Chapter 3°°°Brothers
A|N Can't wait to find out who their brothers are huh? No, not really? And to think I cancelled all of my plans just to write this chapter for you! I'll write my loooong list of things at the end of this chapter.
P-Oh! And the final memory is when I tell you guys you have absolutely no choice but to answer my questions!
Creek and I sighed...
P-Great! Glad your so excited!
...In frustration
P-Question 1 goes to... Creek! What happened to your parents?
C-They died
P-We're going to keep playing like that, I ask Creek a question, he answers, then Branch, and you guys already know about me
P-Favorite color?
Oh great, Poppy was writing this down
C-July 4th, 1998
B-Exactly one year before his
P-Interesting... I always thought Creek was younger... And I already knew Branches age...
B-How? I never told you
P-I might've asked my dad
I sighed
P-Fondest memory?
C-A day with my brother
B-Also, a day with my brother
P-Hmm, I never knew you two had siblings, what we're their names?
Creek and I looked at each other
C-My... Brother?
P-That's what I asked
Then he whispered
I bet he was hoping Poppy wouldn't hear, that's what I was hoping to, but she did
P-Branch? Is Creek your brother?
B-*sighs* yes
P-Why wouldn't you guys tell me
C-We didn't want anyone to know
P-Not even me?
B-No, if anyone knew they'd have more questions
C-And look at us differently
P-How come one has an accent but the other doesn't?
C-I don't have an accent
Creek said, for the first time in years getting rid of the accent
P-You sound like Branch
C-If I pretended to have an accent, no one would question why my voice sounds like his
P-This was a very, surprising day so far... Wait! Branch told me that his true colors were blue, yours is purple! Branch said his favorite color is purple, you said yours was blue, you guys do like each other!
P-So you don't fully hate each other!
P-Hmm, that fondest moment, did you guys have the same one?
P-Tell it to me
B-I came back from helping grandma collect more firewood, when we entered the house to see mom and Creek mediating. If course, grandma told me to leave them be and she went to take a nap
C-But he couldn't resist
B-I couldn't resist, I sat in a mediating position and said 'I don't see the point in Creek doing this, he can never relaxe' I opened an eye to see our mom smiling and Creek trying so hard not to be bothered
C-It was too difficult though
B-Then I said 'I'll give Creek a 5 second head start, if he isn't outside by then, I will drag him into the forest'
C-I was so scared, I've never been in the forest and Branch always told me scary stories about it
B-Even though they weren't true and everyone told me not to
C-Yeah- wait! They weren't true?!?
B-Anyways, Creek ran, but I didn't give a head start
C-He tackled me to the ground and dragged me outside where a bunch of tree's and bushes were
B-What he didn't know is that it wasn't the forest, it was our oversized garden
C-He told me we were lost and would have to camp out there
B-He wouldn't stop crying
C-So being the awesome brother he was
*note the sarcasm
C-He told me a scary story
B-It wasn't scary
C-To a 1 year old it was
B-*rolls eyes* I told him about big foot
C-You told a scary version! It had big feet and would eat 1 year old boys!
B-Oh yeah, that was hilarious
C-*shakes head* I was crying
B-Anyways, knowing I scared him bad, I set up a tent and hugged him close
C-Then he told me,'It was joke and we're in the garden, I won't let anything bad happen to you'
B-He then asked if I promised
C-And of course he said yes, then we both fell asleep like that
B-Only to find in the morning that our parents and grandma recorded the whole thing
C-And lots and lots of pictures
Flashback over
P-Aww! That's so cute!
B-What ever
P-Show me the picture
Creek and I looked at each other then said
C&B-Only if you show us what's in the box
C&B-You were supposed to deny!
She just shrugged
We showed her the picture
P-Oh my gosh! So cute! Now...
She took the box out of her hair and took it out the picture
B-Where did you get that? The only person who had was-
I looked at Creek
C-I didn't give it to her
P-I might've saw it in his things... And couldn't resist but to take it
B-You know who that is right?
She looked at me, then the picture then me again, then the picture again, then said
She smiled
P-You should be blue more often, not like blue sad, but blue your true colors!
I chuckled
B-Well, it doesn't just work like that, let's pack this stuff up
P-Wait, you wanted to send your brother into a place where you though could be dangerous?!?
C-That's Branch
P-Wow, well...
A|N Yallow Amigos and Amigas! How ya doin? Great? Great! So Here's a short chapter because the next chapter is going to be super long joking, this chapter is short because its short, you have a problem with it, not my problem! *clears throat* Anyhoo, now that my silliness is over *coughs*not*coughs* Imma say...
✌ Peace out!✌
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