Chapter 4°°°Eclipse
Anyways, we packed all our things and headed on, we got rid of the storage thing and just carried our own stuff, I carried Poppy's.
P-Do you remember what the town looked like?
B-Creek probably does, I just know it's called Eclipse
P-How do you-
C-We grew up here for a while
B-Soon after our grandma died, we left
C-We came up with our own stories and forgot each other as best as we could
B-We'll be there about... Now
We stopped to look around
C-We knew a lot of people here
B-We were the town trouble makers
C-Lets go
We walked not even 5 feet when we started hearing trolls talking about the new people in town, saying how Creek and I looked familiar and Poppy was queen of another place
They were close, but Poppy is actual princess. After 5 minutes of looking around someone came, I'm guessing she's royalty.
???-Hi! I'm Midnight, I'm guessing your new here?
B-No, he, his name is Creek, and I, I'm Branch, grew up here for a few years, and this is princess Poppy
C-Nice to meet ya
M-I don't remember you...
C-We lived in a certain house
B-Can't tell many people about it
M-Well come, I want you all to meet my father, maybe you'll talk to him
As we walked behind Midnight I saw a woman in yellow who looked familiar, Creek must've thought so to
C-Isn't that the woman who's bananas we took, ate, then left the peels everywhere?
P-Trouble makers
I guess she is royalty, she led us into a place and told us to stay put when we were quite a few feet from the throne, a few moments later the king came out, King Nightly, that's his name
KN-You two look familiar, and I know you, princess Poppy
He did a quick bow and Poppy did a small curtesy
C-Probably, we grew up here for a few years, we were town trouble makers
Midnight scrunched up her eyebrows in confusion
M-Your lying, I remember no trouble makers growing up
B-That's because when we left, the queen just announced she was expecting a child in 9 months
KN-Aha! I remember you two....
KN-Ah, yes... That was troubled times for our village... What are you doing back here?
P-Mostly a long story, long story short, Branch was about to get the point where he didn't care who or what was in his way, he would destroy it, so I said why not take him on Vacation? We brought Creek along because Branch hated-
I corrected
P-Hates Creek, I found out recently that they were brothers so now their going to try to be friendly-ish, and we just decided to go this way first
KN-Well then, why don't you stay for dinner? We kept your house in tact if you want to stay there tonight, or if you want to stay here you can.
C-We'll stay here
KN-Okay then, Magenta, please give out guests a room
Magenta-Yes sirè, please, follow me
Magenta took us up 3 flights of stairs, we went down the hall first door to the left was Creeks room, next door down was Poppy's next door down was mine. The door after that was Midnight's brother's room. The door straight down the hall was Midnights, we all had our own bathrooms, T.V.s, living rooms, a mini fridge and freezer.
I layed in my bed and sighed, the only time I came in here, was when Creek and I pranked the royal family. Good times.
Suddenly there was a knock on my door
B-Come in
After a while Creek entered my room
C-To many rooms
I chuckled
B-What do you want?
C-Poppy told me to meet her in here
He sat on the edge the bed
B-Of course
The Poppy came in looking a bit sad and scared she sat down next to me
P-I don't think Midnight likes me
P-I don't know
C-I don't think she doesn't like you, although I do get a mysterious sensation from her aura
I rolled my eyes
B-You just met her
C-Doesn't mean I can't read her aura
P-What will we do tommorow?
C-Visit our old home?
Creek asked that in more of a question form while looking at me
P-Yay! You guys have to tell me something else from your childhood!
B-Later princess
C-Im still here
We turned to look at Creek then back at each other
B-Fine, I'll do for the princess because well, she's the princess
P-Yaay!!! She layed on my bed waiting for us to start
C-He was being sarcastic
P-Aww, Creek, can you be sarcastic?
C-No, it's not like sarcasm is an easy thing to do
P-Oh, well you at least could've said that nicer
C&B-I/He was being sarcastic
B-*face palms*
C-*chuckles at his brothers frustration*
P-Well how am I supposed to know? It's not anyone used sarcasm frequently!
Creek and I didn't even smile, was she serious? What about me? Come on you have to realise it soon... Right?
C-I'll give you a hint, someone in this room has used sarcasm frequently
B-I'll be back
P-Where are you going?
B-It's a surprise
P-Good bye!
I left to go look for some sights to draw, I used to do this all time when I was little, but I gave it to my mom and grandma
(I know I said I would do this all in Branches POV but I'm a terrible liar)
It's been 5 hours since Branch left, and apparently Midnight wasn't here either. I was really getting worried and these were the questions forming in my mind:
Where is he?
Where is she?
Maybe then went out together?
But if they did that then will Branch forget about me?
He'll always be there for me right?
Maybe this was bad idea
What if they ran away and will never come back?
Then what?
He said it was a surprise...
Do they secretly know each other?
Why am I stressing over this?
Do I like him?
No, he's just my best friend... Right?
I was pacing around the room mumbling things and Creek just stared at me
C-We could go look for him
P-No! I mean, no, we have to respect his decision, but why has he been gone for 5 hours? Am I too irritating? Maybe I should've just left him alone like he asked.
I looked at Creek
P-He could've ran away because of me!
I started shaking Creek
P-What did I do wrong?!?
C-We for one, worry to much, you need to trust Branch is doing something good and not bad, but try to realistic because if he comes back with something, and your expecting something better, things won't end well
P-Okay, thanks Creek
Then there was a knock
P-Its probably Branch!
But then I calmed down and opened the door
P-Oh! Hi Magenta!
M-Hello, dinner is ready
P-Thank you!
She nodded and walked off
P-Okay! It's dinner, and Branch still isn't here!
C-Poppy, it's fine. Now lets go so everyone isn't waiting on us
I nodded and we walked down the stairs the dining room
The table could fit 2 people on each of the short sides (even though there was on 1 chair on each side) and 5 people on each long side.
These were the seating arrangements:
??? ???
P. ???
B. ???
C. ???
Mid ???
KN-Im sorry for the absences, Midnight always comes late and she sits next to you, Creek, next to you, Poppy, my son Sky sits, and my wife, Sunshine, sits across from me. They'll also be arriving bit late. The left side of the table is also where some guests sit.
P-Okay, thank you
NP-Your welcome
???-Dad! Mom and I are back... Who are they?
KN-I'll explain when everyone is seated.
He sat next to me and smiled I smiled back then turned when I heard someone talking
???-Hello, I'm back, Midnight will come soon, guests?
KN-I'll soon explain
After he said that, Midnight quietly walked in and sat next to Creek
KN-We're waiting for one more
And a few seconds after that, Branch walked in and sat inbetween Creek and I.
KN-Now, Midnight, Sky, meet Princess Poppy, Branch, and Creek
QS-Wait, Branch and Creek? The trouble makers if the village
QS-What brings you here?
P-We decided to travel
B-Well Poppy decided, she just dragged me along
C-And I tagged along
KN-I have a question, if don't mind me asking, why did you leave?
Creek and Branch froze
KN-A villager went over to your house to scold you, but there was no one, nothing there, we looked for clues, thinking maybe this was a prank, but never did find anything
C-W-we'd rather not talk about it
QS-What about why Branch is gray?
Well, that caught everyone's attention
Really this?
B-It kinda goes with the last question
We finished the dinner in peace, and once it was over we all went to our rooms
I asked Poppy to wait outside her room while everyone went inside theirs, once everyone went into their rooms, I spoke
B-This is why I left
I said and showed her the pictures
P-You drew these?!?
P-They're beautiful! And the last one...
B-I saw some pink Poppies and drew them
P-Thank you!
She hugged me and this time I hugged back when she let go, I was met with a huge smile
P-Thanks Branch!
And she went into her room
A|N Aloha! So yeah... That was an interesting chapter! Wonder what they'll do tommorow... Well,
I'm out
✌ Peace✌
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