leaving my room I headed down the stairs.
"Micah has so kindly informed me of a ferry that holds a large stash of money, I want all you girls to stay here and prepare emergency supplies should something go wrong," Dutch explained, I growled grabbing my sniper rifle.
"I ain't no little girl no more Dutch, I won't sit here and do nothin while you boys get your heads shot off," I grumbled walking past him and outside towards where we had hidden the horses, I heard Dutch chuckle as the rest of the boys aside from that fat cook Pearson and that German whatever his name was. I mounted up onto the back of QuickSilver my coal black stallion, after the death of Ravage my iron grey stallion from when I was little QuickSilver had been the only horse to stand out to me.
"Alrighty gang, the plan is simple, Arthur, I want you to stand guard outside the ferry with Grace, Charles and John while the rest of us go in, should anything go wrong we will require your expert shooting to get us out alive," Dutch explained mounting up onto the back of his beautiful albino stallion, we all nodded before following him with a brisk pace. We had to get a few things than wait for dark before we moved otherwise our chances of being caught would rise dramatically, with a sigh I mumbled a few things to myself. Ever since my one slip up during a robbery when I got myself shot Dutch has refused to put me in the main action, not exactly sure why but after his beloved Annabelle had been killed by Colm O'Driscol he had changed to be like an over possessive father figure. Dutch and Hosea were both getting into their prime old age but Hosea was further down the track than Dutch himself, it didn't take long before we made our way through Blackwater and to the stores where we would be getting our supplies. Hopping down I tied QuickSilver to a hitching post before entering the building, I grabbed a few things from the shelves before tossing the money onto the counter and heading for the gun store. Because the boys had so carelessly angered the man one time I was the main source of buying ammunition, the store clerk waved to me and I waved back with that lovely false smile I liked to use.
"Good morning Abby, nice to see you again, oh and I have your usual order sitting right here," Harry chuckled and he leaned down to grab a bag of ammunition, I took it and paid him before leaving after a few words to keep him happy. Heading back to the horses I divided the ammo between the lot of us and placed it in everyone's saddle bags, it didn't take long for the boys to arrive which calmed my anxious nerves.
"Got everything you need Grace?" Dutch questioned as he mounted up, I nodded before making sure my hat was firmly on my head as I mounted QuickSilver and we took off towards the docks. The ferry looked large which would pose a problem should the boys split up, Mac had come up beside me now with his ever smart assed grin.
"What do you want Mac?" I grumbled not looking at him, ever since this boy arrived he would flirt whenever Dutch wasn't looking.
"Oh nothin, just checkin on my girl," he chuckled, I rolled my eyes and urged QuickSilver to go faster. I came up beside Dutch who glanced my way before looking forwards, I could tell Micah had filled his head with lies and dreams.
"Dutch are you sure about this? You know we don't have the firepower to take down a ferry that size," I growled which earned a sharp look from Dutch, here came the lecture I had been trying to avoid.
"Are you doubting me Grace?" Dutch snarled back making sure to keep his tone quiet to avoid strange looks, I sighed and shook my head.
"No Dutch I'm just thinking on the facts, you know Arthur and Hosea were onto a big lead!" I sighed, Dutch shook his head and all went silent between us. We dismounted and tethered the horses to a hitching post before looking towards the ferry, I knew something was bound to go wrong with Micah's ideas.
"Alright you four, get into position and try not to look suspicious, the rest of you come with me," Dutch called, I took up position by a building. The boys wouldn't get out until super dark which meant I had some chance of talking to the others, Charles was muttering things to Arthur which left me to talk to John.
"I got a bad feelin 'bout this John," I mumbled, the tall dark haired man turned to look at me.
"Yeah I do too, I just hope this doesn't backfire because we are already pushing our luck here," John agreed, the following few hours were silent which only made my skin prickle. I shuddered and stood up straight, John was half asleep where he stood against the wall and I chuckled. He might be thick brained and an idiot for disappearing on us for a year but his young boy Jack was pleasant company, before I could wake John gunfire sounded from the ferry which made my gut drop.
"BOYS WE GOT COMPANY!" I roared above the noise as I dived behind cover just in time to avoid a bullet to the head, grabbing my pistols I blind fired from behind my cover. I jumped slightly when a tall fellow collapsed covered in blood beside my hiding place, looking closer I realised it was none other than the asshole Mac. Something began clicking in my mind, my eyes went wide as I rushed to where QuickSilver stood unfazed by all the noise and took off. I needed to get the girls out of there, even if it costed me my own life.
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